Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eruraina


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Interesting, well, then maybe once this is all over, you'll just have to sit me down with all the good movies to watch. Cuddle up with some popcorn for you, and a bag of donated blood for me," Ambrose replied sarcastically. "But no, didn't do much movie watching. Though we did keep up with the Hollywood vampires, and what became the lore on us. That was about it. Though you must understand, I grew up in an era where movies were strictly in theaters. I had never seen a movie until some time after I became a vampire. Even then, I much preferred books. I'm not saying I was into reading a whole lot. There were more... active ways to spend the time."

When he said how he wasn't the type to sit quietly, she shook her head with an exasperated sigh.
"Well, maybe some time you should try it. Just sit and listen. Close your eyes and let your mind wander with whats going on around you. Hear the heart beating in your chest, take in the moment. Sometimes silence can calm the mind and body. A moment of silence can do wonders sometimes. Especially when there are no words to be said... or when words don't need to be said."

"And sex is the best time to let actions take over instead of words. Though it depends on what you say, if you think about it," Ambrose replied, noticing how his cheeks turned a bit more red at the mention of it. But she made no reaction to it. If she weren't a vampire, she might've been blushing too. Though she partly wondered why as a vampire, she couldn't blush.

Then Troy started talking about Brutus and formulating what might happen if he escaped and brought the enemy back. Why she hadn't killed him. What if that Beta woman came back? And then he spoke about talking like they were a team. Ambrose raised an eyebrow, giving a light chuckle. "Dawn is not too far away, so we're safe from vampires for at least a day. If anything, traps can be made against them. Though with what we have, they wouldn't be too effective, especially with only one of us in the physical condition to set them up. As for Beta? I think I would honestly be no match against her. Even if I were my best, and she tired out. All we can do is hope that luck is on our side and we can be given enough time to flee this place. Perhaps tomorrow night I'll find a way to get a vehicle to get us out of here. Maybe a truck with a covered bed. Cover the windows to the bed. You can sleep while I drive at night, and I can hide from the sun while you drive during the day. But, Troy, we are a team now. We have been for quite some time. I don't think you would have rescued me from the company if we weren't."

"For all you know that simple man wasn't the one who caught the beast. It could have been an ancestor who used magic, and the seal passed down in the bloodline. I don't know, I didn't exactly think it was important to look into the weaknesses of one of the strongest beings on earth. He's not going to die easily, and you very well may need the proper tools. He won't be something you can take down with your bare hands. An army of jugernaughts would be a walk in the park for him," Ambrose told him, but shook her head. "But enough of talking about that. We'll come to that milestone when it comes to us. We have hell to reign down on more practical enemies. We'll work our way up to him. He can be the final boss, if you want to relate it to something. Just as long as he doesn't show up for a death match before we finish the rest of our plans."

She was silent as he held her close, closing her eyes tight when he spoke. About if she didn't have a heart, then why was she here.
"Brutus did give me a way out, an easier path to walk. But I'm done with him. I'm not going back to that coven unless it's to kill my sire..." she trailed off as he continued speaking. Ambrose ran her tongue over her teeth, and lifted herself up. She looked down into his eyes, her hair draping around her face, as if making a tunnel between their heads. With one hand holding her up, she lifted her other and clutched her shirt. Her chest, to the left side, just above her breast. "I do have a heart. It's right in here. But it doesn't beat. He hasn't beat for a long time. Out of commission. When it stopped beating, so too did the guilt stop coming. But... if someone were to fall in love. A live human, mind you, and had to have a heart transplant... would they loose that love with their original heart? Wouldn't love be more precisely in the mind? My heart, my physical heart is dead. It beats for no one, not even myself."

As they kissed, being so close, his heart beat became so loud to her ears. It was like she could feel his blood pulsing through him. How it seemed to be faster as they touched, kissing. Then she felt his tongue, and tasted his blood. Her eyes snapped open to look at his closed eyes. Tasting the delicious life giving fluid, she deepened the kiss, closing her eyes again. She would have lost herself if the kiss hadn't ended, pulling away. Suddenly she realized how hungry she really was. She kept her eyes closed, sitting up completely to pull away. She gave a half-smile at his comment of making her drink and smacking her butt. Then she looked back down at him.
"No... don't do that," she told him. "I would prefer you didn't. I may be hungry, but that's not the way to do it. Not since you need every drop of your blood to heal. I will survive for a bit longer. I'll feed when I need to. So do not worry about me, at least for right now. It's time to worry about yourself and get yourself healed up, alright?"

"What do you think? Do you think this heart... this mind, has the ability to love? Though so far it might very well be true, right? Aside from the couple of times when I've almost ran away, strayed away," Ambrose told him. "Or maybe instead of bribing me with rewards, you could make me say it by other means."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

As Amber went on with her initial thought of movies, The Super Human couldn't help but smile at how things had changed in one night. Despite how long it had been since they met, she seemed to generally care about what he thought. How she ran out when he refused to be turned, or how she stayed by his side since his body was broken. The look in her eyes seemed to show something more as she talked and looked at him, making the 'Enhanced' human stare at her with a small smile.
"Hah..when this is..argh..this is all over..you aren't gonna leave eh?" Teased the man who could barely call himself human, leaning up in his make-shift bed to look at her more. Could Vampires actually try and live out a normal life? Despite the fun thought, he looked down at his hands, shaking his head.
"You know..that the chick wasn't lying right? I won't..I don't think I'm gonna be around much longer hah. Why do ya think I wanted to go get your sire first?" He expressed, keeping his gaze down so he didn't have to look at her. Truthfully? He may have been too scared to look into her eyes partially in fear of her actually being angry at him for bringing it up, or maybe because she may not care at all that his expiration date was already passed over.

With a quick shake of his head, Troy looked at her with a smile. He simply wanted to push that aside for the better and if he is going to die because of that, then he'd let it happen when the time came. Even if he wasn't going to make it to avenge his family.
"Hah, Well we'll just have to find a way to watch movies that we'll like then. What about Twilight? we can go and be pre-teen girls together!" Said Troy with an OBVIOUS tone that showed he was joking. After a second, he gagged and coughed, laughing. Not being able to keep a straight face during that little joke.

"A bit of quiet may be in order..but if you ask me doll, I got enough of that. I was out cold for too long and time aint something we got an abundance of..Besides, what if I like talking to ya 'bout things eh?" He asked, looking up at her with his teal eyes, winking at her. "Course..you may like listening to my heartbeat hah, I wonder..would ya miss it if I were a Vampire?" He asked, looking at her.
As the conversation jumped to sex, Troy just coughed and moved back to lay down. He didn't want to think about it at the moment considering his physical condition was poor at best. Being a Super Human had a downside of the feelings one would feel, lust being one of them. Thinking about it could hurt more than help.
"Hah, letting it go and just acting it out..I think we've done that part babe, haha bet the chick behind the counter was jealous as hell too..I wonder if she heard us...Ohh that'd be something." He stated, giving a wide-eyed expression to tease her on it. "You were so jealous of her, I gotta say, you acted as if I was yours..tell me, am I yours?" He asked, looking over at her with a defiant grin on his cut up face.

Looking at the window, he did notice that dawn was coming quicker than he realized. Apparently him being out cold really did a number on his timing. With a faint groan, he just rolled his eyes and stared for a moment, trying to think of a way that they could move without having too much trouble. He was barely running at half speed let alone on all cylinders. So with a defeated sigh, he nodded at her and rolled his eyes.
"You're right,.if it's going to be dawn we can't do much, an' traps aint gonna help..what we could do is try and mislead the leeches into thinking that I'm hurt more than I really am, then I can snap their tiny necks when they get too close. As for Beta? We'll just have to hope for bein' lucky huh." With a chuckle, he just smirked.
"It'll be fine, honestly I don't even remember why she left. Maybe she was jealous too eh?" He teased, not being serious at all with what he said.
Once Amber said that they were partners, he couldn't hide the smile he had. All along he had been saying they were partners and a team as well as friends, but now? She was the one telling him this. Did he rub off on her? The Super Human remembered everything she said and he couldn't help but lean his head back and just smile at her. She seemed to be the one comforting him now.
"I wouldn't have left you to be mutilated by those bastards..team or not, what they do to people is beyond humane. Not even Vampires deserve that kinda treatment..but yeah, we are a team and I don't mind watchin' that nice ass of yours..."
Taking a moment to gasp, he nodded and smiled. "Alright, but we listen to what I wanna listen to..long as you don't find a truck that plays those DAMN songs again..argh! Imagine driving to you while listening to THAT. We punched the hell out of the radio but on the way up? It was torture, chick! Ya got no idea what I go through for you haha."

Thinking about the dark being that practically walked over him made Troy growl slightly. He hated the fact that he lost, but he was certain of one thing. -He- would see that things downfall before his time ran out. Expiration date be damned! He wanted the ancient one to die more than anyone else. Only problem was how. Beating his face into a paste in the road did nothing to him, so finding a weakness would have to become his next priority.
"Hah, we had trouble with two juggernauts. What would an army do eh? Ya know I remember that night clearly. You looked at me like I was just gonna die once you left me with them..Did ya think I wouldn't come save you from the organization after that?" He asked, this time generally curious. He understood why she thought he would die against such a threat, hell he didn't even think he would have survived it but no matter.
"We'll beat him, and the 'nauts..and your sire before I'm not here anymore..I promised you freedom and I aint gonna drop off my mortal coil until I deliver. You will not have to worry about them or anything else before I go down for good. I'll stop them all, even if I gotta rip the very foundation of your sire's fortress apart.."

Keeping his arms around her, he held her close as he continued to talk, but when she lifted herself up to look down at him, he smiled at the fiery hair that surrounded his face and hers. His eyes locked with hers as one of his hands rested on her cheek.
"Ya know, I don't buy any of it. Your heart isn't dead, it may have stopped but I don't buy that what you feel has anything to do with it or your mind. I think it's more than that..I think love comes from you, ALL of you..If they got a transplant, it wouldn't change a thing. They would still be who they are. Just like I'm the crazy and reckless shadow of humanity, and you're the extremely sexy, not so heartless Vampire that still feels something." Taking a deep breath, he just shrugged at that, nodding.
"Damn right..but we still gotta deal with Brutus before dawn..I got a few questions for him and his story shouldn't end so quietly. I kinda wanna do a few fun things with him before he goes into that dark night." With a dark smile, Troy just shrugged. "We'll stop em babe..promise."

Feeling how the kiss deepened, Troy tried kissing her harder and to keep it going until he felt her pull away, making him chuckle at how scared she was of devouring him violently. He was weak and with her abilities, she could very well take what she needed, but..
"You know..I'm not a puppy right? I aint gonna let you kill me, besides..I don't think you would.." Holding her cheek, he pulled her into another kiss, letting his blood tipped tongue slowly trail over hers to give her another taste of it. With that done, he rested his head against hers, smiling.
"I worry about you because..well, ya know why. I just said it..besides, you are the one who is still strong. If they come for me..you need your strength. Drinking from me now won't kill me, only slow down the healing process. Don't you have a bit of confidence that you can do something more with my blood in your system?" He said, moving his hand over her back before showing her his red tongue.
"Yuu canf 'wv eh ast (You can have a taste)" He spoke with his tongue out, winking at her.

As she went on, he thought about it for a moment. With what he said earlier, he nodded.
"Damn right I do. Your mind and your heart can. You may not feel guilty, but you don't have to, to know that some things are wrong and be bothered with how they may make me feel. Cause I think ya do worry 'bout it. It's why you haven't fed off of any humans lately."
Little did he know, she had just before that -thing- almost killed him.
"I know you can love..if you didn't, you wouldn't have held onto me so damned tight. I felt it even when I was out cold. I could feel and hear you..I'm not gonna leave you alone..not yet, not until I keep my promise." He said, smiling at her.
"Oh? How do you figure I do that hm? By working out in front of you? I know you like looking at my body..speaking of which..if you don't burn that old picture of me..I'll be disappointed. Hell, I dunno how I feel about you seeing it already hah." He asked, smirking as the sun started to come up, meaning if Brutus was still out there, he would need to be collected.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eruraina


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When Troy asked if she wasn't going to leave him, Amber gave an exasperated roll of her eyes.
"If I intended to leave, I would have been long gone. In fact, the situation would be much different by now," she told him with a sighed, but then he looked away. The stubborn man who never turned away, actually was the one to look away. Ambrose swallowed hard when he spoke, and she looked away from him as well. "Don't say that!" she cried suddenly. "Don't you dare talk like that. There has to be a way! A means for you to live longer. You can't freaking leave me alone, not after everything." She glared at him, almost fiercely.

But then he mentioned Twilight, and she rolled her eyes again, but couldn't help but also crack a smile, despite the heaviness of the moment before.
"Heavens, no! Didn't you hear me when I said that we usually keep up with vampire lore? I've seen that garbage people call a franchise," she replied to his comment, and waited for him to stop coughing from how much he was laughing.

"I would miss your heartbeat, and your warmth... but it wouldn't matter if I would be missing them, because I wouldn't be missing you," she told him solemnly. And again rolled her eyes. He seemed to be making comments to have that effect on her lately. "She could have been jealous, but I think I am someone protective of what's mine. And yes, I'll straight up say it. You're mind. Happy?"

"Hm... make them think you're wounded worst than you are? I don't know about you, but wouldn't that mean dead, considering your current state?" it was her turn to give a sarcastic comment. "Oh, really, listening to what you want to listen to? I say driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole. Though we haven't had the best of luck lately, the streak has to break sometime," Ambrose told him, idly twirling a strand of fiery colored hair around a finger.

She froze though at the mention of the company and what they do to people. She looked down at her chest. She knew under her cloths that the scars were still there. Vampires never scar, the wounds always healed. But then, this was different. It was like the scientist knew exactly how to make her scar. A shiver ran down her spine and she closed her eyes against the memories of being tortured.
"Honestly, I wasn't concerned about you. Call me selfish, but I was more worried about getting away from the rising sun at that point. Ah, but... at the company... " she shook her head, gritting her teeth, almost wincing. "I still don't feel right. Not just physically, but I swear that really messed with my head... You're lucky you had that scientist with you when you opened my cell. I hadn't had a drop to drink that whole time I was there. But I was glad you had him, because the whole time I imagined sinking my teeth into his wretched neck..." as she spoke her voice had grown hard and she tensed up, but then she trailed off and blinked, almost pulling herself out of a dark place in her mind. "Nevermind, I'm just rambling."

Amber looked at his eyes as they talked about hearts, and she gave him a smile, if only for his benefit.
"Well, I'll take your word for it," was all she could think of to say before they were kissing. She pulled away, and watched as he stuck his tongue out of his mouth and attempted to talk. She didn't make out a word he said, but laughed at him, eyeing the tongue almost yearning. For her the smell of fresh blood filled the room again, stronger. Since all his blood from his wounds was old and dried by now. When he pulled her back for another one, she pulled away.
"I think if I had a choice, I would choose you getting better faster," she told him, very lightly patting his chest and she pushed herself fully away to stand up.
"I'm not burning that picture of you. You are very much puppy like in the picture. So little and cute. You on the other hand, are still like a puppy. Hyper and don't stop till you crash. But I better go get Brutus if you want to mess with him any," she said, and before he could say anything, walked off.

Amber went to the door, and peaked out of it, the sun set on the other side of the building, and there was still darkness on this side. Everything was damp from dew now, and she looked around, but found nothing. Though she did find the chains she had used on him on the ground. They had been cut somehow, and there were multiple footprints in the dirt, leading off in the distance. Ambrose looked out, and swore she saw a cloud of dusting, small against the horizon and getting smaller.

She hurried inside. "You're going to hate me," she said, pinching the bridge of her nose in an annoyed fashion. "He's gone. Brutus is gone... and he apparently had help getting gone... and they are long gone," she told him, watching him for his reaction...
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