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Oooo! Not only do I LOVE zombies, I love R6... This sounds like it could be extremely interesting. Haven’t done a survival type/outbreak RP in a long while.
@GingerBoi123Everyone is currently kind of just arriving in Exodus, you can just slide in anywhere you’d like. There’s a bunch of characters who are mostly just wandering around. (:
@GingerBoi123No, currently no discord
@GingerBoi123Looks great!
@GingerBoi123Excellent, go right ahead.

Aamaya would continue to nurse her beverage, eyes drinking in the new faces, scanning each figure, watching their expressions."Thank you mother, you look lovely yourself."The princess would offer up a sincere smile in her mothers direction before continuing,"What are your thoughts on tonight mother? See anyone that peaks your interest?"The once sincere smile would morph into a playful smirk. Aamaya would shift in her seat before standing, "I suppose I should make some sort of appearance, as should you mother.. Mingle, make some friends. Who knows what you could find." She would sing out, sauntering off into the rush of people. She would converse here and there, making small-talk for a short while before seeing her way out of the commotion. Aamaya moved to a less populated area of the garden, a hum vibrating through her throat as she admired the blossoms that had laced themselves throughout the hedges that lined the garden. Leaning forward, she would inhale their sweet aroma, it was the perfect time to have a festival, for all of the flowers were blooming, putting on a magnificent show for her guests. Her peaceful stroll would soon be interrupted when two of her guards approached, they would inform her of the fight that had broken out in one of the Kingdom's bars. She assumed her mother and father had been alerted of the brawl as well, her head would give a small shake, chest heaving a sigh that was followed by a roll of her eyes. She had no interest in breaking up a fight, to her it meant nothing. "Boys will be boys..." She huffed out, eyes flickering back to the flower she grasped softly in her palm. "If they bring that commotion to the main event, I want them punished." Aamaya's calm demeanor would shift, the cruelness that ran through her Freyja blood emerging, breaking past the soft facade. Her delicate grasp would soon turn lethal, the fragile flower crumpling to a puddle of petals at her feet. "You're dismissed, leave."

The Exodus Princess would watch as the two guards followed her instruction and marched off, swiftly seating herself atop a stone bench within the garden. Bright eyes would be curtained by soft lids, the sweet murmur of the festivals music lulling her into a daydream. She wondered what would become of the festival, her Kingdom, her. She wondered whether or not she would be courted by a stranger from another Kingdom, she didn't particularly adore the idea but she was not a Queen nor a King and had to follow her parents instruction. While she was always one to appear very ladylike and stern, Aamaya wished she could let loose once in a while, her princess duties forgotten. She would be telling a fib if she were to say she had never imagined running away from Exodus in the shadow of the night, where she would go she had no clue.. but the visions of being free of her title was something she occasionally yearned. But that was all silly thinking, selfish even. People would give their life for the luxuries she possessed, her power and position something many sought out. These thoughts often brought guilt into her stomach, she would be ungrateful if she were to leave... "Enough Aamaya.. You are thinking too deeply, you need another drink.. maybe two." The girl would scold herself, abandoning her seat to swiftly move back into the sea of people, her eyes set on the elegant spread of food and drink. Her fingertips would tap at the table, catching the attention of the bartender tending to the drinks. His actions were instantaneous, a drink being filled and offered to her in no time. Aamaya knew it was dumb to consume things that hadn't first been tested for toxins, but she was in desperate need for a relaxer, her lips fumbling to grip the glass, the chilled blood soothing the burn that followed the alcohol with each sip.


@KahleenCuthaldYou're fine don’t worry! Take your time
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