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@blackdragonWell these witches are already really demon-based mostly so yes
@FallenreaperThe link isn’t updated rn I will update the discord link soon sorry
@Silence SoundsYes it did, I haven’t updated it yet I will soon sorry
@FallenreaperYes still accepting !
@Burning Kitty@CioIt would have to be cut off almost instantly because the parasite moves pretty quickly from one body to another through open wounds.
@murdocLooks spectacular !

Klaus would study the Queen, watching as she sauntered off with the King of Exodus, Harold. He grew bitter, clenching his jaw in frustration. Was she putting on a show for him? Trying to learn secrets from the other King? Or was there something else, more sinister brewing behind the scenes he was unaware of. The Earthica King caught the simple touches, the small but intimate gestures the two dancing shared. He could feel the blood inside his veins boiling with every movement the pair made... His glare would soon break as Antonette moved back towards him, the next song beginning. Her tone was sweet, expression curious and light as she glanced up towards him. Klaus would snap his attention towards her arm hooking around his, his jaw clenching once more. "Am I enjoying it?
Ah.. Yes my Queen.. I am lavishing in the fact that you can't keep your hands to yourself. I want a proper wife, not a harlot you can find in a nearby brothel."
Klaus sneered aggressively, yanking his arm away in the roughest manner he could muster up without hurting her too badly. The man was a loose canon, his temper something that could not be predicted. He would shake his head, rubbing between his eyes before finding his way towards the bar. He would get himself some liquor, downing a shot or two before another voice caught his attention. "A tournament? Why the hell not! Prove to these Exodus bastards we are capable of taking them down..." The King would chuckle, swaying slightly from the alcohol he had consumed. Just as the small trio had finished discussing the tournament, a booming voice and then trumpets, followed by everyone being shuffled out of the gardens and into the arena, would alert them that the tournament would soon begin. The King found his seat among the other royals, saving a place beside him for his Queen although his opinion of her was currently poor. He would order himself an alcoholic beverage and a small turkey leg, both served on a golden platter. He would much his food and sip his drink tediously, awaiting the start of the event.

Once the Exodus Princess had finished her speech, Klaus made sure to ogle the young girl, attempting to receive a sour reaction from his wife. The man grinned to himself, shifting to a slouch in his seat, clearly intoxicated beyond his limit. The green flag would soon wave proudly, signalling the warriors to begin. Klaus watched with glossy eyes, his attention slightly foggy, but aware enough to understand his Kingdom was fighting well. He watched as Laurel and Ultfic ferociously downed their opponents, moving through them like domino's. However, his proud expression and comfortable slouch would soon shift. King Klaus sat upright, catching onto the Luthra warrior and Laurel's little interaction.. How dare she, a Levonian warrior... succumbing to feel empathy for a Thanatos.. The man huffed out a agitated sigh, large fingers grasping the seats armrests.

There were few warriors left from each Kingdom, but his eyes were intensely glued to to Laurel, waiting for her to strike the Luthra man, teeth gritting together. "Do you see this Antonette? Our warrior... The female, allowing a Thanatos to stay in the battle?" It was obvious he was beginning to fume, the alcohol encouraging the elevated anger. He would glance over at his Queen, a simple shake of his head and deep sigh being thrown in her direction. "Blasphemy! This is punishable my Queen... I will have Laurel knelt down and whipped for this.. Helping our sworn enemies.. Ha!" A faked chuckle would follow his whispered rant, assuring the other royals didn't hear his disappointment.

@LionheartedLooks excellent to me!
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