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@KazemitsuIndeed it is!
In need of witches and hunters!

TIME OF DAY: Evening
HEALTH: Head injury


Araceli would whip around to find the source of the voice, immediately regretting the quick motion as it only sent a sharp pain through her head. Instinctively, she would place her palm against the wound on her forehead, swiping the blood away with tightly sealed eyes. Her clothes were sopping wet, causing her body to convulse in a stream of shivers. Although the sun was beating down, it was not providing enough warmth with the heavy weight of soaked clothing. Araceli began shimmying out of her outfit, the thin trench-coat first, tennis-shoes, and then her jeans. Leaving her in the white bralette top she had arrived in as well as a pair of white high-thigh panties. It looked like a regular swimming suit, provided enough fabric to cover her, and would allow her clothing to dry so she could wear them once more. Heaving her clothes over her shoulder and shoes in one hand, Araceli trudged towards a large rock basking in the suns rays, laying her garments out flat to soak in the heat. A content exhale would follow, hands fumbling to use one of the three hair ties around her wrist to pull her drenched hair into a high ponytail. Eyes of vibrant burnt-sienna would scan the shoreline, eyeing the wounded who hobbled to safety, it was a disastrous scene.. One that sent a gut wrenching feel to her stomach.

Araceli would soon move toward a man, he looked to be unconscious, a vicious gash on his arm likely the culprit. Quickly she would rummage through the debris washed up on shore, snatching a shirt from a unlatched suitcase. Araceli tore the shirt into strips, using one to wipe his wound clean of sand or other particles. Once it was dried and cleaned, she was dress the wound with another strip of cloth, making sure it would keep moisture out. "You need stitches, I can fix this if I find a needle.. But we also need water. I am sure there is a spring somewhere on this island.." Araceli stood once more, resting her palm against the back of her neck, teeth biting absentmindedly at her bottom lip. They had a lot of work ahead of them, the stronger of the group or less wounded, would have to bring those who were in bad shape to the treeline. A makeshift shelter and camp would have to be made, those who had medical knowledge had a bumpy road ahead of them. The flames from a fire, licking fervently at the air, would disrupt Araceli's thoughts, giving her an idea. She would take action immediately, digging through the airplanes debris only to retrieve a strip of metal. Next she would grab another piece of clothing, wrapping her hand with it before running towards the fire, neglecting the man who was beside it. Extending her arm, Araceli allowed the metal her cloth clad hand held, to soak in the flames. The metal would slowly heat, and before it turned red she would retract it, briskly making her way back towards the man with the sliced open arm. "Okay... I have never done this but I know how, this is going to hurt like a bitch.. here..." Although the man was hardly responsive, Araceli still spoke to him, shoving one of the strips of cloth from earlier, into his mouth after. As soon as the cloth was between his teeth, the scalding piece of metal would be pressed firmly against the mans wound. She winced at the sound, the vile scent of burning skin wafting up at her. The metal was only applied for around two seconds before she removed it, examining the wound before returning the metal for another interval of two seconds. This would continue until the wound was sealed, the short series of off and on pressure, assuring no live cells would be killed. Araceli fell back into a sit, having been positioned on her knees. An exhausted huff would follow, having held her breath the entire time. "When we find water we will clean this, with cauterization comes the risk of infection..."

Araceli tossed the metal aside, her hands falling to prop her back up as she leaned backward, head falling to face the sky. Wary eyes would fall shut, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. The familiar pain in her head would slowly return, mouth parting so she could curse under her breath. This was the worst imaginable outcome, how could something so horrid happen to them? How dumb were they for accepting tickets on an airline so new.. Araceli felt like an idiot, she was supposed to be this well educated woman, but here she was on an island stranded because of a dumbass decision. There was no time however, to wallow in the situation nor whine about the pain that violently attacked her skull. Instead, Araceli would bring her body to a stand, walking back towards the man she had tended to. "You have to move to the treeline, laying here in the sun is going to dehydrate you quicker...Can you walk?"

Closed for now.

The rain would continue on, clouds masking the moon to encase the world in
an eerie blanket of darkness. The territory of Exodus lay relatively silent,
villagers seeking refuge in their cottage homes, those with more to their
name finding comfort within the secure walls that surrounded the palace.
Guards stood facing the rain head on, some marching the cobblestone streets,
while others sat perched atop watchtowers. One guard in particular, found
his spot against one of the many buildings walls. His helmet tilted down
to shield his eyes to conceal the true nature of his actions. The man was
fast asleep, disregarding his duties to rest rather than protect the Kingdom.
A sudden noise startled the man from his slumber, a groan sounding to show
his discontent. The man shifted, heaving himself from the wall while
readjusting his helmet. His brows furrowed, the noise that had startled
him from his sleep emanating from a nearby alley. Raising the spear he held,
the man crept forward. The alley was pitch black, the lantern that would
illuminate it, fizzled out from the downpour. The guard rubbed at his eyes,
squinting to try and locate the source of the nearly muted noise. It sounded
like a weep, as if someone were crying, a woman. With cautious slow movements,
the man would near a dark figure. It looked as if someone were hunched over,
quivering and sobbing quietly. "H-Hello? Madam, are you alright?"
The guard would call out, hesitance prominent in his words. Upon hearing the
noise, the figure would shift and rise, its once compact appearance rising to
great heights, towering over the guard like a mountain. The guard stood still
in shock, a crack of lightening giving him the briefest view of the hideous
monster before him. A horrified shriek would follow, however it was briskly
silenced by the jaws of the beast, ripping viciously into the struggling mans
throat. The struggle would cease, the mans body limp and vacant of life. The
culprit of the murder, a disfigured mammoth of a bear. Its face missing skin,
the sinister cries it emitted, mirroring that of its kill. The screams and
struggle had not gone unnoticed, men stood at the entrance of the alley,
calling down to what they thought was the former guard. What they would get
in response was a bloodcurdling roar, mixing with a deafening cry that belonged
to the man that lay mutilated on the stone. The guards shuffled backward quickly,
a loud horn sounding off to alert the Kingdom of a lock down. The once hushed
streets came to life, panicked feet rushing about to prepare for the beast that
had somehow gotten over the wall. The sudden commotion would draw the bear out
of the alley and into the streets of Exodus... Meeting with the swarm of guards
who stood halted in their place. The men watched as the eyeless bear swung its
head to and fro, listening carefully for life, subtle weeps slipping from the
beasts maw. The tense anticipation proved to be too much for one of the guards,
a shift of his body sending the bear forward in a rabid rage... All hell had
broken loose...

@Zoey WhiteWill is fiiiine
Still looking for some hunters!
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