If not already overwhelmed by the escaped prisoners, having a barrage of questions being thrown was another thing to contend with. He took a few breaths and spoke each word out slowly enough as he addressed each question "Well, my name is Wyatt Barna, and we're beneath an abandoned watchtower by a cliff. The guy that employed us is named Sarfin, Sarfyr, or somethin, that fello a weird one. Trust me, this Sulfur guy is twisted cunning, but seems to enjoy chatting and asking odd personal questions to people. I just listen to the captain Gnaegak's order and he said to imprison the lot of you first while they question the others first. And to answer your question" Wyatt rolled his eyes at the tiefling that gave him a good series of questions. "Do I look like the captain? Because I don't have tusks. I've been down here by the cells for a few hours told to listen and watch you lot. I don't know if their still on duty or asleep. Why don't you ask someone else as this place only has one path that circles up outside. Maybe they know where your things are. You would have to be pretty dumb to get lost here and lucky to not run into anyone.
As the orc asked about the other members of their caravan, Wyatt simply scoffed. "I already told, you I have no idea, I've been down here for mo-", before he could finish, he was pulled and pinned onto the ground. At this point the party would be striping him of his items and clothes. On him was 10gp, 42sp, a mace, heavy crossbow along with his 20 bolts, hooded cloak, and a single key. His leather armor would take a minute to remove if anyone decided to take it. During this lengthy time that Wyatt spoke and his things removed, Aron would hear a faint scuttling sound of something climbing behind one of the stacked creates. With his eyes darting to the sound, he saw something else at the edge of his eye, resembling a tail.