Avatar of Ey Iran
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    1. Ey Iran 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Watching Frank Herbert's Dune (2001 miniseries).


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Quickies and Flakes.
It's been three weeks, now; no one has yet to join in.

Come on, don't any of you guys like Akira? That movie kickstarted the 90's anime Craze, here in America.
It has been a few weeks now, so I will post a new image.

This picture was taken on April 12, 2015.

Location: Empire State Observatory, 102nd floor.

The getup consists of a gold silk shirt, a blue silk tie with a floral pattern (with a matching handkerchief,) red crocodile shoes, and a cane to top things off.

One of the Observatory Guides was kind enough to snag this photo, along with a couple of others.

Some people claim that I would make for a good model, and should pitch this picture to a company; "they'd hire you, immediately."
@Ey Iran Did you really make a rant


Anime tiddie?


Is that wrong?
On other communities, I seek sexual gratification, in RP. Ever since my young years, in Xat, I have been (ruthlessly) conditioned into harboring sexual desires towards the female form; I have no extreme fetishes, unless you count hourglass bodies and hours (in RP time,) long sessions to be one.

I am perfectly fine with characters that were designed solely for sex.

I am not fine with players using indecent images, for such profiles. I come to get High on one of the oldest drugs, in the history of Mankind, and instead I am given something of little scintillation, or overloaded with obscene content?

A big breasted woman makes me happy, but an image of a woman getting tortured, dehumanized, and raped is far from pleasing, let alone interesting...

And for that matter, people's general choice of imagery is sub par, to say the least. There are thousands of attractive pictures one can find, on the internet... and people preferentially use stock-grade pictures.

Let me give some (SFW) examples.
Look at this

Then look at this

Which one would you approach, if you were looking to get wasted, on the online equivalent of Cocaine?

There's a time to use a medium for serious stories, and extremely intricate character relationships

...Then there's a time to use a medium to attract Junkies, like myself, to get wasted.

Notice, here, how it doesn't have an overtly sexual air, about it. The angle is just suggestive, welcoming; otherwise it would have the same resonance as the former picture I posted of Narumeia.

Even images designed to be sexually appealing can be minuscule in allure, compared to others.
See this nun, for an example.

And then look at this one.

Which would you rather pay visit to, to confess your lustful transgressions?

Alright; that's my rant.
What is Josh?

Cue Introductory Music:
I am in the process of creating a profile for Tetsuo Shima, on another site, so I may as well make my first general interest thread to be about the (disputably,) most important Anime to hit Western Society, in the 90's.


This Roleplay shall be predicated not on the Manga, but on the Movie Adaptation of it (because I never read the manga, myself; I would not mind if any of you Akira Manga Fanatics gave me some pointers, on the differences inherent in the Manga).

The setting shall be the entire world, after the events of the movie.

The premises are thus: cue the next song, Juno Reacor.

Japan, alongside the rest of the world, believed that the disaster that struck Neo Tokyo marked the end of the lives of Tetsuo, and the three Espers.

For the minority of people whom refuse to adhere to the propaganda that spews from the News Channels, like Kaneda, this is anything but true. There are some people whom are confident that, like Akira himself, they can, and will return to the world; when the time comes.

And that time is now

Having transcended Physical Reality, alongside his newly found friends, Tetsuo has learned a great many things about the Universe, and is determined to impart these truths to everyone on Earth. The only problem is, how can he accomplish this task, given that the world is in a deleterious state, and its populace is laden with Hardcore Materialists, that denounce the existence of Psychic and Cosmic forces, and strongly adhere to conventional Science. To them, energy is strictly physical, and nothing more.

It's time for the Transcended Children to return to the physical world, to prove these Nay Sayers otherwise.

However, there is just one problem that they all agree upon: There is definitely no way that the world shall take them seriously, lest they demonstrate their abilities, to them...

And the last time they showed such abilities, an All out War ensued; just as one shall ensue, the moment they all assent to embark on this self chosen mission. Are the consequences worth the gains?

To these kids, they are, and they shall stop at nothing to show them the wonders and mysteries that are inherent in each of their mortal bodies. Even if they must Fight to do this.

They will focus on the people whom have the potential to develop Esper abilities, or have recessive genes likable to those of Tetsuo. These Sleeping Espers are prioritized over everyone else; it is irrelevant how young or old the respective individual is, so long as they have their type of gift.

They have imposed no time limit upon themselves, and can voluntarily leave the Physical Plane, to return to their Home-Space, in the universe, whenever they want. As long as their desired audience is kept alive, at all times, all dangers eliminated, without remorse.
Cue the Select your Character Music.
The following characters must be played, for this RP to get started, and stay on track.

Tetsuo: Played by me.

This Tetsuo (along side Akira and the Espers,) shall have the ability to possess any ordinary human, and use their body however they so please. He will have full access to all abilities he had, by the end of the movie.

He, along with the other children, can either leave the body physically unadulterated, (for the sake of espionage, or blending in with society; think of how Kiyoko possessed Kei, for example).They can also restructure the shape and form of the body, to have it appear as whatever they want it to be (think of Tetsuo's Mutation at the end of the movie, albeit fully controlled, to allow the user the ability to reshape the body into whatever they deem necessary).

He and the other children have made a promise, prior to returning to Earth; if any one of them abuses their powers, or goes out of bounds to what they agreed to do, the other Children are to intercede, and keep the flagrant Child under control, even if it means banishing them from Physical Reality, altogether.

Note: I am open to the possibility of all five Children turning on one another, or foregoing their predetermined objectives, if any of you guys have a good enough idea to convey to me, for justification.

Akira (Open)

Takashi, Kiyoko, and Masaru (Open, Open, and Open)

Important, but ultimately irrelevant characters.
Cue the Select your secondary character music
Kaneda (open)

Kei (Open)

Colonel (Open)

Kai (Open)

The Sleeping Espers (NPCs)

More Juno Reactor Music, because this album fits in well with the Anime.


I would like for each and every participant in this RP to at least be open to the possibility of designing a Sleeping Esper; it would cut off a huge amount of work, on my end, plus I'd love to see the type of pictures you guys would use, to describe the appearance of these Espers.

We will consider the quirks, characteristics, history, and appearance of each Esper, as we get to that part.

Akira's Homespace

Let us also take time to consider what Akira's (shared) homespace will be like. This will be the domain for all the transcended children, as well as every Sleeping Esper that is Awakened/Transcended the Physical World.

Personally, I image it to be a sandbox type environment, wherein anyone can think of something, and it will manifest itself. The picture I posted above, is just an example to help kindle inspiration from you guys.

Feel free to give me advice and pointers, if I have missed out on anything, here.

Otherwise, may the prospective partners come pouring in.
@Ey Iran

Holy shit man, can I please be you?

You would not like being me, I promise you.

I may look cool, and snazzy, but you'd nowise want the hectic, difficult, and responsible life I life, in the most Egocentric city on Earth (the only more expensive/difficult place to live, being Tokyo).
To me, it depends on my underlying motives, and contingent inspiration.

Which are summed up as thus:

A. I want to accurately represent something, in a manner that is genuinely inductive and influential, towards all whom read it.

Results of A: http://profiles.rphaven.com/Okizaber-Ut, and check this, too. http://profiles.rphaven.com/In%20Memoriam

B. I want something yummy to look at; something that works up an appetite, and compels me to have all sorts of naughty, yet pleasant dreams, the moment I go to bed. Ecstatic Drugs for my Psyche, cheaper and safer than going to a Drug Dealer.

By creating these types of characters, I am also relaying to all whom read them, what makes me feel as warm and fuzzy, inside. Ergo, I have a higher chance of inspiring someone to give me a hit of my favorite drug, when I sincerely want it.
I may as well post one.

Location taken: Park Avenue, Manhattan.

Date Taken: Late February of this year.

Both the Top hat and cane were discarded by my auntie, that night; 300 Dollars worth of dapper merchandise, trashed, because my aunt declared such accouterments to be excessive/indicative of insanity. Pfft. The person whom took this pic loved the whole appearance, which was why he opted to use my smartphone, for this photo.

I bought myself a replacement cane, since then; as for the Top Hat, I have yet to get the funds necessary to purchase a new one.
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