Avatar of Ezekiel


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4 yrs ago
Current What's the worst thing about the Roleplayerguild and why is it the status bar?


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I'm interested, but I'm about to be too busy to be online for a few days over New Year's, so I'll doubt I will get a CS up till after then.
@Ezekiel Who's open up for being played? I was thinking maybe playing a Tim Drake Robin if that's okay with you.

As the Batman only appeared a few years ago, it would certainly be the first Robin, although it's more than possible for that to be Tim Drake.

The primary issue is you'd have to talk to Ruby about being a Robin, and she's quite busy IRL at the moment.
@Ezekiel I iz interemested.

No, but in all serious-ness. This seems fun.

It is!

Things are moving slowly right now due to it being the holidays, but I know of at least a few posts in the works.
Well finally.

It's short, but it cuts me in on things :P
The 'meeting' that followed the actual grand affair was something that interested the young Argentine heiress considerably more than all the lower level politics that had proceeded it, loitering for some time, the flame-haired woman approached the increasingly eclectic group, a pleasing, easy smile on her lips. She could be quite the charmer when she wanted to be, and right now she exuded the careful grace of a diplomat and noblewoman.

"I couldn't help but notice that this discussion quite focuses on the possibility of this new German King, frightful business no?" Her accent was clear, a rolling, smooth tone, but not enough to disguise the meaning of her words. "Both interests I represent here have little to gain from a powerful barbarian ruler, and I do have a few connections in the region." She continued, tossing her ginger mane, heavily styled, slightly. It wasn't a shade naturally found among the peoples of the Coast, and was a clear hallmark of her father's mysterious origins in the North, and whatever contacts she might have there.

"I can provide whatever support is necessary, provided I am involved." she added, with a slight grin, not quite reaching her ears.
Is this still open? I'd be interested in running by a potential Druchii concept by you. Failing that, I'd still be up for a different character.
"And this will work? I've tried countless combinations, it never quite seems to stick with those of a...higher constitution." The emaiciated figure of Doctor Crane sat hunched over his work station, deep in the Gotham underbelly, once a respected figure on the science of the mind, he had, without a doubt, broken his own. The pursuit of his goals had become absolute, and this presented a bound towards the perfection he yearned for.

"Quite certain, the toxin added to the serum should overpower all but a few notable exceptions, but, this is only to be released when instructed." In contrast to the hunched figure of the doctor, the man that stepped out of the shadows was the model of sophistication, a fine tailored suit and dark rimmed glasses of expensive taste. This was the sort of money that required anonymity, not fame.

"Of course, of course." The Scarecrow responded, a little too quickly, he grated under the impression of control, but it would be worth it, to have continued access to the hidden substance that amplified his already potent work. "You may thank the Presiden-Elect for his generous investment." He turned to look at the man standing aside from him, a crooked grin spread across his features. The other man only frowned.

"You will not repeat that, under any circumstances, or there will be a price to pay."


The small gathering of heroes, three together at once, seemed to herald the next stage of the chaos that was Gotham City, something equally felt by the mystical mind of one John Constantine. A wave of darkness seemed to pass through the city, unnoticed by those not attuned to the ways of magic, a curse, screamed with uncomparable fear.

In the next moment, however, the consequence was more than visible to all. The riots that had swept the city descended further into a violent orgy of paranoid attacks. Roving gangs that had united against the monsters they all saw in the shadows, suddenly turned on each other, seeing the same darkness in their hasty allies. Those police units deploy to maintain order and contain the panic when they could not, found their equipment no defence against whatever new threat attacked them. Soon, the spattering of gunfire in the night air became a blaze, as the National Guard turned on itself.

Gradually, in the minds of those capable of perceiving such things, John Constantine among them, the pulse of this new attack brought with it the feverish whispering of words, a sobbing cry, echoing across the pulse of power;

Azarath Metrion Zinthos
I'll throw down my interest for this, looks like a great concept.
I'll post something once I can think of how to get myself involved post-meeting :P
Second GM post on the way.

Hold on to your fictitious horses.
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