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Innessa Antonov

As the crowd gathered to view the approaching islands, Innessa extracted herself from the attentions of a small group that she had spent much of the journey fratanising with. It wasn't for any particular purpose, simply a way to pass the time, and she had little interest in keeping up the connection once they had made landfall. The shock red of her poodle skirt dress might have made for an able distraction, but she admitted that even on her best day she might not be quite as distracting as an ancient chain of volcanic tropical islands.

The flared skirt of her dress swished with both her movement and the sea breeze as she snuck her way out of the crowd and moved along the deck. With a large cream coloured sunhat, dark sunglasses and the aforementioned red dress, ending in a crop of white polkedots across its rim, the blonde woman was perhaps the very vision of Pre-War America. The thought gave her some amusement, the clack of rather unsensible shoes heralding her movement as she made he way down the weather deck. It was more sparse in individuals, but still inhabited. She paused for a moment to lean forwards on the side of the deck, one hand holding her hat in place as she attempted to spy a view of the islands despite herself, before eventually giving up and turning to more thoroughly exmaine those around her. She'd clearly just missed a more animated conversation from what little she had heard from further up the deck, but now caught glimpses of rather shorter interactions between a spattering of guests and what appeared to be a reporter. He didn't seem to be getting much out of his latest target, or victim, as you could put it.

"I'm sorry Sir, did you say live? Oh my Gosh, however does that work?" Innessa partly interrupted the situation, before the poor fellow could get stuck in yet another interview he'd regret starting. She was hardly subtle in her current attire and unlikely to escape her own round of questioning, so she may as well endear herself. Her large, doe-like eyes settled in an expression of curious excitement, directly into the camera before she spoke again, her sunglasses removed before she had begun speaking. "My, isn't that amazing." The vaguely Southern drawl she put on was a well worn tool of her's in fitting in, more familiar this rate than her true voice. "It's so exciting isn't it? The first outsiders to see these Islands in so long. I can't wait to see what we might discover." Her hands met in front of her as she laughed, just a little, as if embarressed about her own enthusiasm. "I hope some of those folks back home might join us soon."


Existence narrowed until that was all that there was. No swirling visions in the darkness, no ambition, no identity, just suffering. He floated in a sea of it, cast about by seas of excruciation and drowned in tides of agony. He did not know for how long it was so, memories of anything else bled away. He could have broiled in an ocean of torment for all eternity for all the fleeting concept of his consciousness could register.

Suddenly, it was over. Sensation washed back into the stricken form of the King all at once as he was pulled back into the waking world. Even the sting of the limited light to his eyes, or the sudden burning in his chest from the sudden rush of a deep breath could not hinder the sudden wash of relief that was the absence of the prison that was his own mind. Muscles that had not worked for the long weeks intervening their use burned as he bolted upright in a motion, ignoring the aches and pains that suddenly flooded him. Next to what he had just been, they were nothing.

There was a scrambling of motion about him, but he was barely aware of it. His body was recovering faster than his mind and details continued to elude him. His own name seemed to dangle on the tip of his mental tongue, and the events that had lead him to this place were alien to him. All he knew was the right of his rule, and the duty to ensure it. He forced himself from the plinth like stone he rested upon, even as a clarion of protestations rose from the beings he now suddenly remembered to be servants, his servants, at his continued motion. Only one among the room did not move or cry out such. A figure of feminine darkness at the head of what had been his resting place. He remembered the cruel coldness of her beauty. It had not faded, but she was clearly worn from effort in a way he had not seen her before.

He moved to her, the limited blankets that had covered his form falling away as he did so, ignoring the others that buzzed about him as he took her chin in his hand, tilting her towards him.

“You have my thanks, Witch.” His grip tightened, as he almost seemed to pull her towards him, lifting her slightly from the meerest tug of his strength. He was aware that he should feel weak, he did not know what time had passed but he knew enough of such things to guess. Instead, brutality coursed through him, awakening his strength even if it set his limbs afire. Eventually he released her, finally addressing the complaints of the room. “See to the Lady, your King has business to attend to.”

Maegor barely took the time to dress as he moved from the cells of the ever expanding Red Keep, even as he crossed into the chamber that had grown up around the Aegonfort, still a pair of squires nipped at his heels, attempting to fasten armour to the King.
“Explain.” Maegor paused in place, finally, before the short platform upon which the Iron Throne sat, taking Blackfyre in hand as it was passed to him by a Knight of greater standing than the squires that maintained his armour. He spoke to none of them though, instead to the figure upon the throne itself.

Visenya arose from within the confines of the Iron Throne with a steady grace, crossing the short distance to her son with languid purpose. Even her hard features softened somewhat as she raised a hand to Maegor’s cheek, a soft smile touching her lips as she beheld him. “You are among us once more.”

Maegor’s own steel did not waiver, however. Perhaps with anyone else he may have reacted more to the touch, usually he would not be blunt with her of all people, but the fire behind his eyes burned with purpose and even Visenya could earn her share of such.

“The Faith and the Lords who supported them splintered after the Trial, a large host has still gathered, and they claim the city for themselves from the Sept.” Visenya mused, her hand drfiting away from Maegor’s cheek. “Many deny that you live at all, or claim the trial was not won.”

“Traitors to their Faith as well as their King, then.” Maegor lifted his arms slightly to allow the last binds of his armour to be put in place. “They still gather in my city?” Once this was completed, he slide Blackfyre into the scabbard at his belt. Since the Trial his armour had been restored, he noted with a grunt of recognition, before refocusing on his mother.

“They do.” For once she did not offer advice, her own emberous gaze settling with her son’s. There was a challenge there, a test to gauge the strength of purpose the risen King had.

“Summon Vhagar, their period of clemency is at an end.”

The steady tread of boots through the streets of King’s Landing was enough to rouse the attention of most of the populace. The city was in a state of middling disorder, the immediate chaos following the Trial had steadily calmed, in part due to the efforts of various militias, in part simply due to the passage of time. A sense of pensive dread still hung over most of the city however, but not so much that curiosity didn’t trump it.

Rhoelle watched from the a window on the second floor of the Three Hill Inn. One of the few establishments within the city that catered to the respectable elements of society, she had made it the central hub of her efforts in the city over the following weeks. She did not wish to open up the Baratheon Manse as a last location of potential security, and the central location of the Inn worked well for her. In reality, she couldn’t bare to remain within the Manse while her father’s body, despite the care attributed to it, rotted in repose. The owners of the Inn had been quite happy to host the effort, they had not even attempted to charge for use of most of the rooms for garrisoning the Baratheon Stag Knights and Men-At-Arms as such a contingent had protected the Inn from the riots and looting that had afflicted much of the city. Whatever was going on was beyond the scale of the militias that had defined the fighting within the city, however. Only two groups within King’s Landing could command this number of men, the Crown and the Faith, who had both simply secured their own assets and allowed the city to writhe and burn. At first the Faith had been different, encouraging citizens to take shelter in the Sept, but after the Trial things had been different. Apparently many of the most conflagatory Septons had blamed the people of King’s Landing and their vices for the Knights of the Faith falling at the trial, and such feelings had not recovered in the intervening weeks.

It was definitely the Crown on the march now, Rhoelle watched as the men-at-arms decked in liveries of red and black marched on past the Inn. They were heading towards the Starry Sept, that much was sure. She did not know why the Crown now seemed to act, perhaps the Dowager Queen had finally pulled herself away from her son’s sickbed to tend to the realm, perhaps the King had risen, or perhaps there was now a new king. All thoughts crossed her mind, as she turned away from the window and began to move downstaires.

“Henrick, gather some men, we should see what this is about.” She spoke to her appointed Master-of-Arms as she hopped from the last step, already pinning her own cloak across her shoulders as she did so. There was a look of concern from many in the room, but not surprise, many were already in the process of preparing after the movements had begun.

“My Lady, there is likely to be trouble.” The short, but solidly built, man offered at least the hint of an objection, but he too now was already preparing to follow her orders.

“I suspect so, but we’ve not spent the last few weeks avoiding trouble, have we now?” With the cloak affixed, Rhoelle patted herself down and stood tall, notably so for a lady but still far from the most domineering in the room, even still, she’d earned most of their respect in recent times, and even if not, her gold still worked. “We’ll wait for the column to pass, then we’ll follow.”

Unlike before, the Baratheon party did not move with full fanfare, no mounts were used or banners unfurled as they shadowed the column of Men-At-Arms. Far from the events of before, Rhoelle was keen for them to not attract attention as potential arbiters of law, they were not here to challenge the Crown, her story all along had been that House Baratheon was keeping order in the Crown’s name while the King was prevented from doing so, and the last thing she wished was to be percieved as a threat.

So, Rhoelle and a small but effective force of her swornswords soon reached the plaza before the Sept. Part of a relatively small crowd that gathered in the side streets leading onto the square itself. None dared to approach the rear of the Targaryen Men-At-Arms, who now fanned out to fully cover the steps leading up to the dominating structure of the Sept, the stone building towering above all structures within the city beyond the skeletal build of the new Keep atop Aegon’s Hill.

Rhoelle noted that the men were archers, a moment before they moved in lockstep to ready an arrow, not drawing for the moment, but clearly prepared to. Only one of their number was mounted, and his steed stood at the front and centre of the men. Even before he spoke, various members of the faith, Septons and Knights of the Faith Militant had begun to assemble at the entrance to the Sept itself, looking down on the men below. They were few in number, for the faith in large part was within, gathered for morning prayers. A few calls of concern sounded from these men of the faith, questions or condemnation towards the gathered soldiers, yet they recieved now answers. She flinched as the first stone was throne, the simble projectile bouncing off the helm of one of the archers with a heavy clang that scattered the man backwards. Still, the archers didn’t react, and soon the jeers and accostments began to rise. The noise was growing. The young Baratheon woman felt her breathing slow as she watched the scene, concern and confusion building within her as her eyes danced across the tableu.

“What are they doing.” She mused quietly. Then she heard it.

Most might have mistaken it for a changing in the wind, a gusting of air from the tumultuous Crownlands climate that had such a changeable nature. Rhoelle, however, was a grandaughter of Orys Baratheon, when she was but three years old she had met her Great Uncle Aegon and sat in his lap as they watched the Dragons together. She’d always thought him a surprisngly soft man, when she looked back on those memories.

She wasn’t thinking of that then, however, she turned her head back towards Henrick with a sudden look of terror and grief of her features. “Get back! Back from the Square!” Her order was sudden, but her men were well trained and despite a lack of understanding were already pulling away from the plaza before she could explain. It wouldn’t quite be fast enough.

It hadn’t been the changing of the wind. It had been the beat of a Dragon’s wing, and only one Dragon could be mistaken for the climate itself.

Rheolle threw herself to the floor into the shelter of the side alley, her hands covering her ears, and then a thunder worse than any storm broke over King’s Landing.

Little feet slapped against stone floors, sending the small body weaving between gray-robed men. Bright blonde hair bobbed along with the rhythm of his run, fear in his blue eyes. He wanted his mother, more than he ever had before in the two years he had been studying the Faith with the King’s Landing septons. He had watched his uncle fall to knights of the Faith and now he ran with a message through a sea of bodies that had been filling this great sept since that fateful day.

Faith had prevailed, that’s what he had heard from his masters and friends. He should be happy, that’s what they’d said. If he wasn’t happy perhaps he was a traitor like his uncle, they’d warned him. Alyn wanted the faith to win but he hadn’t wanted his uncle to die. His confusion had left him sniffling himself to sleep since.

“Septon Oswald, sir!” His voice rang out, light and airy with a quiver. He was interrupted by a crushing roar even as the aged man turned and their eyes met. The little Arryn’s fear doubled at seeing it reflected back to him by the septon.

The man was frozen before him for just a moment before being shoved aside by a sudden swelling of Swords and Stars. “Run.”

Alyn saw the word form on the man’s lips but couldn’t hear it over the continuing roar. He heard snippets of orders and of prayers as his legs listened to the command before his mind could make sense of it. He could see sunlight, his breath ragged in his throat, when he felt a large body barrel into his side and sent him flying across the stone floor. His knees and elbows stung from the fall.

He pulled himself up to only take another step before being knocked down again, hard. His breath was gone, a large boulder of a marble crushing his leg. Panic took over, and he wailed for the Mother, for his mother. None stopped to help him, men panicked around him, fleeing from something Alyn couldn’t understand. Until he felt a wave of heat, a flash of fire, brilliant unending pain, then nothing.

The roar of a dragon was part scream, but not Balerion.The cacophany that the Black Dread could create was as much a weapon as tooth, claw or fire. The shockwave of the screech cast men to the floor and burst eardrums on its own. The Men of the Crown were safe from such, with helms designed for it, but they were alone. Leather might turn aside a blade far worse than any steel helm, but all steel did was echo the noise again. Men atop the stairs of the Sept of Remembrance collapsed in pain even then, a moment of agony before absolution claimed them.

Even across the square and half way down an alleyway, Rhoelle felt the heat. She desperatly ripped her cloak from herself, worried the light fabric might burn from the air itself as it washed over her. The stunned shock of the moment before rippled through the square, then the city, then terror descended.

The great dark shape of Balerion had burst from the cloud layer the moment after the sonic roar, the vast dragon racing towards the gateway to the Sept, before his jaws had oppened a second time and bathed the face of the Sept in Fire. Glass had shattered, stone had melted and crumbled. The men who had been outside simply ceased to be, fusing with the stone upon which they stood. A smaller, shape darted from the clouds, but only relatively so, as Vhagar joined her fire to her companion’s, insteading enflaming the spires of the Sept as Balerion targeted the body.

The purpose of the archers was then made evident, as desperate Knights, Septons, and those who had taken shelter within the Sept for prayer attempted to flee, clambering through fire and stone to do so, the arrows began to fly. Like scythes through wheat, the whistle of arrows went entirely unheard over the roar of dragon and flame, but it spat death all the same.

King’s Landing had become the Kingdom of the Dragon once more.
What a fun and interesting idea, whoever came up with is must truly be a genius.

Seems fun! I'll think up a character.

King's Landing, The Baratheon Manse

The air was thick with the stench of smoke and the sounds of shouting and clashes filled the narrow alleys. Barricades made from overturned carts and debris blocked thoroughfares, while fires raged unchecked, casting an eerie glow upon the faces of the rioters and the stone walls of the city.

Amidst the chaos, the cries of the downtrodden could be heard, their anger and desperation fueling their revolt. They were armed with whatever makeshift weapons they could find, from clubs and pitchforks to scavenged swords and axes. The symbols of authority were torn down and defiled, as the angry mob sought retribution against those they held responsible for their suffering. Just who that was varied from district to district, mob to mob and person to person. Many who had flooded the city since the rise of the Poor Fellow’s struck out against those had spoken well of the King, or even Targaryens of the past. The longer standing residents, those who had more loyalty to their overlords than the past, assailed the inflammatory members of the faith, often catching any Septon in the crossfire.

In that moment, King's Landing was a city on the brink, its streets teeming with violence and rebellion, its future uncertain as the fires of revolt burned bright.

Rhoelle had decided she’d had more than enough of fire and blood for a few lifetimes. Their mark was stamped everywhere, both as the words and deeds of the royal house, and in their more literal sense. She could hear, and smell, it even now, within the fortified walls of the Baratheon manse. They had managed to reach the manse before the chaos following the King’s ’repose’ truly started, with the body of her father, but had not yet been able to progress further, so penned in was the noble district by the rioting beyond.

The elements of the city watch still loyal to the Royal House, as well as the men-at-arms of House Targaryen were stretched thin as it were securing the Keep, Hills and harbour, such that the life blood of the city didn’t entirely die out, nor could the King, vulnerable in his lack of waking, be threatened. Rhoelle felt the later was the far greater part of their calculations, but in that she did not blame the Dowager-Queen, for that was whom all knew was making those orders. If she could have abandoned the city and all its people, to have her father returned to her, she would have gladly done so.

Instead, the body of Durran Baratheon lay in their cellar. Their maester, or at least, the only one they could find to bring with them, tended to him that the rot might not take hold before he could be brought home. The tall, broad frame of her father, whom had seemed so steadfast yet full of vitality her whole life, was rendered unto an ever reducing statue.

She had cried for the first day, inconsolable in her grief. Then the first raven had come. Her bother was missing. Then the second, her uncle and his bethrothed were missing in the riots of Oldtown. Her grief had hardened beyond tears, she had simply ceased to be. Rhoelle wasn’t sure how much time had passed, it felt like an eternity, or a day. She might have hidden away for years or it could have been the blink of an eye.

Standing at her dresser, she forced her vision up to view her own reflection. For as long as she could remember her long black hair had fallen in smooth waves, carefully maintained for the needs of court, both at home or in King’s Landing. Now, said waves had gone to wild curves, a halo of errant blackness around the paleness of her skin. It reminded her of the artwork of her grandmother, cast in her wild fury as she had spat fury at the question of her marrying her grandsire. Those histories had always confused her as a girl, and humoured her as she grew older. She had known both her grandparents to be wrathful people, but never with each other, by the time of her birth only gentle love passed between them.

The closest she remembered to a fight had been when she had wished to learn to fight and ride like her brother, Orys had refused at first, until Argella had reminded him from whose blood the storm in their veins had come. But even then, she suspected it was a whisper of her former wroth, tempered by decades of loving marriage.

She would have to channel more than the hair stylings of the younger Argella, she thought, if she was to make it through the coming days and weeks.

Rhoelle had called for a servant directly for the first time since she had collapsed in her room. She had eaten, and been bathed, since then, but only by the wordless routine of someone moving through the motions. This had been deliberate.

“My Lady?” A quiet voice, but not a stammer, as a young maid pressed the doorway to her chambers open.

“I wish to dress, prepare one of my gowns, suitable for riding. I’ll need the necklace given to me by the late King, as well.” When the Maid approached her following the commands, brush in hand, Rhoelle waved her away. “Leave the hair.”

Chaos has spread across the city, but nowhere was it more prevalent than Flea Bottom, a name that had stuck only coloquially but had already wormed its way into the lexicon of most who had chance to live within, or visit, the Westerosi capital.

Rolling conflicts between Poor Fellows, locals and Royal Partisans had kept many of the small fires burning for days, and the already filthy streaks slick with befouled blood. It was into this quagmire and inferno, that the Baratheon party marched. The majority of the retainers the house commanded within the city were what many knew as ‘Stag Knights,’ men of keen loyalty to House Baratheon, who fought in the heavily armed and armoured style of Valyrian retainers but now in the stylings of Westeros knights. Silvered plate gleamed next to tabards and cloth of black and yellow. Only three of the party were mounted, and they took the head of the column.

Rhoelle rode beside two able knights of her household, who seem to strain testily at the bit, ready to cast aside caution to ensure her safety, but for the moment, she had refused them. The young woman rode forward in the saddle, her gown adjusted to allow it, and despite the stench and ruin about her, kept her features fierce and forwards as they moved, halting only as they encountered the first true signs of rioting. The din was brought, momentarily, under control by the sonerous blast of a Baratheon hunting horn.

“People of King’s Landing, you have been left in the dark and fallen to predations.”The young woman began, the almost ludicrous nature of the scene before them keeping the rioting still even after the blare of the horn had subsided. “These are trying times for all, but we will not allow further damage and harm to be done to each other.” Her words were echoed by the sudden collective flash of drawing steel, as the Stag Knights drew their blades in salute to her words, and in threat to those around them. “Disperse now, peace will reign.” She avoided mention of the King’s peace, even as she wore a necklace gifted to her from House Targaryen, a sure sign of her loyalty to those with courtly knowledge or might perceive this as a power play from her own great house. She wasn’t not here to crush rebellion, or win a war, but to bring an end to the riotous violence.

The Stag Knights were not many, and she had not the time to attempt to gather a wider force from the City Watch or any who might aid the cause, she was hoping instead that the first act might bring those who wished to help from out of the shadows, but in the confined spaces of the street, the armoured bulk of fifty men meant more than hundreds more of rabble. They menaced with a threat most were not willing to risk.

A few did, perhaps distracted from the threat of the men by the perception of an easier target of the young noble woman, rushing forwards with foul cries on their lips. A slight nod from the noblewomen spurred her riding companions to action, and those who tried had barely stepped forwards before maces had caved in their skulls.

“You may have peace, or fury.”

For one night, on one street, King’s Landing chose peace.

The Reach, Ashford

“In case you haven’t noticed, Ser Davos, we have a war to win.” It was perhaps to the Lord’s credit that the look he gave the younger man seemed more sour now than when the matter of betrothals were brought before him. “That is hardly the time for me to parcel out men on a whim.”

Davos hadn’t attempted to broach the matter with Vittoria, their parting had been a whirlwind of emotions and act that hadn’t seemed fair to bring up the issue of his own impending daring deeds. Her focus was on her duty, to the point she’d been very direct about not allowing him to intervene even in an effort to keep her from doing harm to herself. Meanwhile, he could hardly put aside the fact she had almost died, was not yet recovered, and already throwing herself back into the crucible. Then he’d received the issive marked with the Wylde spiral, and his world had changed once more. He’d shared the news with her, but not the details of what he must do.

“I understand,” Davos spoke with a simple nod, before handing the same letter over to Theo Tyrell, stepping away only to give the seated lord a chance to read through the missive. The venerable man’s face was steely, but despite this there was still some shock readable on his features.

“You would share this knowledge with me?” The eyebrow was raised as he looked up, studying the relatively youthful, but scarred, countenance of the Baratheon. “This is enough to shake any alliance, we cannot build on sand.”

“My brother has been confirmed dead, and his son in chains, you can think what you wish of how much you can rely on my House once I have enough men to storm Ashford and set him free.” There was fire in Davos’ words, but the shrug of his shoulders more matched the flippant nature of their meaning. Thoughts of the future had been burned away, and the look of his father was upon him. He would do what he must for the here and now.

It was evident that Theo Tyrell had misgivings about Baratheons, he’d found Orys brash in the extreme and overly given to emotion, despite his competence, and nothing that he’d seen of his descendents suggested they were any different. This, along with the willingness to so freely present evidence of the House’s current weakness were factors so very different to what he had looked to build. At the same time, there were worse things than an honest ally, and one whom owed you a favour.

“How many do you need?” Already Theo’s focus was back on his desk, the scratch of ink onto parchment underscoring his words.

“I need riders more than I need numbers, enough to pull them out of the city, I trust my nephew to cause trouble on his own.” He did not add that any number of men wouldn’t prevent the captors from taking the younger Baratheon’s head should that not be true, and speed was more important in this endeavor.

“Reclaiming Ashford is a worthy aim, it is improper that such rabble be allowed to lord themselves over our loyal and true bannermen.” The stamp of the rose came down on the missive, and this new letter was handed up towards Davos. “It is good of you, Ser Davos, to volunteer to assist the Reach in this way. We will pray that in doing so you are able to recover the noble hostages held by the rebels, and if not, to avenge them.”

Davos dipped his head in a respectful bow as he took the missive, a look of gratitude flashing across his features only partially obscured by the motion. Providing the men he needed, and the means to motivate them without revealing the vulnerability of House Baratheon to any spies of the faith within the ranks of the Reachmen was an eventuality he could hardly have hoped for.

“Ride with haste, Seven guide you.”

“Silly little town.” Kyle Connington looked down upon Ashford from his place atop a Reach steed, taken in haste from the Tyrell host, as the cutting remark was spoken to Davos.

They were usually alike in their unsevere nature, but Davos’ attention settled on the town with an intensity that didn’t account for laughter or jests. It wasn’t that the Connington knight, one of Davos’ longer campaigning companions, misunderstood the situation or what it meant to House Baratheon, it was simply a different method of coping with that.

House Baratheon hadn’t been alone in being elevated to their position as overlords of their territory. House Tyrell and House Tully were among those that the older great houses may call usurpers, but these were still ancient families extended over twisting webs of hereditary trees. House Baratheon originated from a single bastard and a worthy queen but a generation before. To lose Durran, and have his son and heir lost was a threat that could overturn everything. Stormlanders were belicose by nature, and now was a time where many houses across Westeros were questioning loyalties that had been hard earned, and easily betrayed.

“That helps us.” Edric Celtigar rode up alongside the other two men. Only a distant cousin of the landed house, his grandfather had served alongside Orys in the early Targaryen armies, and so he, his sons, and now his grandsons served as retainers for the now-landed Baratheons. “A town designed to look pretty for tourneys and festivals is hardly a fortress, no matter how hard the rebels pray.” The small party compised of Davos’ retainers among the force he had assembled from what riders the Tyrells were willing to spare had far less moral hesitation when it came to the Warrior’s Sons and their Poor Fellows rabble, they were not men they had served alongside nor the people they ruled over. Still, they mostly kept such comments among themselves.

“They are riding under the impression we are tasked with ensuring the safety of Lord Ashford, and in securing the town.” Davos finally spoke himself, his eyes still on the town as he instructed his companions. “This isn’t a lie, it’s important we achieve these things for the benefit of House Tyrell.” The Baratheon paused only to draw his blade, but kept it low, lest the flickering of light upon the metal draw attention from the town. “I’ll ride and command the force, I want you two to find Rogar, if he’s going to make it out alive he’ll have used our distraction to separate from his captors.”

“And if he hasn’t?”

“Then we hope that whoever is in charge doesn’t try to cut their loses.” Davos’ tone kept the grim reality of what that could mean from being spoken. In truth, after the news of the loss of his brother, he had little thoughts for optimism. He’d be damned, however, if he’d let these rebels get away with the body of his nephew. He’d be damned if he let a single of them live, if they had done their worse.

“Alright then.” Kyle spoke with a sigh of held breath, before adding. “Lets kill the bastards.”

As the rising sun brought the shining charge of the Reach knights into view, the town was engulfed in chaos. The clatter of hooves from afar echoed through the narrow streets as knights thundered through, their armor gleaming in the dim light. The air was thick with the smell of fear and smoke as the suddenly fearful Poor fellows fled in every direction, their makeshift barricades crumbling under the relentless onslaught.

The ruse was a simple one, the knights of the assault had fanned out in a far more disperesed manner than they would normally ride into battle, hunting horns bellowing from many angles. A more disciplined foe would have little difficulty responding to such, but the attackers counted on the sort of rumors that had been circulating among the warriors of the faith, that the lords of the Southern Reach were raising banners to bring retribution to them. For many of the Poor Fellows, unused to the war they had found themselves in, the riding party may as well have been the full might of Highgarden.

That still left the men at arms and knights that had joined up with the cause, as well as the die had radicals more prepared to sell their lives in the name of the cause, and to fight even armoured foes tooth and nail for every inch of cobbled street. Many didn’t meet the riders head on, but instead clung to the shadows, ready to strike with bow rather than blade.
The knights charged forward with unwavering determination, their swords raised high, ready to strike down any who dared to stand in their way. Arrows whistled through the air, finding their marks with deadly precision, but the knights pressed on, their shields deflecting the deadly rain. The clash of steel continued to rebound down cobbled streets, the screams of dying men growing more desperate as the picturesque town was drenched in the stench of hot blood.

Davos was among them. The first foe he brought down was with the thundering crash of a green and gold lance lent from the Tyrells, punching clean through the first rider of the enemy he had met, not caring to mark the heraldry of the traitor before he ended whatever crusade of faith he believed he was on. Then, with the long weapon embedded and twisted, he relied on his blade. He struck with violence and fury. There was no small pang of pain and grief in his actions, but there was purpose too. The greater the scene of calamity the riders created, the more likely the ruse would continue to work, driving away more and more of the Poor Fellows rabble even as their knightly leaders attempted to rally them to hold Ashford.

He was determined not to give them the chance, to drive them to the dirt and keep them there with armoured boot until they had realised their mistake in taunting the wrath of the storm.

The rapid and brutal force of the assault was working, for the moment. Even the unusually triangular shape of the town castle didn’t seem to have responded properly to the incursion, the drawbridge was still down, as men scrambled back and forth, fleeing to or from the security, or prison, of the fortifications.

“On me.” Davos called to the rider beside him, one of the Tyrell riders bearing a horn as well as their blade, who gave a quick nod through their half-helm, and drawing said horn to their lips, blowing two quick blasts, then calling out;

“To the Stag! To Ser Davos!” It was full of the excessive chivalry of the Reach, but it worked all the same to draw the nearest riders up alongside Davos as he charged, pushing his destrier to further heights of speed and power as they barreled towards the gateway, closing in on it before it in turn could be closed on them. The original plan had been to be to strike then pull out of the town, before the numbers of the enemy could be brought to bear. With the castle not yet secure, and its main contingent either in the town or fleeing further, they had the opportunity to secure the town in one strike, rather than the harrying attempt they had planned. It was a risk, but given the events of the last week, Davos felt he had little left to lose.

Besides, if his wife to be could keep riding herself into certain danger, he’d hardly let her get away without the same worry.

The resistance in the keep itself was, as expected, fiercer, not just in attitude but in equipment and training. The storming of the courtyard was swift enough, the attackers still had the advantage of their steeds, and no matter that they now knights, properly equipped and emblazoned on in the colours of the seven, they had yet to reach their own steeds. There wasn’t much plate did to preserve ribs from the crunching force of a destrier’s charge, or kick, and for all their nobility, the Reach knights were still not above slipping from the saddle to finish off a stricken foe, particularly a rebel.

Their momentum for a moment was haltered by a similar rain of arrows to before, and in the more confined space this took a greater toll. Some of the precious steeds of the knights were lost, before Davos could have them ordered to abandone them in full, allowing the thunderous beasts to storm back the way they came and out of the keep, while the knights hunkered down behind their shields.
“Push for the Hall,” Davos behind the curtain of defence. In many sieges, the defenders might retreat to a Sept, they were usually defended and offered at least the chance the attackers would respect the rights of sanctuary. Davos didn’t expect the Knights of the Faith to offer such a clear surrender of imagery to these particular attackers. Secondly, although he’d be loathe to admit it infront of the pious Reachmen he fought alongside, he doubte his own restraint in that matter.

While the arrows could be lethal to their steeds, once afoot, and with shield raised, there was little the guerilla fighters could do to harm the fully plated attackers, who moved as a mass of metal and blade towards the main hall. The Warrior’s Sons, if there were any of particularly martial note among them, were not in great enough numbers to press back against the simple weight of momentum, the knights had put too much faith in their Poor Fellow’s ability to rally, and had been preparing to sally rather than hold the castle.
When they finally broke into the hall, Davos expected to find some sort of final resistance, but instead he saw, at the end of the hallway, the startled face of the burly Ayden Darklyn slowly turn to face the oncomers, a look of shock on his features. He seemed to move to speak, to address those who had assailed the Keep he had only recently taken, but only a spurt of blood issued forth from his lips, before he collapsed forwards.

Behind him, the pale, shaking, but steadfast shape of Lord Ashford young adolescent daughter stood, her dress torn, clutching in her quivering hands the hilt of Darklyn’s own blade, the length slick with the owner’s blood.

“Brave girl.” Davos spoke, before rushing forwards to catch the collapsing maiden.

Sorry I've not written anything IC so far, I was writing my first post as a collab that's stalled a bit. Promise I am still here.
Banner art image by Krysdecker

Location: Stark Tower, Manhattan, NYC

"Not sure why your're complaining." Laura spat blood, and a fragment of tooth, free from her mouth as she spoke, the pain of the already regrown backup pushing through her gums enough to sharpen her tone through the slight lisp momentarily created. "Isn't trying and failing to beat up on teenagers something of a family speciality?" In truth, Laura wasn't usually one for the cutting remarks some New York heroes were well known for, but for now it served a purpose. While she healed, she could at least still be a distraction. Laura's senses had already picked up the presence of her ally, and the creeping earthy smell of the tide of ants.

She didn't wait entirely for the spear wound to heal, although it had mostly knit closed by the time she lunged. The twin claws of both hands extended in a forward strike, almost a repeat of her previous attack, without the lunging benefit of the vehicle to propel her. She banked on that small amount of underestimation she had already noticed, acting the inexperienced combatant she truly wasn't. Not all knew quite how long she had fought alongside Logan in the shadows against their creators.

At the last moment, she sweapt low, brining into use the main difference she had from her gene-father, the pronged tip of her foot claws aimed first for the Kraven woman's leg, the tip of the claw working to extend the sweep of her leg. She could have done so without the claw at all, but after the spear injury she wasn't particularly inclined to save her foe the cutting pain, as she looked to sprawl her distracted foe to the ground.
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