The first.
Name: Isara Sergren
Alias: Singe (Other names apply, as well.)
Race: Sephi (Female)
Faction: Not an official part of any organization, but heavily Anti-Empire.
Alignment: Neutral
Class: Scoundrel (Slicer)
Appearance: But hah! I will be using words AND pics! Bwa ha haaa!
The Sephi are fairly common in the galaxy, as it is said that any human-like being with pointed ears may trace their heritage back to them. Singe in particular is a full-blooded one, though given to have non-standard amber-colored eyes. She is slim and agile in form, and rather flexible, looking a little pale with long unkempt silver-white hair and a lazy or disinterested stare. The thing that particularly stands out about her is all the tech she's wearing along with blast-resistant armor clothing meant to cushion the wearer from concussive force and insulate them from heat or electrical sources. Essentially, it's tech worker and scavenger gear refitted to her own tastes, with her various devices woven in or belt-mounted, and it covers the old blaster wound on her back nicely.
Personality: Time to crack open that noggin.
To know Singe is to know a number of complexes, namely the ones that have shaped her into the person she is now. Let's start with the Slicing. Her approach to alot of her work is borderline obsessive, with a deep-seated need to hurt Imperials and generally terrible people whenever the chance arises. Such is not actually to be considered outright sadism, but some of the things she's done with computer systems or droids and the results therein can be considered so. More on this later. Singe mainly keeps to herself, having spent quite alot of time in isolation, simultaneously wishing she wasn't in isolation and not wanting to set foot outside ever again because of what happened last time, so why would you even THINK of doing that?
Basically, she's had a rough time in the past that's left her in a state that is depressed and almost desiring contact with others, but past events have made her loathe and fear any situation she cannot trust, which is alot nowadays. She obsessively performs her operations in isolation and tinkers with devices in an effort to 'fix' everything, but everything is just wrong and she can't repair what's wrong with her. All this, she covers with a somewhat arrogant professionalism with a certain disdain for things you can't measure the reliability of, such as people. Honestly, she wants to break out, but the Empire trying to break her left her in sort of a jaded mess.
Items: Always the fun part.
Arm-Mounted Slicer Gear x2 - Many Slicer devices are highly-customized, and that is true here. Singe employs two carbon-reinforced holo-emitter computers attached to long fingerless gloves (Solid-state, hurts if she backhands you with one.) that work in tandem and back each other up to prevent data loss if one is, for instance, shot. They respond to holographic controls, touch pad actions, voice activation, and subtle gestures that the sensors pick up for easy use. Apart from talking to computers wirelessly or via probe with infiltration programs and the like, they are also geared for creating hides and decoys holographically, as well as sudden sensory overload (visual strobe of painfully-bright colors).
Tactical Eyepatch - A device worn over Singe's left eye which is linked wirelessly to all of her devices for Slicing and general display purposes (such as virtual displays), as well as seeing through any camera or sensor she's planted, like the one mounted on her blaster. It has also been fitted with a comlink to allow for hands-free communication.
Choker Emitter - Although her computers are the ones doing all the heavy work, Singe wears a choker with a holo-emitter capable of delivering all of the tactical holographic deception and sensory overload programs at a simple gesture, a touch, the sound of her voice, and so on. It'll work alongside the computers when instituting these actions, but can operate independently, as well.
'Eye-Guy' Spy Cameras - Fairly-simple, but rather effective, camera devices built from droid eyes and micro-transmitters. Singe makes them with the intent of being planted, but also tries to make them at least a BIT mobile, with legs or wheels or whatever's available. They're essentially disposable, but useful.
'Watcher' Heavy Blaster Pistol - A custom blaster built from a number of scavenged parts. It is a well-balanced heavy blaster with regular and stun setting, the normal scope sight having been replaced with a camera that allows Singe to see where it is pointed through her eyepatch, making for quick and easy aim.
'Therefore' and 'Ergo' Vibro-Blades - A pair of mismatched vibroblade weapons, probably taken from different owners, then taken apart and put back together several times. They are functionally concealable switchblades, one marked with an S and the other an E, which is...odd.
Background: Aaand storytime!
You never call her Isara. You call her Singe because Isara Sergren shouldn't exist on a rapsheet or personal file anymore. If you DO know her by her real name, then you're either very close to her or about to be dead, because you have leaked information that could harm her, and she's not about to let that happen again. You're probably wondering what the first time was like. Sadly, you'll have to ask her yourself, because this document contains a program designed to remove detailed references to the event and then overwrite it to continue the narrative flow unbroken. The following describes what IS known about Singe that she's willing to share.
She has had a fair few names, strictly Slicer handles and nicknames, nothing that can be effectively traced. The only one oft-repeated is Singe, the name of a reclusive Slicer rumored to have created a number of situations that caused the Galactic Empire alot of trouble. It is her work, and her life. She operates by way of misinformation, sabotage, subterfuge, and the hiring of smugglers and mercenaries to do the things she can't do in person. Here is - for example - what a typical Singe action is like...
Discover a shipment of munitions bound for an Imperial base via computer intel.
Change the order's destination on the file so it's sent to a go-between who is a smuggler.
Send the smuggler to a storage facility with a saboteur who rigs the crates with explosives while en route.
Wait for the Imperials to get wind of the shipment's location and attempt recovery.
Hire mercenaries to attempt seizure of the shipment so that the Imperials fight hard to retain the goods.
The Imperials take the shipment aboard whatever vessel they took to get here.
Due to the shipment having been stolen earlier and unknown mercenaries trying to take it, they quickly check the contents.
In their haste, scans for explosive devices are not used and the bombs go off, killing many and destroying the munitions.
Pay for all of this with a Sliced Imperial bank account.
After a typical day of hurting the Empire in this way and similar, showing what a lack of caution and too much trust will get you, Singe would generally laugh at their current misery, get drunk, zone out in virtual computation and Slicing, and then pass out, usually in that order. She usually lives in underplaces - away from all other beings - in nook-and-cranny abandoned or strictly utility areas that nobody goes to or can normally access, but she's willing to crawl through lots of ductwork to reach and then close off for her exclusive use. Her most-recent locale is a deep dark area underneath a fair amount of factory on Correllia, far away from the noise of machinery where only the hum of devices electronic can be heard.
She's been this way for a while, and the only thing that's made her want to shift from where she that the Empire is breaking down and may need a personal touch to make sure it stays broken...just like her.
Supporting Characters: Allies and Others!
Meyran Tufts, AKA Goggles - One of Singe's contacts, a Tynnan mechanic living out of a YT-1930 transport, the Crimson Fang. The planet Tynna and it's oddly space otter-like society was never conquered by the Galactic Empire, thanks to a strong planetary forcefield, so its society and connections as a load of technically-advanced mechanics and saboteurs is fully-intact. Goggles has plenty of mechanical and piloting ability on his own, and is part of a strong mechanics union based on the Shipwrights' Trace, as well as possessing his own contacts.
Kiara Tosk - A female Zabrak mercenary often seen leading a pair of Kel-Dor warriors and a load of mercenary droids on an AEG-77 Vigo, sometimes seen with a heavy weapon-wielding Ranth navigator. She is a leader of various gun-toting nutjobs and breakers of laws who also switch things up at times by doing some legal work. They are strictly come for the ultra-violence and the payment. Not here for your baggage, though Kiara herself is talkative and probing just for the hell of it.
Indoumodo Zones - Nobody is quite sure why this archaeologist decided to name himself after an obscure jungle planet filled with bugs, but supposedly it's where he goes to train to keep in shape in between expeditions to strange ruins and personal missions to recover stolen artifacts from collectors and criminals alike. What he a fairly-affluent eccentric with an electro-stun grapple-whip and a gun...and that he's maybe the only person Singe dares call a friend. (It is also rumored that he may have a Light Whip, though that might be in a museum.)
Alias: Singe (Other names apply, as well.)
Race: Sephi (Female)
Faction: Not an official part of any organization, but heavily Anti-Empire.
Alignment: Neutral
Class: Scoundrel (Slicer)
Appearance: But hah! I will be using words AND pics! Bwa ha haaa!
The Sephi are fairly common in the galaxy, as it is said that any human-like being with pointed ears may trace their heritage back to them. Singe in particular is a full-blooded one, though given to have non-standard amber-colored eyes. She is slim and agile in form, and rather flexible, looking a little pale with long unkempt silver-white hair and a lazy or disinterested stare. The thing that particularly stands out about her is all the tech she's wearing along with blast-resistant armor clothing meant to cushion the wearer from concussive force and insulate them from heat or electrical sources. Essentially, it's tech worker and scavenger gear refitted to her own tastes, with her various devices woven in or belt-mounted, and it covers the old blaster wound on her back nicely.
Personality: Time to crack open that noggin.
To know Singe is to know a number of complexes, namely the ones that have shaped her into the person she is now. Let's start with the Slicing. Her approach to alot of her work is borderline obsessive, with a deep-seated need to hurt Imperials and generally terrible people whenever the chance arises. Such is not actually to be considered outright sadism, but some of the things she's done with computer systems or droids and the results therein can be considered so. More on this later. Singe mainly keeps to herself, having spent quite alot of time in isolation, simultaneously wishing she wasn't in isolation and not wanting to set foot outside ever again because of what happened last time, so why would you even THINK of doing that?
Basically, she's had a rough time in the past that's left her in a state that is depressed and almost desiring contact with others, but past events have made her loathe and fear any situation she cannot trust, which is alot nowadays. She obsessively performs her operations in isolation and tinkers with devices in an effort to 'fix' everything, but everything is just wrong and she can't repair what's wrong with her. All this, she covers with a somewhat arrogant professionalism with a certain disdain for things you can't measure the reliability of, such as people. Honestly, she wants to break out, but the Empire trying to break her left her in sort of a jaded mess.
Items: Always the fun part.
Arm-Mounted Slicer Gear x2 - Many Slicer devices are highly-customized, and that is true here. Singe employs two carbon-reinforced holo-emitter computers attached to long fingerless gloves (Solid-state, hurts if she backhands you with one.) that work in tandem and back each other up to prevent data loss if one is, for instance, shot. They respond to holographic controls, touch pad actions, voice activation, and subtle gestures that the sensors pick up for easy use. Apart from talking to computers wirelessly or via probe with infiltration programs and the like, they are also geared for creating hides and decoys holographically, as well as sudden sensory overload (visual strobe of painfully-bright colors).
Tactical Eyepatch - A device worn over Singe's left eye which is linked wirelessly to all of her devices for Slicing and general display purposes (such as virtual displays), as well as seeing through any camera or sensor she's planted, like the one mounted on her blaster. It has also been fitted with a comlink to allow for hands-free communication.
Choker Emitter - Although her computers are the ones doing all the heavy work, Singe wears a choker with a holo-emitter capable of delivering all of the tactical holographic deception and sensory overload programs at a simple gesture, a touch, the sound of her voice, and so on. It'll work alongside the computers when instituting these actions, but can operate independently, as well.
'Eye-Guy' Spy Cameras - Fairly-simple, but rather effective, camera devices built from droid eyes and micro-transmitters. Singe makes them with the intent of being planted, but also tries to make them at least a BIT mobile, with legs or wheels or whatever's available. They're essentially disposable, but useful.
'Watcher' Heavy Blaster Pistol - A custom blaster built from a number of scavenged parts. It is a well-balanced heavy blaster with regular and stun setting, the normal scope sight having been replaced with a camera that allows Singe to see where it is pointed through her eyepatch, making for quick and easy aim.
'Therefore' and 'Ergo' Vibro-Blades - A pair of mismatched vibroblade weapons, probably taken from different owners, then taken apart and put back together several times. They are functionally concealable switchblades, one marked with an S and the other an E, which is...odd.
Background: Aaand storytime!
You never call her Isara. You call her Singe because Isara Sergren shouldn't exist on a rapsheet or personal file anymore. If you DO know her by her real name, then you're either very close to her or about to be dead, because you have leaked information that could harm her, and she's not about to let that happen again. You're probably wondering what the first time was like. Sadly, you'll have to ask her yourself, because this document contains a program designed to remove detailed references to the event and then overwrite it to continue the narrative flow unbroken. The following describes what IS known about Singe that she's willing to share.
She has had a fair few names, strictly Slicer handles and nicknames, nothing that can be effectively traced. The only one oft-repeated is Singe, the name of a reclusive Slicer rumored to have created a number of situations that caused the Galactic Empire alot of trouble. It is her work, and her life. She operates by way of misinformation, sabotage, subterfuge, and the hiring of smugglers and mercenaries to do the things she can't do in person. Here is - for example - what a typical Singe action is like...
Discover a shipment of munitions bound for an Imperial base via computer intel.
Change the order's destination on the file so it's sent to a go-between who is a smuggler.
Send the smuggler to a storage facility with a saboteur who rigs the crates with explosives while en route.
Wait for the Imperials to get wind of the shipment's location and attempt recovery.
Hire mercenaries to attempt seizure of the shipment so that the Imperials fight hard to retain the goods.
The Imperials take the shipment aboard whatever vessel they took to get here.
Due to the shipment having been stolen earlier and unknown mercenaries trying to take it, they quickly check the contents.
In their haste, scans for explosive devices are not used and the bombs go off, killing many and destroying the munitions.
Pay for all of this with a Sliced Imperial bank account.
After a typical day of hurting the Empire in this way and similar, showing what a lack of caution and too much trust will get you, Singe would generally laugh at their current misery, get drunk, zone out in virtual computation and Slicing, and then pass out, usually in that order. She usually lives in underplaces - away from all other beings - in nook-and-cranny abandoned or strictly utility areas that nobody goes to or can normally access, but she's willing to crawl through lots of ductwork to reach and then close off for her exclusive use. Her most-recent locale is a deep dark area underneath a fair amount of factory on Correllia, far away from the noise of machinery where only the hum of devices electronic can be heard.
She's been this way for a while, and the only thing that's made her want to shift from where she that the Empire is breaking down and may need a personal touch to make sure it stays broken...just like her.
Supporting Characters: Allies and Others!
Meyran Tufts, AKA Goggles - One of Singe's contacts, a Tynnan mechanic living out of a YT-1930 transport, the Crimson Fang. The planet Tynna and it's oddly space otter-like society was never conquered by the Galactic Empire, thanks to a strong planetary forcefield, so its society and connections as a load of technically-advanced mechanics and saboteurs is fully-intact. Goggles has plenty of mechanical and piloting ability on his own, and is part of a strong mechanics union based on the Shipwrights' Trace, as well as possessing his own contacts.
Kiara Tosk - A female Zabrak mercenary often seen leading a pair of Kel-Dor warriors and a load of mercenary droids on an AEG-77 Vigo, sometimes seen with a heavy weapon-wielding Ranth navigator. She is a leader of various gun-toting nutjobs and breakers of laws who also switch things up at times by doing some legal work. They are strictly come for the ultra-violence and the payment. Not here for your baggage, though Kiara herself is talkative and probing just for the hell of it.
Indoumodo Zones - Nobody is quite sure why this archaeologist decided to name himself after an obscure jungle planet filled with bugs, but supposedly it's where he goes to train to keep in shape in between expeditions to strange ruins and personal missions to recover stolen artifacts from collectors and criminals alike. What he a fairly-affluent eccentric with an electro-stun grapple-whip and a gun...and that he's maybe the only person Singe dares call a friend. (It is also rumored that he may have a Light Whip, though that might be in a museum.)