Avatar of FateWeaver
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Bluewolf675
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 646 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. FateWeaver 11 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Been a while, but I'm back. Just moved and no social life in the new place yet so I'll probably be around a lot.
9 yrs ago
My cat has been found guilty of laptopicide, using my very own jar of ice water as a murder weapon. I'll be back as soon as I can. At most, I'm looking at about a month with no personal computer.
9 yrs ago
Leaving town to visit my girlfriend, probably won't be around to post for a couple days. I'll be back in full by Wednesday.
9 yrs ago
Anyone else remember Code Lyoko?
9 yrs ago
Finally got my wisdom teeth out. Probably won't be around much until I recover.


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Most Recent Posts

Lyla Warren

"That sounds wonderful, of course I'll join you!" Humming softly to herself, Lyla placed her dishes in the sink and moved across to the door that led into the hallway. It hadn't taken her long to get through her fill of the food and drink, being about half of each. She wasn't much of a morning person at all, but especially where it came to eating right away. It would have been rude to refuse though, and she found she liked Dominic. Besides, he was a good cook and what she had eaten had been rather pleasing.

"I thought I'd heard someone else in here," she said, reaching out with her right hand to softly pet the little pig. Lyla giggled when Cauldron snuffled her hand. "She's adorable! All the animals here almost make me wish I'd had a pet of my own to bring along. Let's go though, I haven't been to the greenhouse yet. Don't worry, there are only a few people here that are so quiet I can't follow them." With that, she waited with a bright smile for her new companion to lead her out to the grounds and eventually the aforementioned greenhouse.


Morgan Selwyn

Once the final cinders were extinguished Morgan returned to Kiara's side, studying her with a soft and steady gaze. While he didn't particularly want to be right there if she ended up lashing out, he couldn't help the desire to try to find a way to help. When she rebuked him, the harshness in her tone caused him to flinch. He held his ground though, managing to only briefly avert his grey eyes from the anger in hers. Reflexively, his arms crossed low over his stomach for a moment before he forced them back to his sides with a minute shiver. For a rare moment, Morgan felt cold.

He heard the apology in her thanks, and acknowledged it with slight nod. It didn't quite touch home, but it was what she could give him. When Kiara reached for his hand, Morgan met her halfway and used the contact to tug her closer as he stepped up to wrap his arms around her tightly for a swift moment. When he stepped back and took her hand again, he finally spoke up.

"I know a place where I can guarantee some measure of peace and privacy out here, if you want. I've been meaning to show you anyway. It's almost reached the limit of what I can do alone." When Morgan talked, there was a slight rasp in his voice to betray his nervousness, both new and continued. Because of his magic though, the tear that had stung at the corner of his eye before he embraced Kiara never had a chance.

@Silent Observer
Sorry it took me longer than usual to get replies up, I have been diverting all brainpower to planning this weekend's DnD session. Starting a new campaign in fifth edition with a few newbies (to the game and my group).
Morgan Selwyn

“You got meee…” Kiara's response broadened Morgan's smile, instantly snuffing out the mild concern that she had somehow sensed his approach. Her smile was all it took for her to grab his attention.

"You know I'm always trying to improve," he said in answer to her question, but she had something for him this time. He watched in awe as she created, for her magic bore no mark of summoning, a water lily in what had previously been empty space. As Kiara tucked the flower into his hair, Morgan felt the blood rush swiftly to his face and neck. At this point, he didn't try to hide it from her. Not that he would have had much luck in the water.

As all good things do, the moment came to an abrupt end. Most of those things don't end in fiery explosions though. Beyond Kiara, Morgan could see the flaming tree in the distance and let loose a heavy sigh. Before she could really request his help with it, he had started for the shore.

Grumbling more out of annoyance at the interruption and the other student's lack of control than any real anger, Morgan pulled himself from the lake and expelled the water from his clothing with a flick of is wrist. Rather than dispersing it, he drew it and water from the lake into his hands until he carried an orb about the size of an average beach ball. Following Kiara, he balanced it carefully until they reached the blazing tree. She began to shout, but the offending student lashed out with a wave of fire. It didn't even take a moment of thought for the Warlock to intercede, guiding the orb of water with his will to catch the spilling flames. With the cool detachment he maintained to work his art, he guided the water up into the blaze to begin to quell it. Where water met fire and steam was created, he captured the vapor as well to smother the flames.

@Silent Observer

Lyla Warren

While Dominic prepared breakfast, Lyla retreated briefly to her room to dress for the day. Most of her clothing items were unique in either shape or material, for her to be better able to tell them apart. Denim shorts would do for today, along with one of her various t-shirts. By the thickness of the fabric, she judged it to be the sky blue one. A pair of simple leather sandals had her properly attired, and she returned to the little kitchenette where food had just been set out.

"Thank you," Lyla said as she took the chair Dominic pulled out for her, offering him a smile as she sat. Her fingers trailed lightly over the tabletop until coming into contact with a fork, which she picked up carefully as her roommate let loose some of his curiosity.

"I don't mind at all, honestly! I was spliced with a Flying Fox, a type of bat. It gives me an advantage a lot of other blind folk don't enjoy. The wings don't help too much yet, but the doctor says they're continuing to grow as I age. I've been able to glide a short distance for a little less than a year," the Splice explained as she took up the cutlery. Her wings shifted slightly when she started talking about them, a nervous reflex, and she could feel her shirt shifting around them. Like most of her clothing, it had been cut to accommodate them.

"Tea or hot chocolate will be fine, I'm not supposed to have coffee for some reason. Thank you for making breakfast, Dominic."

Morgan rose with the sun, heading as per usual to an immediate hot shower. Shortly thereafter he was tugging on a simple dark blue button-up shirt and buckling a wide leather belt over dark jeans. A homemade knit black scarf went around his neck, followed by a hooded jacket with a thick trim. He was long used to wearing as much or more, to put something between his back and other people. His shoes were black leather, worn with use but heavy and comfortable.

Thus attired, he ducked out of the dorm room and into the hall. There was still time before the orientation, and he wanted to explore a bit. Morgan already knew his way around the buildings to a certain degree, but today he was going out into the forest. Among the trees, he searched for a creek or small river. It didn't take him long to find one, and then find a good spot along it. There was a clearing around a small rocky beach, created as the bed of the waterway shifted over time. With what little time he had left, he made his way back to the Academy proper for the orientation.

Morgan fidgeted impatiently the whole time, and exited as quickly as possible. He didn't like having to sit still for so long and was grateful to stretch his legs again afterward. With a quick glance around to the other gathered students, he considered returning to the clearing he had found earlier. One of the falling flyers landed on his head, and he held it long enough to read it before folding it and tucking it into a jacket pocket. It might be a good idea for later, but he was unsure of what to do for the moment.
Barefoot is best, shoes are lame. But when they are required, I prefer heavy and leather.
@PixiePudding Oops, forgot a mention in my IC post. Man, sometimes I'm just so impatient to hit that 'Post Reply' button.
Morgan Selwyn

By the time the lake was in sight, Morgan had long since ceased his practice and lightly jogged over the flowing surface of the river. While he had simply walked atop it while walking at a normal pace, the increased force of his footfalls tested the limits of the fragile magic and his bare feet dipped a few centimeters into the cool water with each step. As he reached the threshold of the lake proper, he was just in time to see a familiar figure slip beneath the surface. A smile lit the Warlock's features and after a brief moment of thought he allowed the water to accept his body in silence.

Under the surface of the lake, Morgan's vision was nearly as clear as it would be above. While he did use his limbs to propel himself, he took a certain satisfaction in using the water itself to aid in his movements once more. It was easy to see why the river and lake drew him so; he was very literally in his element. Not to mention the fact that the very person he had hoped to see also frequented the lake and nearby field. She was indeed present, and he could see a blaze a fiery hair ahead of him in the water. Diving deeper to hide himself, he decided that this was the time that he would surprise her rather than the other way around. Moving closer until he was under and behind her, he waited patiently for her to gain the surface. Once she had he headed upwards himself, careful not to disturb the water until his head reached open air again.

"Good morning, Kiara," Morgan said cheerfully as he surfaced, one corner of his mouth quirked in a rare grin. His eyes held a spark of mischief hardly ever seen by any but her, and he could but hope she hadn't notice his approach and would react spectacularly. It was rare and difficult for him to surprise her, but he absolutely delighted in it. "Lovely time for a swim, eh?"

@Silent Observer

Lyla Warren

Lyla's ears flicked somewhat as the door opened, an involuntary reaction to a sudden noise so close. She smiled all the more, however, as her new roommate introduced himself. Paying attention to his words, she did not notice when he offered a hand to shake. She wasn't the hand-shaking sort anyway. If he hadn't sounded so nervous, the blind girl might have greeted him with a friendly hug. As it was, she didn't want to give him any reason to clam up on her.

"Oh! My name is Lyla!," she supplied happily, moving slightly to one side of the door in case he wanted to step out. "Honestly, I didn't hear anything until that stupid clock woke me up. I'm kind of a heavy sleeper once the sun is in the sky. Miss Pyari thinks I should try to adjust to a more 'normal' schedule, but I honestly don't see why. I mean, there are plenty of people that work all night and sleep during the day..."

About the time Lyla realized she was babbling, her stomach growled audibly. She blushed somewhat, her grin faltering as she fell silent for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say no to something to eat..." she admitted with a small smile. Thus far, she rather liked her new roommate. Something about Dominic reminded her of her creator, though she couldn't quite place it yet.
It's quite alright. I don't think I have time now but I should be able to put a post up in the morning after work.

Full Name: Morgan James Selwyn

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Morgie, though he rather dislikes it.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

DOB: June 27, 1997

Occupation: Student at Gringore Academy

Race: Witch (Adaquare)

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Silver-Grey

Height and Build: 5'7"; wiry and thin

Other Appearance: Scars belying jagged tears and severe burns cover the majority of Morgan's back, from just above his tailbone to the nape of his neck. They make him feel vulnerable and thus he is typically seen wearing a scarf or high-collared jacket even during the hottest days of Summer. Though generally soft-spoken and reserved, Morgan's voice has a resonant quality that becomes apparent when he actually talks. Often it is difficult for him to look directly into the face or eyes of someone he does not know well or trust.

The coven Morgan belongs to is called the Selwyn Circle, named so after the original founding family. The coven is rather large, to the point that the members live in groups scattered across various states. They do not live in traditional families, and most marital pairs have what humans would consider to be an open, or non-exclusive relationship. Thus, almost every member of the circle is related to the others in one way or another, and most children have an abundance half- and full-blooded siblings.

The Selwyn Circle considers itself a 'Natural' coven, and teach their children that magic is an intrinsic part of their being and spirit. Their abilities are a part of everyday life, and as such they receive little in the way of formal education and training as pertains to magic. Children are encouraged to practice and play with their Art, exploring their potential and strengths on their own, though not generally unsupervised. A child with a particularly strong or uncontrollable talent may be taken aside to be taught one-on-one, but it is very rare. Within the coven, most members are female and female children are favored more by their parents. They tend to receive more attention, and thus develop their abilities and strengths faster and to a greater degree than male children.

Morgan grew up surrounded by sisters and half sisters, not to mention the general 'it takes a village' sentiment the Circle has considering the care of children. Most of his time was spent in the company of uncles or occasionally his father, practicing control over his abilities of his own volition. Even though most of his sisters progressed in their studies faster than him and generally could run circles around his comparatively simple spellwork, he often found that the sheer strength of his abilities outmatched theirs. Thus he was doubly an outcast, for he had no male companions his age and most of his sisters avoided him out of jealousy or were cruel to him out of spite. There were a few exceptions of course, most notably his eldest full sister, Piper.

The story of Morgan's scars is largely one of mistakes and miscalculations. There came a day, not too long before his specialization was chosen, when he decided to practice on his own for once. Deep in the woods near his home was a small lake where he often went to clear his mind or simply get away from his family. Worn nearly to exhaustion by his practice and attempts to handle large amounts of power more precisely, he was entirely unable to defend himself when he was set upon by a vampire. She had seen him practicing and sought not only to slake her thirst, but also create a powerful thrall through consistent feeding. He was unable to stop himself from following her to her den.

Morgan spent only a few hours there before Piper and his uncle Ruben tracked him down, having become worried when he did not return when he said he would. Near helpless, he watched as his sister and uncle cornered the vampire between his elaborate spellwork and her blasts of fire and lightning. Once caught so, the creature responded with no thought for its own well-being and fell savagely upon Ruben. As the light left his eyes, it sent Piper into a rage such as she had not experienced for years. In the heat of her anger, she incinerated the vampire. In the process, she nearly killed herself by overusing her magic and severely injured Morgan in the resulting blast. It was only after she regained consciousness that she was able to carry her brother back to their family for healing. Much of the damage was too extensive to be healed outright, but he was stabilized and recovered on his own over time. After the first healing and regaining consciousness of his own he refused to let another bear the pain of his wounds, for he considered the eventual scars to be a lesson to both himself and his sister, as well as a final and permanent reminder of his uncle. Piper still feels guilty over the hurt she gave to her brother, but covers it well with jests at his expense.

It was years later that Morgan decided to forge is own path once more, in attending Gringore Academy. No others of his Circle had attended any similar establishment in the past, but neither that nor the misgivings of his mother were enough to stop him. He figured that he had progressed as far as he was able within the Circle, and had no desire to be restricted by the environment he considered to be oppressive. Piper and his father lent their support, and thus he left his family behind to become a boarding student at the Academy.

Verona Selwyn (Naturalis) - Grandmother, Circle Leader - 72
Arthur Selwyn (Propheta) - Grandfather - (Deceased October 2011)
Moira Selwyn (Naturalis) - Mother - 45
Victor Selwyn (Intelligere) - Father - 41
Ruben Selwyn (Fingumas) - Uncle - (Deceased March 2009)
Michelle Selwyn (Propheta) - Half-Sister - 27
Piper Selwyn (Ignis) - Sister - 24
Verity Selwyn (Questum) - Half-Sister - 22
Primrose Selwyn (Terreni) - Sister - 17
Diana Selwyn - Sister - 12
Antony Selwyn - Half-Brother - 8

Other/Extra: Morgan plays the flute and piano, though he handles the first more ably. He considers himself to be a passable artist, often spending time outside for the sole purpose of sketching the forms of nature. He carries his grandfather's Grimoire as well as Ruben's in addition to his own slim book of notes. When he is not sketching, studying, or practicing his art, he is often found volunteering in the library at Gringore.
Here goes. Plucked this fellow from an RP with the same general theme. Let me know what you think.
May make another character, depending on how things go.

Full Name: Morgan James Selwyn

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Morgie, though he rather dislikes it.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

DOB: June 27, 1997

Occupation: Student at Gringore Academy

Race: Witch (Adaquare)

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Silver-Grey

Height and Build: 5'7"; wiry and thin

Other Appearance: Scars belying jagged tears and severe burns cover the majority of Morgan's back, from just above his tailbone to the nape of his neck. They make him feel vulnerable and thus he is typically seen wearing a scarf or high-collared jacket even during the hottest days of Summer. Though generally soft-spoken and reserved, Morgan's voice has a resonant quality that becomes apparent when he actually talks. Often it is difficult for him to look directly into the face or eyes of someone he does not know well or trust.

The coven Morgan belongs to is called the Selwyn Circle, named so after the original founding family. The coven is rather large, to the point that the members live in groups scattered across various states. They do not live in traditional families, and most marital pairs have what humans would consider to be an open, or non-exclusive relationship. Thus, almost every member of the circle is related to the others in one way or another, and most children have an abundance half- and full-blooded siblings.

The Selwyn Circle considers itself a 'Natural' coven, and teach their children that magic is an intrinsic part of their being and spirit. Their abilities are a part of everyday life, and as such they receive little in the way of formal education and training as pertains to magic. Children are encouraged to practice and play with their Art, exploring their potential and strengths on their own, though not generally unsupervised. A child with a particularly strong or uncontrollable talent may be taken aside to be taught one-on-one, but it is very rare. Within the coven, most members are female and female children are favored more by their parents. They tend to receive more attention, and thus develop their abilities and strengths faster and to a greater degree than male children.

Morgan grew up surrounded by sisters and half sisters, not to mention the general 'it takes a village' sentiment the Circle has considering the care of children. Most of his time was spent in the company of uncles or occasionally his father, practicing control over his abilities of his own volition. Even though most of his sisters progressed in their studies faster than him and generally could run circles around his comparatively simple spellwork, he often found that the sheer strength of his abilities outmatched theirs. Thus he was doubly an outcast, for he had no male companions his age and most of his sisters avoided him out of jealousy or were cruel to him out of spite. There were a few exceptions of course, most notably his eldest full sister, Piper.

The story of Morgan's scars is largely one of mistakes and miscalculations. There came a day, not too long before his specialization was chosen, when he decided to practice on his own for once. Deep in the woods near his home was a small lake where he often went to clear his mind or simply get away from his family. Worn nearly to exhaustion by his practice and attempts to handle large amounts of power more precisely, he was entirely unable to defend himself when he was set upon by a vampire. She had seen him practicing and sought not only to slake her thirst, but also create a powerful thrall through consistent feeding. He was unable to stop himself from following her to her den.

Morgan spent only a few hours there before Piper and his uncle Ruben tracked him down, having become worried when he did not return when he said he would. Near helpless, he watched as his sister and uncle cornered the vampire between his elaborate spellwork and her blasts of fire and lightning. Once caught so, the creature responded with no thought for its own well-being and fell savagely upon Ruben. As the light left his eyes, it sent Piper into a rage such as she had not experienced for years. In the heat of her anger, she incinerated the vampire. In the process, she nearly killed herself by overusing her magic and severely injured Morgan in the resulting blast. It was only after she regained consciousness that she was able to carry her brother back to their family for healing. Much of the damage was too extensive to be healed outright, but he was stabilized and recovered on his own over time. After the first healing and regaining consciousness of his own he refused to let another bear the pain of his wounds, for he considered the eventual scars to be a lesson to both himself and his sister, as well as a final and permanent reminder of his uncle. Piper still feels guilty over the hurt she gave to her brother, but covers it well with jests at his expense.

It was years later that Morgan decided to forge is own path once more, in attending Gringore Academy. No others of his Circle had attended any similar establishment in the past, but neither that nor the misgivings of his mother were enough to stop him. He figured that he had progressed as far as he was able within the Circle, and had no desire to be restricted by the environment he considered to be oppressive. Piper and his father lent their support, and thus he left his family behind to become a boarding student at the Academy.

Verona Selwyn (Naturalis) - Grandmother, Circle Leader - 72
Arthur Selwyn (Propheta) - Grandfather - (Deceased October 2011)
Moira Selwyn (Naturalis) - Mother - 45
Victor Selwyn (Intelligere) - Father - 41
Ruben Selwyn (Fingumas) - Uncle - (Deceased March 2009)
Michelle Selwyn (Propheta) - Half-Sister - 27
Piper Selwyn (Ignis) - Sister - 24
Verity Selwyn (Questum) - Half-Sister - 22
Primrose Selwyn (Terreni) - Sister - 17
Diana Selwyn - Sister - 12
Antony Selwyn - Half-Brother - 8

Other/Extra: Morgan plays the flute and piano, though he handles the first more ably. He considers himself to be a passable artist, often spending time outside for the sole purpose of sketching the forms of nature. He carries his grandfather's Grimoire as well as Ruben's in addition to his own slim book of notes. When he is not sketching, studying, or practicing his art, he is often found volunteering in the library at Gringore.
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