Avatar of FerriteFox
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  • Posts: 259 (0.07 / day)
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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What are the classes even like?
So how long is each chapter going to be?
Rou didnt hate Alex for being a champion, it just meant that he was an even bigger obstacle than originally thought. By this point he had painted his Brave a silvery gray and fully assembled it. He knew what he wanted to do with it now. He scraped off excess plastic on a custom beam "rapier" he had built and set it aside. From his spare parts box he pulled out a MG scale set of Tactical Arms from the Red Astray Kai kit he scrapped years ago. With a few modifications, they easily fit on the back of the Brave with the arm blades fully extended from behind. Rou sighed, hoping Alex wasn't hurt by the way he came off that afternoon. He stood up and went to search for the kid.

After a short while, Rou found Alex sitting by the lake. He silently walked up to him and leaned against a tree, looking down so that his hat hid his face.

"Listen...I don't give a damn how many championships you've won or how much of a prodigy you can be. I only care about who you are as a person and how you see Gunpla. Show me who you really are by setting that GP Base down and giving it your all. Show EVERYONE."
Finished the second half of Try last night, definitely not as good as the first season but it was redeemable. I legitimately wanted Tryon to win. Also dat Domon in the credits.
Rou didn't turn around as he spoke.

"Its good that you know that, we have our similarities. I saw some funky guy with a Ball cosplay outfit, watch out for him. With the display that Grand just gave, everyone here is gonna be itching to get a chance with you."

Rou turned his head.

"That includes me." He said before winking and sticking his tongue out.
Team ups when
"Champ or not, you still have another thing coming." Rou chortled. "Dont let it all go to your head now, one cocky opponent doesn't mean you've won the academy over."

He turned and headed back to the room, already mulling over designs for his Brave and future Ball modules.
Rou ran up and clapped Alex on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. "Nice job man. You've got a lot of skill for someone your age." He said while watching a grown man cry and run away. Rou winked. "But you know, once I'm done fixing up my Brave it won't be so easy."

Rou looked around the room as people began finishing their duels. The academy was chock full of strong people, all wanting to show what they were made of. DAI-BALL-OH! was going to change the face of Gunpla this summer, Rou knew it.
So what next?
Fixed it up
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