Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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@tal0n Human sized body suits, probably just a little bit taller than your character normally would be.
@FerriteFox I'm interested, but I would like to know more about the specs of the Armor Suits, and what their form, or forms, could be, as well as what forms the "unheard of powers" can take, and how strong they can be.

They are full body suits that the user can summon at will (think a Power Ranger of Kamen Rider). They're sturdy and can take a lot of beatings, but larger wounds and damages do take time to "heal". They're more extensions of the people who manifest them. You can be pretty creative with them. The idea behind them is that humanity "evolved" to begin restoring the Earth. Powers don't have to directly relate to that, but they can be pretty groundbreaking. The largest city government is helmed by the three most powerful Knights known, the Core Knights. I guess their abilities would be the cap of power so far. While they can seem OP on paper, rarely do they actually use their full potential, as they're more Politicians and command the rest of the Knights for pretty much everything else. There is a secret reason they are able to reach such a high potential, but it is also the reason they have stayed in power for so many years.

The Core Knights are as follows:

The Black Knight: Ability to create lava in vast quantities and temperatures.

The White Knight: Ability to bring almost "Absolute Zero" temperature to objects.

The Golden Knight: Ability to manifest mass thunderstorms and lightning.

Abilities and powers can also reach the more mechanical sides of things. Knights can just gain adept skills with weapons or gear, instead of more "magical" type powers. For instance the character I was going to play has the ability to disconnect every joint from his body in segments and control them via telekinesis.

In 2007, the bombs fell and brought the world to its proverbial knees. Nations fell and the populace plummeted. 400 years later, civilization has stabilized in certain areas of the world. Large mega-cities dot the mostly barren landscape without fear of resources and danger, while small settlements struggle to find the will to keep going. Twisted and bizarre creatures known as "Thrull" roam the lands in immeasurable numbers, terrorizing humanities remains. Disgusting monsters of flesh and bone, they consume anything with a pulse. With darkness however, there is light. 100 years after the war, humans begin displaying special abilities that allowed them to summon suits of armor, known as a "Guardias" and use powers that were unheard of. Due to their appearance, they came to be known as "Knights." With limitless potential and the Knights on their side, humanity aims to restore the planet to it's glory.

This idea is a spin off of a novel I've been working on for a few years. I've put a lot of time into world building it and would love to share and add more characters and stories to it. I can go into more detail, just ask if you have any questions.
Ball Guy rotated Sphere King to face the massive Psycho Gundam. The chest of the Psycho began glowing to charge its scatter beam. Within an instant, the Sphere King had flown several circles around it, wrapping it up in a heavy tow cable. Rou's knowledge of the anime counted the seconds it would take to charge and fire, assuming this was a mainly straight built model. Sphere King positioned itself against an asteroid and dug into it, bracing itself.


With that, Ball Guy tugged the tow cable as hard as he could, unravelling and spinning the Psycho Gundam towards the EA ship as it fired the scatter beam. The destruction was immense, as several Mocks and players alike were vaporized, and the beam dragged vertically over a portion of the ship, destroying one of the hangar bays. Ball Guy laughed uncontrollable at the absolute mayhem he had caused.

"Phew...that was way better than expected." He stammed, barely able to speak over his happiness.
Ball Guy let the group of players tail him for a bit before bringing them in between the two warring ships. They were confident enough that they had surrounded him and his squad of Balls. Rou smiled underneath his mask.

"Welcome to my little show, friends."

The Balls began orbiting Ball Daizen slowly. Ball Daizen slowly transformed in mobile suit mode and outstretched its limbs with one arm skyward. Slowly Ball modules began to attach themselves to Ball Daizen, Ball Guy began speaking.

"Forged in the mighty foundries of Justice, built with only one purpose! Tasked with changing the world of Gunpla for the more creative, this is my steed! Bow down to the power of the mighty Sphere King!"

With that, Sphere King was completed with a mighty thundering explosion.

"Thanks for playing in my little game. Sorry it has to end like this."

Sphere King quickly drew a heavy beam saber from its shoulder and with a single slash, the EA was down three players.
Ball Guy set down his Ball Modules into the field, sending them forward in a tight "V" formation. The Neilson Labs people might be weary of what they're capable of, but no one else in the tournament had even a remote clue. He could feel their sneers and mocking, but if only they knew. Ball Guy played it cautiously, picking off Mocks and Daggers left and right, careful to not draw too much attention to himself. The cannon on Ball Daizen fired off several shots in the direction of a group of players, attempting to garner their attention. He was an easy target for them to chase, after all. They were only Balls...
His heart beat resounded in his ears, thumping loud enough to trump all other noise. The stares of every spectator in the arena didn't faze him. Attached to his waist were several pouches containing his Gunpla, his perfected Sphere King. The Ball Guy costume he had once wore for protection, was now one of his greatest strengths. He felt he was the hero Gunpla needed to truly become about freedom. He walked down the lane to get his team ticket, and suddenly passed a strikingly familiar face. If he recalled she was a big fan of the Exia line. Yeah, it was her alright. Just an old friend and rival from younger days. Were the others here too? His classmates from Neilson Labs? Surely, they were all talented individuals after all. Maybe this tournament would be even more important to him than he thought. When he got to the ticket giver, who was agape from his outfit, he read his sticker. "ZAFT" he said solemnly. "Excellent." Rou turned around and surveyed the stage. His stage,
Name: Rou Gernot
Age: 24
Gender: M

Normal: Rou wears a large black Kamen Rider baseball cap that shades his green eyes and makes his black shaggy hair just down to his nape. He wears a long sleeved button up shirt that is usually left open to show whatever Toku/Anime shirt he has chosen to wear for the day. His dark jeans are a little stained and torn, but still decent.

Nationality: American

Backstory: All his life Rou has loved Tokusatsu heroes and giant robots, especially combiners. He began collecting Super Sentai robots, gunpla and merchandise when he was 8 and his collection is still growing. He can quote Riders, sing theme songs, and name any mobile suit. However, his biggest problem is that he can rarely discuss his hobbies due to his timidness. This was onset by his first gunpla battle at the local hobby shop. Rou built a simple GM to test the waters of the new game. He was stomped and ridiculed for his inexperience, and quickly left the shop and never returned. He longed for companions to help him. Better yet, a team. Despite his trepidation, he attempted to find friends at a different hobby shop. He laid low, but no one really stood out to him. Rou began to only fight matches in private, fearing what the audience would say about his skills.

Struggling to overcome his fear of confrontation and people, Rou discovered that he wasn't too timid if the opponent didn't know who he was. He began planning a cosplay suit to hide his identity, but could not seem to fathom what mobile suit to base it from. Rou surveyed his shelf. He wanted something simple. Zaku? Nah, cliche. BCUE? Too animalistic. His eyes finally rested on something he constantly over looked. The quaint little cannon fodder known as the Ball. It was perfect. Rou's skills were good enough that he could hold his own with such a puny gunpla, ad it fit his hero theme quite nicely. He finished his suit in a week and went to the shop. People stared, but no one knew who he actually was, and it made Rou feel so much more comfortable. "Ball Guy" was what they called him. He didn't win many matches, but he was well known and rather liked, even if he was just acting like a "gaudy super hero". Rou decided that a simple upgrade would not suffice. He needed something extra. Then it dawned on his. What about...extra balls? IF that was the case then he would need a Flash system, and that's something that an ordinary Ball wouldn't be able to handle. Rou brainstormed. Balls were what made him so renowned in his town, he couldn't just stop using one. He crafted for weeks and weeks until he found a solution. The transforming ball! he could still use the Flash system as a Gundam, but still look like a ball. Weeks later, his prototype was complete. In a private match he quickly lost ground, but once he transformed his Ball, his opponent dropped like a rock. Now he just needed to know how to use his backup Balls. Constantly controlling them would be tedious and require immense effort. As he wracked his brain, the Super Sentai show running in the back ground showed a scene of them calling their mecha together. It was miraculous, and it fit Rou's personality perfectly. He was going to make a Ball Sentai. He began winning his local matches, preferring to keep his Ball Squad's ability a secret. It was for only those eyes he thought deserving. Learning of his fame, he was invited to Neilsen Labs to participate, signing up under the guise "Ball Guy", to keep his identity a secret for just a little longer. The suit had become a crutch, but its ability to keep him calm in social situations was invaluable. During his time at Neilson Labs, Rou eventually overcame his fear of being in the spotlight and is now comfortable without the Ball Guy suit, though he still remains a little awkward. In recent years, it is rumored that Rou was the first American to be allowed to learn the arts of the Shingyo School of Gunpla, under Master Chinan. He soon received an invitation to participate in the 11th Gunpla World Tournament, where he would soon don his old Ball Guy uniform to attempt to change the minds of those stuck in the Gunpla.


Ball Daizen/Sphere King

A base skeleton that allows for a combination of five attachment Balls to combine to form the mighty Sphere King. Equipped with the basic Ball Cannon an a beam saber for Gundam mode, as well as a G-Bit system to control each Ball module until combined. IT is said that once the power of all six Balls is unleashed, nothing can stand in its way.

Blade Ball: Equipped with four beam sabers to be wielded, as well as the tech to detach the arms of the other balls as Sphere King to turn them into Grasping Funnels. Unfoldable hand.

Blaster Ball: Equipped with twin buster rifles that can extend into a rail cannon by merging with Ball Daizen's cannon. A hand folds out from underneath when attached.

Bomb Ball: Equipped with eight quad missile pods, four on each side, as well as a set of 4 detonation charges to be placed. Added support on bottom to be used as feet.

Booster Ball: Unfolds to become the booster pack. Carries additional specialty fuel tanks to supplement combat with various super modes (Trans AM, etc). Very fast but otherwise useless in combat.

Other Gunpla:

Based From: Jesta Cannon

Assault Rifle
Beam Cannon
4 Tube Multi-Launcher
Spring Mine x6
Smoke Grenade x3
Flashbang x3
Loto Backpack + Missile Pods x2
Beam Saber x2
Mind if I join in for old time sake?
Yeah I got really thrown around by life once I moved and kinda dropped off the earth, sorry I never got the other one off the ground. Is this one brand new?
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