Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Blunder of the Century, coming through.
Arx regained his composure after his outburst. Obviously, he needed to be extremely careful. The center of the Earth could be a very dangerous place after all! He took a deep breath. First, he would have to find some sort of civilization. The only problem would be if they were dangerous. Luckily Arx had the Geo Driver, just in case. He brushed the sand off of his clothes and cautiously walked uphill. He found himself in front of a very large building, where tiny rivers of people trickled in and out of its doors. The word "Museum" could be made out along a sign in front of the building. Okay, obviously the center of the earth wouldn't have a giant museum located in it. However, a museum would have some kind of information on his surroundings! Arx entered the building, stealthily sneaking past the admissions desk. Beyond him stood a vast plethora of glass casing and artifacts. He meandered towards the back, taking note of each artifact. Some were amazing, some were meh, and some were downright goofy. Arx stopped at case and examined it. The name plate read "Sengoku Driver". Arx cocked his head and pulled out the Emerald Shard Key that the exploration team has given him. He twirled it in his fingers as he thought. Was this a device like his own Geo Driver? Did it transform the user as well? The Shard Key slipped from between his fingers. Arx gasped and fumbled a bit, but to no avail. The Shard Key landed straight into the glass, its extremely sharp point impaling itself into the glass and creating a spiderweb pattern. Arx panicked and he looked around. "Oh man...oh man oh man! Arx frantically attempted to cover the exhibit with his body, hoping no one would notice the damage.
You could look for the crazy guy who thinks he's in the center of the Earth.
Raineh Daze said
Most roleplaying I've seen over the past six years is written in past tense, and the tense is the baffling one. >_>;Also, that's one of the various future tenses, not past. (Okay, I admit, 'would' is an inane thing that is the past version of a future tense. It is maddening)

Future tense, there it is. That's what I mean.
Raineh Daze said
What, precisely, is wrong with the past tense? The overwhelming majority of published fiction is in the past tense. The is in past tense.

There isn't anything super wrong with it, it's just weird to read. And the opening is written in past tense because it well...took place in the past. Cake's post sounds like it was written by a fortune teller that was predicting what would happen to the character. "Haika would stand in the middle of the cave." "A roar would come...." Most roleplaying is written using the current actions of the character.
Well then it's forgivable
It was okay, I just don't get why it was typed in the past tense.
And first post is up.

I got a good feeling about this.

Also why does everyone have a fedora

Arx lay face first in a mound of sand. His Geo Driver had deactivated as soon as he stepped into the strange portal he found in that pit. Groggily, he rolled onto his back and opened his eyes, and a bright light shone down upon him. He could hear the roaring and crashing of waves near him, he was obviously on a beach of some sort. He thought for a moment, because frankly none of this added up. He descended int the crevice and began digging...and it didn't work. Then, that giant rock monster had attacked him, and after a bit of a scuffle, Arx had managed to kill it, or break it, or maybe a mixture of both. Arx put all of his geological knowledge into overdrive until the realization hit him like a heavy spark. He sat up straight and scurried to his feet. This all vaguely matched the writings of a book he had read in grade school. Arx clapped his hands to the side of his face.

Rin, I like how you COMPLETELY ripped off Momotaros' introduction in the show. I had a little laugh.
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