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I was considering a misfire as well. It would be the best route to take and if anyone were to join after we it can be reasoned as our team being sent the missing help.
I am relatively new to the site, although this roleplay does look greatly interesting!
Greetings travelers, may you enjoy your time here at the guild!
Is there still interest in this rp being played? I'm quite excited for it but it has gone quiet. Granted, it's been a few years since I have forum roleplayed, so this might be a normal amount of time for responses.

I am definitely still on to do the RP, although, I would prefer to find at least one other person to join us. I will advertise the RP and if no one comes along I feel as though we have the most vital roles to start it.
So I actually ended up watching the first episode of the show—I really enjoyed it, probably going to finish at least the first season! Whether we end up roleplaying or not, I'd like to thank you for the recommendation :)

Ayy, I'm happy that you enjoyed it! I genuinely love the show, the seasons progressively got better in my opinion, although it is quite a long watch. Anyways, you playing as the medic sounds perfect, welcome to the team!
<Snipped quote by Festive>

I'm sold! Historian sounds fun! May I play as the historian then? It sounds like an interesting and unique role.

I would love to have you as the historian, welcome to the team lol!
<Snipped quote by Festive>

They both sound promising, but could you elaborate further on the historian? I think it’s the role I’m leaning towards the most.

The historian can be thought of as human wikipedia; their minds were special trained to memorize and retain large swaths of information. As previously mentioned, this information primarily is composed of data related to the 21st century. The memory of a historian is vital to the survival of a team, as they hold the knowledge of future financial history, how events play out historical, and potential host candidates. Most importantly historians can relay complex messages sent from the director to the team. For example, a historian would be able to remember the sports betting results of horse racing, dog racing, boxing, etc, along with knowledge of trends in the stockmarket as. The knowledge of potential host candidates will allow the historian's team to know the arrival of incoming travelers if needed. Lastly, a historian will better assist their team in planning operations with their detailed knowledge of how certain events play out.

As the timeline is altered by the choices of the traveler team, the historian's knowledge will eventually become obsolete, this is where the concept of an update comes into play. Simply, an update is a personal event for the historian where they subjected to a refresh in their historical knowledge for the changes in the timeline. The update isn't particularly something you should worry about until the end of the first mission so it would be better if I were to explain to you in better detail then if you decide to choose the historian.
I have not seen the show but I would absolutely be down to play either the healer or historian roles.

Ayy, thank you for showing interest! Which one do you think you would prefer to play the most? I can provide any further elaborate on either role if you would like.

[3-4 Players]

[Dark Themes]

Welcome to the 21st, Traveler.

"I'm Not Gonna Sit Here And Pretend To Know What Makes Us Who We Are. But I Gotta Figure It's More Than Just The Sum Of What We Remember."


This roleplay will be based within the universe of the "Travelers" television show, although, emphasizing events within Western Europe rather than the Northwest United States. As there is a disconnect between the main show setting and the setting of the roleplay, the story points within will be wholly unique (except for major show events) thus major knowledge of the show's story is not required. The story will cover certain dark themes such as drug addiction, gun violence, and murder.

[The World]

[Story Expectations]

While the completion of the Director's mission will be one of the primary focuses of the story, the exploration of your character's story is as well. As per protocol 5, you will be expected to explore the life of your host as if it is the first time, this is because the consciousness of a traveler effectively erases the one of the host, and all the memories of the host will be gone. This factor gives a level of complexity to living as the host, as a traveler must go off the limited information they were given of the host before implantation. The Director, although magnitudes above human intelligence, is not without flaws; Travelers are often placed into bodies with different ailments the Director was not able to account for because of a lack of historical records (This is only an option to add an extra layer of detail to your character if you would like).

Although the story of this roleplay is primarily centered around France, as our team progresses through several missions we shall leave the confines of France to perform in countries such as Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. If during the story anyone has an idea for a mission or a location for a mission we can work to implement it into the story!

[Player Expectations]

My expectations for my players are relatively simple; I only expect my players to post once a week (or later if informed of circumstances) of at least two paragraphs in length, to respect other players, and to have fun!

[Traveler Roles]

[Our 1st Mission]

Traveler XXXX, Welcome to Lyon. Your mission: assassinate Monsieur Pierre-Henri Druveau, an industrialist and hardliner in the French nuclear power movement, who is primarily driven by the profits of the industry. As a result of Druveau's bribes to the Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN), to allow his company to continue the shoddy construction of several nuclear power plants, every single powerplant built by Druveau will end in meltdown. The nuclear disasters will expose nuclear material over several major cities such as Montpellier, Nice, and Lyon; killing hundreds of thousands of people and leaving these cities uninhabitable. Eliminate Druveau and sabotage construction; end of message--

Welcome, Festive! It's fantastic that you're interested in Latin! Do you use that knowledge often in your RPs?

I hope to see your creativity flourish here! :)

Not as much as I would like to lol, thank you for the welcome!
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