Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current You gotta beat the cycle with simultaneity: Write a collab about how the world of your RP shall look like. The cycle should make you run at 300% effectivity then.
17 days ago
There are indications of probable impending mass layoffs at the company I work for, or alternatively significant work time reduction. Let's see if I still have a job and can pay my bills soon.
23 days ago
If the cost of dying goes up to the point I can't afford it anymore, does this make me immortal ? And if I can't afford the cost of living either, do I turn undead ?
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24 days ago
Why not create one of your own, Poo ? Is this something only ordinary users are allowed to ? ;)
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28 days ago
Can anybody confirm that the font (or its size) used for the tags beneath interest checks and roleplays has slightly changed ? I hope it's not just my eyes ;-)
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Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Awesome post!

Two quick questions:
- Is it possible to try a rejuvenation roll on the sore feet?
- The feat is an assigned and not a chosen thing as well, am I correct?
How about dual wielding ? A rock on a stick in one hand, a saw in the other ?

So we could suit all our preferences without conflict :)
"Seriously, does no one here have even a branch as a weapon? I literally gave a few out. Bunch of savages."

If I should ever qualify myself for a boon I am going to pray for a magical saw! Simply because... Sawing into somebody's neck from behind is even more savage than both a spear and iron manacles, it might count as an exotic weapon and it adds quite the irony to the whole affair if, in Lorcan's case, it's seemingly a tree who can cut down humans instead of vice versa!
I like how every time I make a roleplay in this setting, you make a Skayleigh that ends up in a blood feud with someone.

I'm afraid that's my fault :(
Or you could save Emmaline from herself (if anyone can!)

First of all we need to save the party from Emmaline. Maybe and absolutely non-egoistically we should start with saving Lorcan who more and more appears to be Faeril's enemy of the state No. 1 while he actually is just trying to save Emmaline and likely would not have embarked on his very makeshift plan to begin with if she hadn't decided to... take off... her very own way.
Lorcan saw, but he did not like what he saw: From the perspective of the opposing leader it probably was perfectly reasonable to send not one, but two of his men to investigate the turmoil the Skayleigh had created. From the latter's perspective however comitting two individuals was very borderline to what he felt could be handled. On the plus side it meant that the others would have to deal with less.

Lorcan's view focused on the men as they were approaching, the corner of the halfway ruined building they had just come around still behind their backs. His grip tightened around his shackles as if that would make them a more proper weapon, but of course they remained exactly the cold lump of metal they were. He'd have to press them into service as a tool for skull bashing anyway. Tension inside him only increased, but still the oddity of him just standing there and watching the two men while they still were completely oblivious of his presence was palpable. Had he ever used the tree shape for this kind of move before ?

The two men were thugs who, judging by their visual appearance, might not have been the most clever ones. Unfortunately they didn't seem to be the most visually interested beings either for they didn't keep looking at Emmaline's curves, but started their search instead and so even with haste. Lorcan could hear complaints about prisoners being executed with them being unable to watch. What a miserable bunch of petty idiots!

The Skayleigh had to pick a target without even having the possibility to silently exchange some glances with Rey as no matter how intensively he stared at the man, Rey would only see a tree! So without any exchange of information and coordination he decided to go for the bigger looking individual, caring little whether it was actually muscle or just fat hiding beneath the thug's clothes. As the latter's search pattern finally lead him close to the fake tree, Lorcan wound up to make use of the chain that connected the two heavy parts of his manacles.

He aimed at the bandit's head from behind without warning, but also with a very makeshift weapon he had not used before.

Will try to get my post up tomorrow. Just came home from work and it's already past midnight over here :/
Manald Halung

Manald could feel a weird sensation crawling up first along the lines of his lower arm, then through his upper arm and shoulder before it started to disperse along his body and, to his fortune, became less and less noticeable. The lycanthrope hoped for it to be nothing but an imagined side effect of the poison, but it could very well be otherwise and now that stuff would be floating around in his blood for who knew how long! What would it cause ? He could not know. Manald could only hope and pay attention to the signals of his own body for the next hours and maybe even days to come.

After all, at this point, the beastman was still completely oblivious to the fact that the prince himself had fallen victim to the assassins and thus had no reference for their poison's effects. He did have a reference for one of the assassins themselves though and knew what he wanted to do with the nasty, hideous man.

And that definitely was not to bite into his body and having to maintain a delicate act of balance between enough force to drag him along and enough gentleness not to eat right through him! Manald was a lycanthrope, not a cat! And this wannabe killer was not his kitten that needed to be carried along in a very cat-like way! Aside from that Manald's jaws were quite a tad smaller than Merik's, at least while not in his true werewolf shape. The latter on the other hand would not have been appropriate for a task like this... there was no need to frighten the cities inhabitants in the middle of the night.

So the assassin whose name Manald never felt the need to ask for was inspected thoroughly. He had little hesitation to not only look through the man's pockets and let his hands pat along his clothes, but to also use his nose and sniff along his skin. No more poison to be smelled, just the clear signs of growing anxiety. But anxious for what reason ? Manald's infernal vice grip was probably harmless compared to what could come in the castle they were now headed for!

And, to Manald's slight surprise, they did not encounter the broken apart remains of Merik's cargo because the latter had failed to control his jaws with enough delicacy. Dragging the assassin along behind him, the beastman walked towards one of the guards.

"Would you mind taking care of his individual ? He's tried to killed me and has poisoned me. Don't worry... the only weapon he has left is his piss!"

Skarsat's eye twitched in silence just like a vulcano's walls bent and shifted ever so slightly when in reality, pressure was building up inside and waiting to break free. Finding cool water ? Yeah, maybe just swimming alongside the ship instead of sharing his free time with one of the more... exotic... members of their little party was indeed a good idea. Though, a neutral observer from outside the fourth wall might object, an idea that came along with the risk of the ocean just evaporating as the vulcano swam in it.

Today however would not turn out to be eruption day. Or would it ? After all it had only just begun. Yet at least for the moment Skarsat decided there were higher priorities that presented themselves in form of a 'sheriff Gerranti'. So the city's forces responsible for law and order were looking exactly for the one person he was supposed to wake up ?

Skarsat found that, if not anything else already, to be a good call to leave the main hall and get the job done. He heaved himself up the staircase and down the corridor he believed the room in question was accessible from, then knocked on the door -- hard. He could still feel a great amount of irritation trying to smother his attempts to calm down and at the same time he could feel the urge to act quickly because who knew how long those down in the main hall could keep this Gerranti busy before he'd give the order to start searching ?

As he was thinking about the ifs, whens and hows of talking to his boss, Nora, about any of the most recent events, he knocked at the door a second time. Still he didn't openly call out Neh'miahs name or even just say anything else. If there was anything he had learned then probably that his voice could easily be heard. Normally not much of an issue, but if this sheriff down there would hear the name of the one being searched for and could associate it with some frantic efforts to wake up the man... Anonymously knocking at the door and opening it by force if needed was bound to be much more effective in this case.

The giant did seriously hope though that Neh'miah would get out of bed by himself by the second though. The man needed some time left to leave the place, too -- and preferably not completely naked or with a prostitute making a loud fuzz about his sudden departure!
I mean, at least he is turning into a tree...

Everyone: Hey, innkeeper! Can I have some cold beer and a piece of rosted meat, please ? And I know I stink a little, so... does this place offer some opportunity to have a bath ?

Lorcan: Hey, peasant! Can I have some rainwater and a bag of fertilizer, please ? And I know I'm not looking so good at the moment, so... does this place offer some opportunity to get sprayed with a fungicide ?
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