Avatar of Force and Fury


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2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

The melodramatic conclusion was not what Rintor had been hoping for. He remains seated, tracing lines in the sand with one of his daggers. So eager you are to place this crown upon my head once you’ve set thorns in it. The lightbender glances up at her, not bothering to school his expression. He is so very tired of doing that. And yet you assume that I would try to claim it as you would. A soldier serves where and how she is needed, not where she can find the most power and respect. If you were the humble servant that you claim to be, you would not find the need to crow about it. In this woman, Rintor sees only a glory-seeker, her ambitions fueled by a low birth and an abundance of potential. After a moment, he smiles sadly. “That ship has sailed for me,” he intones, “and justly so.” He tucks his dagger into its sheath and regards her steadily. “Your tactical judgement is mostly sound, but this is not your academy and we are not soldiers here.” He allows her the position of power, looming over him, saluting theatrically at nothing. “Earn my regard and it is yours,” he finishes. “Do not demand it.”

Having said his piece, Rintor rises in a single smooth motion and turns to face the others. “Contrary to appearances,” he says, his voice low but resonant, “I do not enjoy debating, so I will state my opinion quickly.” He takes a step forward and addresses everybody. “The unavoidable fact is that each of us is a representative of our respective nations and peoples. Like it or not, we carry that weight upon our shoulders. We have come to this place as equals, as it should be, and I would not want to have any one of us placed above the others unless it should prove absolutely necessary. I further believe that we must be mindful of the tone that we will set going forward. Treating this as a military endeavour will colour our mindset and our actions. I do not wish to find myself living in fear of the unknown instead of wonder, or striking first and questioning later.” I have done that far too often in the past. “That is all.” He calmly takes his place with those who have combat experience, well aware of what killing would mean for him.
Just out of curiosity, are we going to be implementing a strict post order?
Sounds good to me. I was going to ask the same question.

Rintor, having served with distinction in the darkest branches of the military and having subsequently felt rather disgusted with his actions there, will probably not take kindly to being ordered around by someone fresh out of academy and full of by-the-book enthusiasm and discipline.
Rintor regards the portal: a chaos of time and space made real. While others concern themselves with thoughts about their pasts and futures, while they formulate plans, position themselves, and wax philosophical, the lightbender relieves his mind of all thoughts. There is only colour and light - light so fast that it takes everything that he has to catch it and coax it to do what he needs it to do. Amid the fanfare and hubbub, they don't even notice him disappear. They don't notice when he slips in front of the wagon, or when he's the first one through the portal.

For the barest of moments, Rintor loses track of the light's thread. He has to catch it again, but by the time that others step through, he's gone. Green plains, a handful of trees, misty mountains in the distance, and unsettlingly blood-red flowers. The sky is strange, as would be expected of a strange land, but the air is breathable. Otherwise, this would be the shortest expedition ever, he thinks wryly. Perhaps the day/night cycle here is nothing like it is back home. In any event, he does what years' worth of expeditions have taught him: preliminary scouting for immediate dangers. Rintor is under no illusions that while his linguistic skills were a nice addendum, he was chosen for his more... martial abilities.

He is nearby when he registers the half-elf with the wraith blade talking about setting up shelter. Reconnaissance comes first.

He has reached the first line of scrub when he notices the changeling shift until it resembles an elf. He listens as it lays into the whelp. Vinegar over honey, this one.

He is a few steps further when the Mithra, fresh out of the academy with her shining armour, starts barking out orders as if she'd suddenly been promoted. You'll be placing lots of square pegs into round holes, child, and not all of them will like it.

He is nearly out of earshot when his prediction comes true and the elf and the dwarf seethe.

The onetime Blade of Boshir is determined not to treat this as a military expedition with a chain of command. And yet, some discipline might be required. There are a lot of people here - young people, strong, headstrong, and eager, itching to make their marks on the world - who've never seen a day of real combat in their lives. Who've never crossed through hostile territory or had to forage for food. Hopefully this will be a voyage of exploration and discovery, where he can focus on unraveling the linguistic tapestries of cultures that he could scarcely imagine. Rintor earnestly wishes that it will proceed with nary an enemy nor incident, but his years of experience tell him otherwise.

Paying careful attention to the direction of the wind, which is summarily unpredictable, he crests the nearby ridge and gets the lay of the land. These clouds and their constant motion require a lot of concentration to blend in with. They look ready to dump their contents, though Rintor will not allow himself to assume anything about the weather of this place.

Finally satisfied that their immediate surroundings won't kill them, the lightbender makes his way back to camp and lets the threads go. He rematerializes among the others, right in front of the mithra and the elf. He hates intervening. He'd hoped to remain quietly anonymous, but there is ambition and pride at work here. "Your instincts are sound, young soldier, but I, for one, did not come here to be ordered about like a green recruit by someone whom I've scarcely met. There are capable people here, and proud ones. I recommend we allow them the dignity of introducing themselves and their abilities."

Rintor glances around. Perhaps some people are looking at him. "I am Rintor, a servant of knowledge and a student of languages. You have seen what I do. Once, I led soldiers, and while I wish to do no violence, I retain many of those skills. I've scouted beyond that ridge. We are safe for now, but I'm of the opinion that this position is too open and the low ground is prone to flooding. Let us speak, know each other some, and then move on." He seats himself on the ground, cross-legged.
Hmm, I thought that we were on the upper floor and Lausitz is on the lower floor. Am I wrong and did I derp on that one?
CS incoming when I'm back from vacation on Sunday
Will work on a CS when I'm back from vacation on Sunday.
Righto. No hurries, no worries.

I mean, I know it sounds a bit overpowered, but the idea is that he can basically manipulate water on a sub-molecular level, causing motion in, separating, and combining its component parts (oxygen and hydrogen). Since H2O is a very polar molecule, ripping it apart is likely to make it magnetically unstable. That same polar nature also actually makes water a very mild adhesive. I feel it'd be hard to separate those abilities (or at least the possibility to develop them in the future) from a scientific perspective or explain why he could freeze/evaporate water but then be unable to make it move or why he could create/destroy H2O without the associated consequences.

I'm not looking to have a character who just comes in all guns blazing and pwns everyone with a million OP abilities, but I am a bit tired of 'water' mages/casters always being the poor step-brother of 'fire' mages/mancers/casters whose only purpose is to be support and an obvious thematic counterpoint to 'fire', and being calm, collected, life-giving types. I'd love to see the fact that water surrounds us far more than fire and is so absolutely essential to how we and the world function explored. I'd definitely be willing to re-examine and clarify things if need be, but I'd like to keep the premise of the character intact if possible.

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