Avatar of Force and Fury


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Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

Children! Hotheads! Whatever personal vendetta was being played out here, justified or otherwise, could not be allowed to hijack this expedition so early on. Why the kingdoms sent so many inexperienced, emotional youths on what should be a journey of discovery is beyond Rintor. For a moment, he even considers letting these two kill each other, but he who allows a preventable death to happen is nearly as bad as he who does the deed. Besides, that's the taint of demonic possession.

Feeling that the threads will slip away from him soon, he leaps into action. First, Rintor decides to use the mithra's momentum against her, setting himself for a bare moment and thrusting a palm upwards into her chin. Plate armour is great for protection, but not so great for balance. A hard enough blow above the centre of gravity should knock her over. Immediately, he spins away, drawing his daggers and releasing the threads in the process. A familiar burning sensation spreads through his gut. The warning, he thinks. Further violence will release the curse. Aware of his own impotence, he nonetheless reappears with a blade at Victor's neck. "Both of you," he bellows in his best parade ground drill-sergeant, "compose yourselves! Esailia, you are a representative of your law-abiding people and so help me, I will have you behave as one! You, newcomer," he demands, "you had best explain this demonic taint you have brought into our presence or I will step aside and let her run you through without hesitation."
Damn, I was really looking forward to this one. Looks like it's dead. :(
Consider me an interested party.

The Threads are just the way that he visualizes light and how he bends it and controls it. He's demanded that she stop and he's disappeared. Where he reappears and what he does is a matter of what she does next.
Two more might be nice. Truth be told, I'm pretty new here and don't know a lot of people yet.
I have killed nearly as many, yet I am lauded as a hero, at least by my own people. War is funny that way. Rintor looks the man up and down. Rhen has inserted herself in between them and Rintor already senses ulterior motives at work. This new arrival makes Rintor feel both sympathy and an intense apprehension. He knows little of the man's story, being from as far afield as he is, but he knows the name. There is a...darkness about you that is not of you, he thinks. Rintor's darkness is very much his own, willingly and constantly suppressed. surreptitiously, he lowers his hands from the grips of his daggers.

To the man's question, he replies, "We have stepped through a portal to another world. Beyond that, you know as well as I do."

Then, Esailia shouts and Rintor turns. "Do not take justice into your own hands, recruit!" She seems to keep charging. Rintor finds the threads again and prepares. "We will decide how to deal with him as a group!"
@Regitnui Reacted, also edited briefly for spelling and clarity.

The situation is tense, and Rintor's demanding an explanation, but he doesn't want it to come to blows, obviously and I doubt that the new arrival does either.

Rintor scowls as he walks. The mountains looming in the near distance seem more arid than they'd looked from afar. It's likely that the party is headed into their rain shadow. Open ground is more defensible with a party this large and unlikely to travel stealthily, but voyaging into the mountains proper is inadvisable. Finding and following a river or stream into he foothills is our best bet. Then there's the startling lack of native fauna that more than one person has observed. Briefly, Rintor adds his voice to the growing chorus of agreement. The halfling and the tall, gangling girl - still half a child - go to investigate, while the half-elf seems eager only for the personal glory of slaying a beast in combat, uncognizant or perhaps uncaring of the fact that hoping to protect others from danger means hoping for it to exist in the first place.

All of these little storylines come to a halt before they have the chance to resolve themselves, however, when a sudden, unexpected noise emerges from the depths of the heavily-laden cart. It quickly turns into a man breaking free, supplies tumbling to the ground, and -

Rintor does not wait a moment longer. He centers himself, reaches for the threads of light, and grabs them none too gently. Disappearing from view, he sprints toward where the man is leaping from the cart, landing in a roll, and starting to rise. The stowaway pauses, his face becoming pained, pensive, bewildered, and then jubilant in sequence. Then The Blade of Boshir appears in front of him, black-robed and as menacing as he cares to look at this point in his life. "We know no more than you, stranger. Now you had best explain the Who are you, and what the meaning of this intrusion is." He rests his hands on his daggers, feeling a long-forgotten or perhaps long-repressed rush, and quickly clamps down on it again. The consequences would be too great.
If you don't mind, I'm thinking of having Rintor react to the sudden escape. Such an unexpected commotion would probably cause his military experience to kick in like second nature.
I had a concept for an elf that was somewhat non-traditional and didn't really fit well with other RP. I'm pretty excited to try it here.
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