Avatar of Force and Fury


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

@vietmyke ditto for me. I'll be getting to work on this myself soon.

Gotta read up again, though.
I just want to make sure, because this went from being so active to so dead so quickly: did I miss the posting of the OOC or something?
Basic Information

Hannah and Amanda Sinclair






151 lbs. (combined)

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Physical Disabilities:
  • Dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins
  • Slightly far-sighted

Physical Identifiers
  • They basically look like a two-headed woman.
  • Both wear glasses, though Hannah needs them more.
  • They used to wear yellow contact lenses, though that's largely fallen by the wayside.
  • There are a handful small of surgical scars on their back and shared shoulder.

Perhaps the twins could be described as a pair of young women with red hair, light skin, and freckles. This alone would make them stand out in a crowd given the relative uncommonness of that complexion. They also show the strong and slightly cleft chin characteristic of many people of their ethnic background. However, these features are secondary, as Hannah and Amanda are instantly unmistakable due to the fact that they're dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins, not dissimilar to Abigail and Brittany Hensel. Given the extremely high incidence of fatal birth defects present in such twins, they are very fortunate to enjoy health that - after a few corrective surgeries during their infancy and early childhood - falls within normal parameters.

Amanda and Hannah are identical, though their freckles (not particularly numerous or pronounced) differ. Hannah usually wears her hair shorter and will sometimes wear either a choker or a bracelet to distinguish herself from her sister. They customize their clothes when need be to fit their wider-than-average shared torso, but often prefer to wear things that are either loose-fitting or can stretch a good deal. They prefer wide-necked, tank, or off the shoulder tops for obvious reasons. Their dressing style can best be described as either casual or, at times, 'look at me, I'm a gamer gril.' They've had to focus on practicality since everything went pants a few months back.

Extended Information

Vancouver, Canada

Professional Gamers (former)

lookouts, scavengers, and programmers (current)

Aligned Faction:
currently unaligned

  • Matthew Sinclair, father (whereabouts unknown)
  • Evelyn Sinclair, mother (whereabouts unknown)
  • Nathan Sinclair, older brother (Vancouver, Canada at last contact)

Personnel Data

  • A pair of Springfield Armory XD(m) pistols firing .45 ACP rounds.
  • A pair of Swiss army knives.

  • One pair of night-vision goggles (the second pair malfunctioned), a large hiking backpack, and a laser pointer

  • Amanda: Samsung smartphone, apack of pencil crayons, contact lenses, desalinizing solution, one six-sided die
  • Hannah: iPhone, a small combination lock, contact lenses, a compass, one six-sided die

Trade Skills:
  • Not an Easy Mark
    As professional gamers, Amanda and Hannah possess excellent reflexes and consistently react quickly and decisively to changes in their situation. Their situational awareness is virtually unparalleled, due to their unique physiology and chosen profession. They are extremely difficult to sneak up on.
  • All Your Code are Belong to Us
    While no means seasoned professionals when it comes to hacking, the twins understand a decent amount about a handful of different types of code and generally know their way around computers and electronics: both hardware and software.

Talents & Hobbies:
  • Creativity
    The twins, especially Amanda, enjoy designing their own cosplay outfits and can sketch pretty ably as well as sew and repair clothing and other materials.
  • General Knowledge
    The twins, especially Hannah, have pretty good memories and are knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects.

  • Like a Sore Thumb
    Amanda and Hannah are immediately obvious and stick out like a sore thumb wherever they go. There's no chance of fading into a crowd or simply disappearing. They draw immense attention wherever they go (and not all of it is positive). Usually they embrace it, but sometimes it really starts to wear on them.
  • Conjoined
    Though they are young, in reasonable shape, and quite physically capable, Amanda and Hannah are still conjoined twins at the end of the day and their two legs have to carry more weight than most people's do. They're a little bit slower, their balance is a little bit worse, and they tire marginally faster than other people of similar age and physical condition. Though they've been mostly problem-free up to this point, some minor birth anomaly could always rear its head.
kk, I'm going to be on a plane for most of the next day and a half. I'll post either from the airport or following that.
Would you like me to toss another character in to fill things out a bit more? I could throw in my Russian commie who actually kind of dislikes Stalin and wants to fund Mao.
So uh... let's be honest here: is this thing dead?
Hey sorry. I've just been really busy lately and probably will be for a while. I'm going to have to drop out unfortunately. Good luck and enjoy!
Unfortunately, I can't have Rintor really confirm or deny the status of the trees until I know for sure. I'll post when I have some confirmation.
CS sent! Hopefully I'm not introducing too much of a special snowflake.

Looking forward to this!
It doesn't seem to have been taken (though I may have missed it), so I'd love to make an Elven tinkerer-type character.
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