Avatar of Force and Fury


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2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

My neighbour has glowy hands. Is she able to like... turn them off at night?

A Conversation in the Workman's Quarter

They met in the Workman's Quarter, in the shadow of the Proving Grounds, in a tavern. The owner of the small establishment thought nothing of it. In fact, he was quite grateful for the patronage. With the way that all the people who made the decisions had been beating the drums of war after yesterday's events, business might soon dry up. Two men, two women, and a teenage boy and girl, they took the table near the front window and ordered the Lepdes roast, Enthish Pudding, pumpernickel bread, and lentil soup.

"So... why isn't Papa here again?" inquired the boy, prodding at his hot soup with a spoon. There was something impatient about him.

"Papa is teaching, little brother," the girl scolded. "You well know that."

"That's not what I was asking," the boy said dangerously. He was perhaps fifteen years old, with short, dirty-blond hair and a cherubic face only now starting to edge toward manhood. There was something pugnacious about him. His words sought confrontation.

The girl, slightly older, ignored him. "So, speaking of Papa," she chirped, "how did his voyage go yesterday? He was sailing on that Belzaggic ship, was he not?"

The boy glared daggers at her and she smiled sweetly back at him. "Oh right," she amended, "Did Grandma go with him?"

"Josie," said one of the women, reaching a hand across the table to clasp hers.

"Yes, Auntie Lilla?"

"I fear the thunder frightened your dear grandma too greatly. She had a heart attack."

The girl's face fell. She put down her spoon. "What!? How!?" Her eyes searched the others. "Is she going to be alright?"

"'Bout time the old bag keeled over," The boy snarked. "Don't be too sad. You'll get your inheritance finally."

An older man with a bristly grey mustache, seated at one of the heads of the table, turned and gave the boy a look that silenced him. 'Auntie Lilla' continued. "Everyone was certain she'd joined Ahn-Eshiran this time, but it appears she'll be okay. She just needs plenty of bed rest."

"Oh thank the Gods," the girl breathed. "I would be inconsolable were anything to happen with her."

"You're already counting her coins," the boy scoffed.

The girl twisted his way and knitted her fingers in front of herself. "Just because you don't have a conscience, Benedetto, doesn't mean the rest of us don't." She turned to the others. "Well, make sure that she has whatever she needs. Should I be of any assistance, don't hesitate to call upon me."

"An invalid caring for an old crone," the boy sniped, "now there's an arrangement."

"That is quite enough, Ciano." A tall young woman with long brown hair and striking green eyes gave him a warning look before turning to his older sister. "Now, as for your Papa, you'll be quite happy to hear that he met with the Belzaggicman and took care of their business."

"I knew Papa would come through."

"He's a reliable fella," said the other at the table. A large man with a short thick beard, merry disposition, and orange ascot, he'd been busy stuffing his face up to this point. He was still eating while he talked, in fact, and a couple of the others arched their eyebrows at him. "Uncle Al..." the girl whined.

"Haha, sorry! Sometimes I forget what genteel company you lot are." He swallowed and dabbed at his mouth with a kerchief.

Then, the older man with the mustache spoke up. His hair was silver and slicked back, his cheeks sunken with skin leathery and pockmarked, and his voice deep and rich with a Torragonese accent. "Mhm," he began, "So, Josie, tell us about your performance last night, and your mother's."

"Oh grandfather, it was to die for!" she giggled excitedly. "Why, mother danced as I played, with this great big Eskandishman, and he was good: much better than either of us had expected. Still, she made a good account of herself and I tried to play the notes that I thought would compliment her abilities." She shrugged. "Oh, there were some casualties, as there always are at these events, but I would say the night was a success!" She raised a glass of wine and took a little sip.

"I heard they even got a standing ovation," said Benedetto, taking a sip of his own. Josie ignored his jibe, but Uncle Al stifled a giggle.

"What of your cousin, the soldier?" asked Lilla, turning to Uncle Al. "And his shadowy brother?"

Grandfather, Benny, Josie, and the green-eyed woman joined her in looking the bearded man's way. "Oh them?" He paused with a chicken thigh halfway to his mouth. He glanced greedily at it before some faint sense of etiquette won out and he put it down. "They did what they needed to do. They're safe. 'Pparently, Rouis brought in the Legion, and there were Zenos involved, and third parties. Dangerous business, you know, being a sellsword."

"Not if you know how to handle yourself," boasted Benny, and Josie rolled her eyes. He smirked at her and threw an arm over the back of his chair. For a moment, it looked like he might even put a foot up on the table, but he must've thought better of it. "Anyway, what's next? I'm rarin' to go. I've waited long enough in this dump."

"Perhaps you wouldn't be so bored if you focused more on your studies," Josie sniped.

"Perhaps you wouldn't be so boring if you focused less on yours."

"Well, you won't be visiting our Revidian friend," said the green-eyed woman. She was unusually tall and had a particular pallor that marked her out as yasoi. "He felt lonely and invited some friends of his own around, so nobody would think we hadn't paid him a visit."

Uncle Al let out a bark of laughter and Aunt Lilla snickered. Even Josie and Grandfather smirked. "So gossip's really that he sent for us to visit his friends?" Uncle Al inquired.

Grandfather nodded. "As we'd hoped. It serves him right for the way he treated your brother." He glanced at the younger two. "Your Papa."

"I wanna kill him," said Benny bitterly, and he received glares from all five of the others, most especially his sister. "Relax. Not literally. Just as sure as she'll never walk -" he jerked a thumb in Josie's direction "- I'd never bring the family into disrepute."

"I would trust not," said grandfather sternly, his eyes narrowing. He eased off after a moment and that was cue for the others to do so as well. "As for who we're sending you to meet with, you'll be spending time with your fellow students."

"Yes, a little birdie told me that you'll be going on a bit of an adventure together soon," said the yasoi woman. "You'll be meeting lots of people there, I imagine."

"Some meetings will be lasting," warned Grandfather. He narrowed his eyes, "and some very brief."

Burning Heaven Sky Forest Aesthetics:

_ _ _ _ __O N E__ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ __T W O__ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ __T H R E E__ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ __F O U R__ _ _ _ _

"Hey Terra, what do you think of that canister everyone's talking about?"
"Yeah, you know: the one that crashed into the old landing pad yesterday that's been like the only thing on people's minds!?"
"Oh, that. Heh. I don't really think about it."
"It's like... literally the biggest news in forever. You know people are saying Otherworlders sent it..."
"You know that Otherworlders aren't real. At least... not anymore."
"Seriously? How can you even think that? They literally built everything, including Unity, where we're like... living right now."
"That's why I said 'not anymore', dinkus. It's not like I don't wanna dream too sometimes: honestly. I just... think they already would've come if they were ever going to. Besides, this place isn't so bad."
"Constant threat of incineration and agonizing death aside."
"Only if you stay in Unity, you know."
"...Yeah, I know."
"Things go south here, I'm moving back to the skyforest."
"What if you can't?"
"Pfft. I've been hearing that word my whole life... or ever since... you know."
"...Yeah, I know."
"So I'll find a way, like I always do, and you should come with me."
"Pfft. I'll be up in the stars, and you'll be coming with me!"
"And how can you be so sure, huh?"
"I dunno... I just know."
"My little sister sure knows a lot today."

Three hundred years ago, the Otherworlders left. Most Venerians were smart and believed their Science. Those people left with them. Some Venerians, however, were stubborn, and believed their own. Those people stayed. Today, as all Venerians know, their descendants are the only people left. The Otherwordlers disappeared and haven't been heard from in over two centuries.

Some of the Otherworlders' Science was good, though. It was the thing that brought life to Venus, that created the floating cities that would one day join hands to create Unity. It has been nearly two hundred years since the Unification and one hundred since the first skyforests, born after long gestation from those floating pods of Science. The Old Books of Science are still followed by those trained in their ways, but their words are strange and arcane. Many of the tools of the Old Science that were not needed by the people were sacrificed so that Unity did not fall from the sky one hundred-thirty years ago when the Great Plunge was narrowly averted.

That was when the New Books of Science were written. In those, it was decreed that measurements of Unity's altitude were to always be taken, that weight and waste were to be assiduously kept to a minimum, and that nonessential items were to be jettisoned when necessary. When the skyforests emerged, the New Books were amended and the people learned to use them for resources, as the Old Books had predicted would happen one day. When the air recyclers and the teflon balloons, products of the Old Science, began to falter, the people placed their unswerving faith in both Sciences and ventured out in their sacred teflon suits, protected from the burning rains and air without oxygen. Supplements and, in some cases, replacements were found: the plants themselves pumped out the blessed gas at an incredible rate and their fibres were found to resist the rains. So it was that the New Books brought about the fulfillment of the Old and Unity, from the brink of the Great Plunge once again, knew life.

Yet, there are things that the people know they cannot replace: the core structure and the great engines built by the Old Science. Their own Science is new and not yet powerful enough. Gradually, at an almost unnoticeable rate, Unity is sinking. Most everything that could be stripped from it has been and, for a third time, the Great Plunge has been averted. With the stern and rational guidance of the Code of Responsible Stewardship (CORS), all conduct within the floating city is governed. Depending on one's role in society, behaviour, and knowledge of Sciences Old and - especially - New, each member of Unity is assigned to a level of privilege from Alpha to Omega. This comes with duties and responsibilities but, most importantly, with an assigned weight allowance for oneself and all personal possessions. Those among the lowest levels complain that it is too low: that they can have nothing more than the clothes on their backs and must starve themselves so as to make weight and avoid The Punishment. However, in doing so, they expose for all to see the lack of character that led to their status within Unity. Should they fail to make weight three times at the annual Festival, they will be punished, and sent to live in a forest the next time one drifts within range. There, they shall live a harsh, short, and savage existence among the ferocious flora and fauna created by the Old Science.

This is what the New Science has decreed, for it is what is necessary to postpone the Great Plunge until that Science can come of age. This is what keeps Unity in Balance. Or... at least it was. Thirty years ago, something strange happened: a shooting star entered the clouds of Venus. Only... it had flashing lights. It blinked and turned. Some people remember it, but most don't. The New Scientists, from their offices with their equipment, told the people what had happened: It was merely an old canister, from hundreds of years ago, that had gotten stuck in orbit during the rushed and foolish evacuation. That orbit had finally decayed and its automated systems had come online as it plunged through the atmosphere. The Otherworlders were no more. The people did not need to worry nor raise their hopes falsely and be disappointed.

Then, two days ago, on August 4, 301 AE, a second strange canister arrived. Only, this one didn't plunge through the clouds to die on the hellish Surface. It landed on the Derelict Platform, at the edge of Unity itself, and everybody saw it.

T H E R O L E P L A Y____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Book shall tell us where we are and where we might go.
It is written that this RPG is a shadow triplet of Father Sky and The Golden World and will take place near-simultaneously and in direct continuity. Characters may not initially move between the three RPGs. However, this may be allowed later on depending on how the story progresses.

The Book declares what we shall do.
It is written that Burning Heaven is a semi-hard but slightly fanciful sci-fi roleplay set on an abandoned Venus colony some three hundred years after the last significant contact with outside human civilization. It is a place of beauty, oppression, and danger. Players will have the ability to opt into a driving central mystery and conflict that will unfold and be revealed through the actions of player characters in all three RPGs. In general, I am looking for a group of four in each of the games. Depending on interest, you may or may not be able to run characters in more than one.

The Book speaks of our responsibilities.
It is written that, in terms of commitment, this should be considered a high casual RPG. A minimum of three paragraphs will be expected along with at least one post per week. I understand that English is not everybody's first language, but please try to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Should you be inactive without notice in the game thread and on discord for more than two weeks, your participation will be considered to have ended. I understand that life happens. No worries and no guilt. I get it. Please communicate, though.

The Book decrees what our conduct shall be.
It is written that one must observe all of the customary rules about metagaming, powerplaying, and conducting yourself with decency. Of course, I wouldn't expect any problems from the people of Unity, but I have to offer that disclaimer. The main rule here is just to be a good faith actor. If you're not, you will be warned. If it persists, you will be removed. Inactive player characters may be taken over by myself, by other players, or may be killed off.

The Book shall tell us how to join the people.
This most important question is written last of all, and it may be a little different than you're used to. For this game, it is important that you submit your Character Sheets through DM only, to myself and my Co-GMs @Medili and (placeholder). Do not post them in this thread or in the OOC, when it opens, until you are approved. I will announce approved CSes one week after the submission deadline, which is currently TBA. At that point, the discord will open as well. For your convenience, a raw code character sheet template can be found below.

P E R I L A W A I T S__ __ _ _ _
Welcome aboard, new guy! I can assure you that there are plenty of options here, from fandom to original, in-depth to arcade level, science fiction, slice of life, horror, fantasy, and... well just about anything. Browse the interest checks!

Also, in terms of the amount that you're looking to write, I'd say give advanced a shot, but it's a little bit less active and some elitist elements do tend to rear their heads in there occasionally. In practice, many casual RPs go beyond the one or two paragraphs and end up in advanced territory, so that's likely your best bet. If you have any genre preferences or more of an interest in group vs 1x1, those are considerations too. Any questions? I'm only a DM away!
Aww man. My neighbour is a smoker.
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