Avatar of Force and Fury


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2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts


They saddled up at the gatehouse and it was telling that the animals the small convoy mounted were camels and not horses. Lingering in some minds as they gazed out across the desolate terrain may have been the Warden's response to Ysilla's strange question from a few hours earlier. "Everyday," he had said, narrowing his flinty eyes, "I have nightmares of this place being consumed: swallowed by the shifting sands of los Páramos Sin Fin."*1 He had shaken his head and his voice had lowered. "You do not know it like I do, girl. I pray you never will." He had moved on quickly.

It was near to midday as they set off, canopies above their heads, a couple of supply animals loaded down mostly with water. A distant breeze undulated across the shallow dunes, ghostly waves of sand writhing in its embrace. When it reached the group of ten - for Marceline, two guards, and a quiet, leathery-skinned ranger named Escarra were with them - it did not provide any relief. Hot air blasted them and they were forced to shield their eyes and clasp their lips shut until Jocasta drew from the desert and forced its winds to swirl around rather than through them.

As they ventured further into the desert, the midday sun beat down on them and Escarra stopped to check his map more than once, consulting with the guards or Marceline. The latter smiled and nodding, pointing this way or that, clearly happy to be out of the Refuge or perhaps to be in his company. The ranger, for his part, said few things once he had finished teaching some who had never ridden a camel before how to do it. He perched upon his camel like a lizard on a rock: barely moving at all but seeming to see everything. Occasionally, he would call out with a word or a hand gesture to marshal them to stay close. Given his taciturn nature, understated competence, and what they had already seen of this place, there was little argument.

The swirling sands gave way to something rockier, as outcroppings rose into the burning sun. Sips from flasks were stolen at increasing opportunity and animals were spotted here and there in the distance, particularly halassa. Marceline explained with great enthusiasm that windier days like this one were idea for them, as many smaller animals preferred to shelter or spent time shoring up their burrows and nests. It was easy hunting should they seek meet and there were more roots exposed should they have favoured that.

It wasn't long before the group's first encounter, and it was a harrowing one. As a set of low cliffs and hoodoos rose up around them, a pack of five halassa started to come uncomfortably close. These were driven off twice by Escarra and once by one of the guards. Then, one made a grab for one of the baggage camels and the crack of a rifle echoed through the dry air. Spooked, the giant tortoises backed off, only to begin doubling back some thirty seconds later. There were five of them and it would not be a pleasant fight. "Be ready," Marceline warned the others, and a few of them started to gather their magic. Escarra held a hand out in a placating gesture, however, and they saw him pull out his rifle. To his lips, he brought the whistle hanging from a colourful string around his neck.

The halassa came closer and he blew a strange, deep note on it. Frozen for a second, the lead beast took a bullet perhaps an inch above one of its eyes. It grunted and snorted, flinching belatedy, and the entire pack scampered off into the desert. "Missed your shot, old man," teased one of the guards: a young guy with a large nose and a resting smirk.

Escarra shook his head and spat. "I didn't." They continued into the heart of los Páramos Sin Fin and the winds picked up further. The grizzled ranger pointed in the direction of some shallow cliffs and the convoy turned to follow his lead. "Hey Manuel!" called Marceline, "Are we gonna stop up there?"

Escarra nodded.

Taking that as a cue, the guard who'd teased him spurred his mount on and took the lead. "Exploraré por delante."*2 The senior ranger clucked his tongue and those closest to him could see his face tighten, but he said nothing.

Moments later, the lead guard and his camel went still. From around a small rise came a great angry snort. They had mere seconds to react before a Rhinodon came charging out. The foolish young guard who'd drawn its ire at least managed to save himself, but the angry herbivore continued its charge, forcing people to dodge or dive away. Even Zarina's attempts to calm it did nothing, and it skidded to a stop, turned, and began lining itself up for another charge.

It didn't follow through, however. Sniffing the air, it flicked its ears and its tail back and forth, before trotting briskly away. "The hoodoos!" shouted Escarra, "now!" and he coaxed his camel into a gallop. In the distance, what had seemed a large hazy ridge revealed itself as the leading edge of a sizable sandstorm. It gained on them with frightening speed, but they had enough of a lead that they reached the hoodoos, slipped in through a small gap, and were able to hunker down and ride out what ended up being a rather brief storm.

Interestingly, the winds had revealed ruins among the cliffs, built right into them and it was in the shade of these that they took an early afternoon meal - not deep inside, though, Escarra had warned, for there were a great many animals that liked to live in places such as that, and it was their domain now.

Some people talked as they ate, and Marceline joined them belatedy, unable to walk without assistance and the Gift in the deep sand. The two guards played a card game, and Jocasta disappeared into a darkened room for a few minutes before returning and joining her peers. Escarra, meanwhile, sat off to the side, separate from the others but not entirely inaccessible to them. He spent most of his time cleaning his rifle and checking his equipment. His eyes scanned the area twice every minute and he ate mostly without chewing.

"We ride two and a half more hours," the ranger said as they remounted their camels. "If we don't find it, it's not in this direction." The sun was now no longer directly overhead. It was towards the latter half of Oraff's hours and the sand, where it was not cloaked in shadow, positively boiled. Wrapped in desert whites, they could feel the heat rising from below. Those whose feet yet lived found it leeching up through their shoes.

They had been on the move again for scarcely more than five minutes when Jocasta and Marceline exchanged a look. The former rode towards the back of the group in a modified saddle, useless legs strapped to her animal, and the latter paced her. The two women looked to Yalen, who could yet ride normally, but all three tethered seemed to have a moment of agreement. "I can feel it," announced the youngest of the trio, moving up closer to the head of the pack. She pointed further down the canyon. "Not sure exactly how far." She glanced back towards Jocasta and the older girl took a moment to catch up. "About...uh... eight miles away," she decided, and Escarra scowled, brow furrowed in momentary thought. "Then we go," he announced. "On the return, no dinner." Suiting words to action, he coaxed some more speed out of his camel, and the group pressed forward.

The ruins faded from view and their world became the blue sky above, the greyish-gold sand below, and the steady rhythmic rocking of their mounts. To either side stretched increasingly imposing canyon walls and, occasionally, they would sight some animal scampering about. Most unnerving by far were the froabasses that roosted along the top. They had thus far managed to avoid any unpleasant encounters with the beasts, but the twenty to thirty foot dragons were known to be voracious predators. "Into Ejiran's throat we go," murmured the older of the guards as a pair of them circled on the thermals overhead. He made the Sign of the Pentad.

Yet it was not the froabasses that troubled them. Two more hours and one quick water break passed in uneasy anticipation and they drew ever nearer to the aberration that was their goal. Once again, the Tethered were first to feel something and Jocasta leaned in towards their guide. "There is a wyrm," she told Escarra quietly, eyes sliding over to the others.

He nodded, unpanicked. "How far?"

"About a mile," she warned. "It was inert before. It has awoken."

"The storm," he replied, "has stirred up the animals. It hunts."

Marceline appeared beside them. "Uhhh, there's a sand wyrm," she warned. Jocasta twisted and nodded. "We know. It isn't headed toward us yet. Go tell the others."

Escarra's eyes peered out through folds of white cloth, searching for something. He twisted in his saddle. then, after a moment, he raised his arm and pointed to an area some two to three hundred yards ahead where the cliffs tumbled down into the sand and there was ample rocky ground. The group began making their way and the progress was good. Everyone had gotten to be at last competent in riding by this point, and none questioned the instructions that had kept them alive to this juncture.

Then the sand moved.

Everybody froze for a moment, and the ranger held up a fist, demanding complete stillness. Necks craned hesitantly, waiting to see if it would come their way, but fate's dice refused to take their part today and, with a great tremor the sands of la Garganta del Ejiran*3 quivered. One of the camels in the baggage train panicked and began to gallop off in a different direction. "Go!" shouted Escarra, "Go now!"

A wave of sand built behind them and they set their camels on a gallop, the beasts' instincts doing most of the work. The wave gained but Zarina was not with them. Reaching out with words and, perhaps, the Gift, she brought the stray camel back down from its panic and hurried to catch up with the others. One by one, they reached the safety of the rocks, some with perhaps only a couple tens of yards to spare. The Sand Wyrm barely slowed at the lost opportunity, plowing forward in the shallow sand, and carving a great furrow behind it. It was lost upon nobody that the aberration was less than a mile distant and the enormous sand dragon was headed straight for it.

"Don Escarra!" shouted the younger guard, "We have to stop it!"

"If it takes in the aberración," added the other, "Who knows what-"

"Shut up!" the ranger snapped, and it was jarring to hear him speak that way, so calm and steady had he been up to now. He gave the signal for complete quiet. His eyes were looking up.

Already, six or seven froabasses were in the sky, and more were joining them every moment, clacking and circling overhead. As the group watched, a pod of hibernating Sand Cows, their burrow revealed by the wyrm's path, began to stir. One of the froabases came streaking in like a comet and plowed into the sand not ten yards from the sheltering convoy. A great cloud was kicked up in the struggle and there were flashes of the dragon thrashing its prey about.

Then, came the chittering screech of a dozen more of the beasts and they hit the sand like meteors, roaring, snapping, and feeding in a blood-crazed frenzy.

It was too much for the camels. In the immediate presence of a nearby predator, they panicked and bolted, an instinct to hug the cliff walls (where the froabasses could not swoop down on them) and run taking over. Only Escarra and Zarina managed to control theirs. Everyone else was exposed, and the results were grisly. First it was the older guard, ripped from his mount, struggling and screaming, and then the younger. He cried out for his mother and was torn in two as a second froabas came. The camels fared better, but not by much. One from the baggage train and one of the guards' met bloody ends, and it was chaos: all chaos. People attacked with what they could of the Gift. A couple were thrown by their mounts. Kaspar's was snatched out from under him and the Helbahnishman avoided death by perhaps inches, slamming it with a barrier and hurling himself into the sand.

All around, the dragons flapped and swarmed. There must've been more than two dozen. Magic speared more than one from the sky, or hammered them on the ground, but the beasts were durable, quick, and had some mana of their own, making many of the tactics that the students had employed the previous evening against the mad halassa unusable.

Zarina hit on something else, though. As Escarra was controlling his camel, galloping about in a spiral pattern meant to distract the froabasses and shooting at them, one took notice and hurtled directly at him. Then, it pulled back. The closest half-dozen of the beasts did the same, tearing meat away from dead sand cows, camels, humans, and their own kin, satisfied with their meals. For a moment, it looked like the Virangishwoman had saved them.

Then, the rest of the flock sensed weakness. Plunging down from every direction they came: nearly twenty of the beasts. Escarra kept firing, praying loudly in an unknown language as he went, but even his pinpoint accuracy did little. It seemed time for the students to make peace with their gods.

The froabases went still: frozen unnaturally in place. Sound deadened and one could not even hear his own breath. The very sky itself seemed to grow darker for a moment. Then, they saw it: Jocasta. The tethered girl rose into the air, hair writhing around her like golden snakes. Energy flooded into her small body like water spiraling down a drain. Escarra collapsed into the sand, wretching. Marceline staggered and fell. The pressure was immense! So much energy! It built in people's heads. It hammered their stomachs and organs: ungodly, unnatural!

Their schoolmate trembled, drawing still more. Beads of sweat stained her skin and clothes. Her eyes grew bloodshot. Then, the energy changed. It was... more like what they had felt in the Paradigm's tower: a strange, forbidden magic. They blinked, or perhaps they did not, and the froabases were gone: gone as if they had never even been there.

A cool breeze swept the sands and whistled along the cliffs. Jocasta dropped to the ground, limp, with a light a thud. The sun burned in the sky with all of its usual vigour.

Marceline struggled to her knees, hurrying over with the assistance of the Gift. Jocasta lay partially face down, crumpled in something like the fetal position, but she was breathing. Croucching in the lengthening shadows, the others turned her over. "I tried to get the wyrm," she rasped, "but I couldn't. The froabasses are... nine miles from here, with their food. They won't be bothering us anymore." She blinked a couple of times, clearly woozy, and tried to sit up, but she needed help to do it. With a quick, brusque thanks, she brushed the hands away. "We need to stop the wyrm. It's headed for the aberration. If it gets there..." She paused. A dark look had crossed Marceline's face. Kneeling in the sand, she knit and unknit her fingers and shook her head tightly. "I cannot sense the aberration anymore," she squeaked, looking to Yalen for confirmation. "I fear we are too late."

As Penny witnessed the strange girl's approach, her heart started crawling up her throat for a moment. You made a hole in my ship! she screamed inwardly, stalking towards the stairs where Tyrpano emerged. But then the hole was sealed and she knew, as a Binder herself, that it had been a fairly easy thing to do. What irked her was the tone, the entitled body language - the lording of her height - and the near-glare. It reminded Penny of the way that her mother had always addressed her and spawned an instant and intense reactionary dislike.

"Oh, hello to you too," the Perrenchwoman shot back. "You want a summary?" She tilted her head to one side, the tricorn hat nearly sliding loose. She had to keep this professional. Besides, people had been looking down on her for entire life. This one wasn't any different. She sighed. "It's a dynastic struggle. Just... played out through piracy. Amelia owns the Nera and she's using it to hit back at the Doge." She shrugged. "I avoided the Doge's Breeches because-"that's just nasty. Who'd wanna go into a Doge's breeches? She sensed that her teammate was a being bereft of humour, however, and skipped the joke. "A pair of Perrenchwomen walking into a Revidian stronghold and asking questions about attacks on Revidian ships when the two countries are on the brink of war is just daft." Penny waved dismissively. "Tried to convince Wvysen and only got silence. She's a big girl and can make her own poor decisions. I saw tracks along the shore, went to check them out, and got kidnapped." she continued. "Long story short, I broke out and did some snooping along the way. Killed a few pirates before they could kill me and stole a couple ships in my escape. Not sure how I'm not dead. Just kept going and here I am." She hobbled to the side and plucked the journal off of a stool. "Got her journal: just sitting out there to be had. It's an awful read." She arched an eyebrow. "But a very convenient piece of evidence." Penny plunked it back down and motioned with her chin beneath the stool. "There was that lantern too. I thought it could be Chune-Sept's, since I know that we were briefed on an artifact. It's probably just an old lantern or a decoy at best, but it didn't hurt to grab, just in case." She tilted her head again. "That's my side. What's yours? Long version. They're taking their sweet time ashore anyway."


Amelia could sense the noose tightening. She had neither the time nor the energy for it. These people were a threat in their own right. Ingrid, whose life she'd saved, was eyeing her the way a dog eyed a steak on the table. Desmond's hand upon her was... far more threatening than comforting. He was trying to hide some kind of signal behind his back. She'd almost missed it, but she'd grown up around hidden meanings and whispered messages. She shrugged him off and backed away. Her eyes darted warily about. "You're all about to turn on me, aren't you?" she said defiantly, backing away. "But you're... not Prospero's people," she thought aloud, eyes wide and brow furrowed. She glanced about at the corpses and then back at the threatening group. "...They were." She stood there for a moment, haunted. "...How?" she practically mouthed. Amelia paced tightly then, a few steps each way before remembering that she was not among friends. "Tell me, honestly," she demanded, whirling to look at Desmond. "Were you truly sent to rescue me, and by whom?"

"We are from Ersand'Enise. We were sent here by Paradigm Hunghorasz to do three things-" Desmond stepped forward with a cold expression, losing all trace of emotion, much more like a mask as he spoke in a calm and commanding tone, seeming to hide a growing sense of anger, "-rescue Princes Amelea of Segona, retrieve the possible artifact the Maria Nera has, and kill the Captain."

As he stepped forward he looked down on her, only his eyes breaking his mask-like expression, as they seemed to relay every emotion he felt. He continued, "We lost one of our people, another one is confirmed dead, and I have not trusted you since the moment I met you. So you tell me how I would react?"

"Goddammit, now's not the time! she shouted, rubbing at her temples and half turning. "I mean: yes. Yes, I lied. I thought you were lying. I know my uncle - Prospero, that throne-stealing slimy eel - has friends at the school. At first, I thought you were just some useful idiot who might be an ally, but once you said you were from there and it was too late to just run, and I thought you were working for him, for sure. I was going to lose you in the city - fake my own death. I had... people who were going to distract you." She pulled her hands back from her face nervously, opening and clasping them, as if she didn't quite know what to do. "Oh Gods, oh Dami, oh Eshiran!" She pivoted to take them all in. "I have been less than forthright. I apologize. Truly, I'm sorry, but there is still a chance to salvage the situation," she continued desperately. She took a deep quick breath and exhaled. "My uncle, Prospero Malatesta, was to be my regent after my father and brother died. I was ten. You know the rest. He took over. He rules Segona like it's an extension of his realm: another source of people and plunder for his war machine."

Her face was flushed. Anybody who reached out to sense her energy could plainly feel the heightened pulse within her. "Maybe you have heard that I'm called 'The Ghost' by some. It is because I lived the past fourteen years under house arrest, except for when I was to be trotted out for the odd function. Godsdammit!" she cursed. "I escaped a few months ago. I came here because it was beyond the reach of the law, beyond the reach of his many, many friends... or so I thought." She shook her head, as Onarr was healed behind them and cleanup efforts continued. "My goal was to recruit loyal Segonese - we're good sailors - and to start building a resistance. It was to free myself, win back my throne, and free my people." She shook her head tightly, wrapping arms around her small figure.

"But the bastard knew, or he found out." She sighed shakily. "When he couldn't find me, thanks to my friends here, he decided to use my name." Her fists clenched open and closed. "The Maria Nera is not my ship," she hissed. "But that she were: what I could do with her!" She breathed a bit more calmly. "She is a fabrication of the Doge: a false flag creweed by his own people meant to make me an outlaw and a danger so that he can justify eliminating me without being named kinslayer." She laughed bitterly. "Ever question why the Nera sinks all the ships that she catches? Why nobody but the most loyal Revidians have ever seen her? Why every. single. target. is Revidian?" Her face scrunched up and she half-turned towards the waterfront, off in the direction of The Main. "Ask the Dorvalish, if you don't believe me." she begged, "Ask them about the registry of the ships that went missing: all Prospero's ships and his friends' ships. Ask them about the prices of goods that soared from the thefts, about who stocked up on those right before the ships were 'plundered' and 'sunk'."

Dazed, she sat on a curb. "Gods, we've been played. All of us: you, me, my allies." She exhaled, shaking her head in disbelief. "Hugo Hunghorasz and the Doge are friend, or else they pretend to be, at arm's length, for the sake of mutual interest." She chewed on her lower lip nervously. "You were sent to retrieve me so that I would poke my head out of hiding. He had his people ready to pounce. News travels very quickly here." She gestured at the carnage around them, silhouetted against the backdrop of a slowly lightening sky. "Then we have this fight and the evil rotten crew of the 'Nera' - myself and you - lay waste to the town and prove that I need to be stopped. We were supposed to have lost to those Black Rezaindians Prospero sent, I imagine: those men and women of faith, sent to bring me to justice." She looked up at the others. "We're patsies, she said simply. "He outplayed us, and now I'm sure the Nera will be coming, loaded with whatever Black Rezaindians, pirates, and mercenary mages his money can muster."

Amelia of Segona rose and dusted herself off. "I am going to fight them, one way or another, with or without you. She backed away once more, fishing a whistle from the folds of her dress and blowing it in a distinct high-pitched pattern. The sound reverberated through the air, enhanced by liberal use of sonic magic. "But I will die," the princess concluded, "by my own hand if need be - for I will not let anymore shed blood for me unless they offer it freely. I will die before I let you take me."

They shuffled into the plaza by the waterfront, then: first a handful, then ten, then dozens. Some had already been there, among the growing crowd, among the rescuers and accusers. They began to gather around their rightful queen. "But there is another way," she offered. "I know I've no right to ask you, but I can promise rich reward should we win the day." She smirked. "The Nera's winnings are substantial indeed, and whatever does not go to fund our war effort would be yours to do whatever you wished with."

It was Ismette who spoke first. "Say we do trust you," she said. "And get involved in your war." She glanced between Amelia and her fellow students. "How is this not a suicide mission? Why not run? Cut your losses, get safe, and live to fight another day? I mean..." She glanced around and tilted her head to one side, not entirely unsympathetic. "You don't even have a ship."

"That's... not strictly true," said a particularly greasy-looking pirate, stepping through the crowd. It was Xavier Falzon, the Dorvalish pirate from The Main. He crossed his arms, eyes flicking over to Ingrid and Onarr. "Sorry for rippin' yeh off before. Thought you was against the Princess here." He cleared his throat as a few more of his crew came up behind him. "I'd have preferred not to, but the Nera's market manipluation's gotta stop. Plus, I gave Lady Amelia my word and Xavier Falzon is a man who... usually keeps that." He removed his hat and bowed his head slightly. St. Elmo's Fyre is at your service, my lady."

She came to on a beach, gazing up at the star-filled sky. For a moment, there was only peace, and Penny was happy. A crab skittered along somewhere close to her head and the waves heaved in and out at her foot. Then, she felt the aches and pains and it all came flooding back to her: being knocked out in a sneak attack, the throbbing pain in her head, the temporary blindness, darkness, and abduction. She'd cast off the chemical magic and fought her way out. She winced and moaned as she tried to take a deep breath. This is what broken ribs feel like, the Perrenchwoman thought. She lay there for a moment, giggling stupidly, but it hurt. She'd never broken a bone in her life. She'd barely even gotten a scrape. Climbed a rocky shore? Fought someone to the death? Her heart pounded at the thought of it. It was crazy: bloody and violent and terrifying, but she'd done it: thrown her strength against a half-dozen hardened cutthroats and overcome them all. Tears streamed down her cheeks, dying in the sand. She found herself strangely compelled to pray.

Penny managed a deeper breath and, with great pain, forced herself to sit up. The glove over her weird hand was tattered and one of her fingers was broken. Her ankle was twisted and her right triceps howled in agony when she tried to move it. There were scuffs, scrapes, and lacerations everywhere she looked. The youth closed her eyes and drew from her surroundings, finding ample energy. This, she applied first to her ankle and her finger, but she was dazed and the effort was clumsy. She let the rest slip and her ribs and triceps remained a source of pain. Again, she reached out, this time gripping the small medallion of Dami's Hammer that she'd worn for this mission. Scrapes healed over, soft and pinkish. Lacerations closed themselves, and the tear in her muscles eased somewhat. It was then that Penny heard the distant voices of what she could only assume were more members of the crew that had tried to kidnap her. Pushing off, she rose to her foot and cast about for her crutch. Dammit! she cursed inwardly. All of the Gift in the world but she was far too dependent upon a stupid stick for basic mobility.

Straining into the distance, Penny spotted something bobbing in the water. Gingerly, she hopped a few steps forward and recognized it for what it was. Taking another painful breath, she stretched out with Kinetic Magic and called it forth from the waves. It arced through the air and snapped straight into her hand. The waves were such a source of power that she continued to draw from them, concentrating as she converted their energy into binding. This, she used to reinforce the bones of her ribcage and the pain began to fade. She took a deep cautious breath. Good enough. There remained yet a painful bruise on her legless hip and a pinch in her right arm, but she was well enough to function and that's what was important.

Peering off into the darkness, Penny couldn't make much sense of anything. It was an unusually black night: only one moon was up, and she still felt a bit woozy. She stumbled around for a bit, searching for some clue, and found herself wandering further up the beach. Then, she saw them: footprints. They were the distinctive mark of a foot and a crutch on sand and they could only be hers. They stretched off into the distance and she now knew a way out. She started to walk.

There was the expected treasure: gold, spices, medicines, and valuable stones. About to leave, the Perrenchwoman paused. There was a midsized lockbox, shoved off in a corner, conspicuous only in its pointed inconspicuousness. Creeping up to it, she drew from the lock mechanism using binding magic and it shattered. She took a moment to apply some of the repurposed matter in healing her arm and her stump. She rolled and flexed the latter and propped the former on her crutch handle. Inside the lockbox, however, lay only disappointment: an old lamp and nothing more. It was the simple kind too, with only a candle and some old-style glass: a Chune Lamp, people called it, for that's how the Seeker of Knowledge's holy symbol was always portrayed. Penny thought about bringing it along. Wouldn't it be something if that was the actual Lantern of Chune? She shook her head to clear it, rolled her eyes, and decided that it was probably time to get out of here.

Before she could make it more than a couple of steps, however, the sound of approaching footsteps threw her into a near-panic. Penny darted into a darkened alcove and held her breath. "Coulda sworn I heard somethin'," one of the pirates insisted. The other's eyes swept the room. "Aye, I think she doubled back, sneaky lil' wench." They were talking about her! They were onto her! A cold, prickly shot of adrenaline shuddered through her veins. If these two spotted her, even if they shared their suspicions with other members of the crew, it could be very bad. They would come swarming for her by the dozens and she could not hope to fight them all off. I'm sorry, she thought, but you have to die.

Rising up behind them, the Blood Mage pulled with all of her might. The two men disintegrated, heads first, and she watched them die. Immediately, she hunched over, hands on her knee, and swallowed back the bile rising in the back of her throat. Those were someone's children, she thought, maybe someone's fathers. Holy shit! She stood uneasily and gulped a couple of times. Magic power coursed through her veins and she used it conjure some light, doing a final sweep of the caves, that lantern still nagging at the back of her mind. It began to dawn on the one-legged woman, then, that she was playing a very dangerous game. It was time to get out of here. Making haste, she darted out of the cave, glancing about as she went. With the coast looking clear, Penny took a couple of steps, but then she was falling. The world spun and she hit the ground with a painful smack. Her lip split and her vision blurred. The journal tumbled away to the edge of the water, its pages getting wet, and she lay there, stunned, her crutch clattering on the rocks.

Penny drew, then, with everything that she could, from the stone of the grotto itself. Rock began to crackle and a couple of large chunks plummeted from the ceiling to land with a splash. Shouts echoed through the dimness and people scrambled about. Up above, cracks began to form and the youth's stomach went cold. Too much! Driven by desperation and adrenaline, she turned the repurposed energy into Kinetic and rocketed out the channel, past great crumbling pillars of stone. A small section of the grotto outright collapsed, but she was past it, riding the wave. She found herself bobbing up and down beside her crutch in the cold dark waters of the ocean. Another moon had risen and it was brighter now. The lantern and journal hovering above her head in a kinetic grasp, she continued to tread water for a moment. You're no fish, stupid, she chided herself, making for shore.

This is not an update. It is only a solo post.
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The tiles were the same: worn, patterned sandstone, they passed beneath Jocasta's wheels the same as they had six years ago, same as they had passed beneath her feet, same as they would another six or even sixty years from now, when she was long gone. She nearly smacked into Yalen, so absorbed was she, and she pulled quickly back on her wheels. For his part, the monk jumped like a scared animal.

Normally, Jocasta would have had to stifle a snicker at that, but he looked so genuinely spooked for a moment that she didn't find it amusing. She managed a quick apology as last night's actions came flooding back to her. She'd killed Gutierrez. A shiver ran down her spine. She'd killed ninety-two people so far, but none had ever been so personal. It had been six years since she'd looked a man in the eyes as he'd died. Murder was very much an abstract thing for Jocasta. Could Yalen know something? She'd fixed her eyes ahead to avoid any further near-collisions, but they slid uneasily in his direction. Would she have to kill him? She did not want to. He was a religious fool, but a good person. Her world started to seem a little bit colder.

The others were in various states of walking, most of them rather quiet. It was Kaspar's and Ysilla's default state. Zarina was nowhere to be seen. Yalen remained oddly silent, though, like a frightened animal, and for a moment, it made her want to hurt him. What are you all vulnerable and timid looking for? Who pissed in your porridge, you little bitch? She knitted her brows together, took a breath, and decided that the thought had been unnecessarily mean. Still, a deep kind of anxiety settled in the pit of her stomach, right down close to where her feeling ended, to where she wouldn't be able to feel anything in a couple of years' time. Jocasta didn't want to think about that. Death was inevitable. Her clock was ticking, and it ticked so much faster than the others'. Gods, she hated this place. She hated the oil lanterns that hung on their chains from the ceiling, the pale greyish-yellow of the colonnades and tiles, the way the heat rolled in from the desert in waves that distorted the air. She could breathe in the dust: that same smell she had known as a child. She did not want to be here. 'Here' was a place that should not have existed and, even if she destroyed it all, she knew that she could not heal the damage that it had done to her and a thousand other people.

Ayla looked lonely and needy, though perhaps it was just the Tethered girl projecting her own weaknesses onto the Torragonese. She was small and sweet, though, and Jocasta made an effort to come up beside her and take her hand. Wordlessly, she flashed a little smile and knitted her fingers into her teammate's.

Their morning meeting was a mundane enough affair at first, but it shed some light on where the aberration might be. It's far. She'd reached out for it and hadn't sensed it. She was sure that the Warden had already had his people reach for it too, but he wasn't about to risk his cash cows out in the desert. Somehow, his call for help had reached the Paradigm, and quickly. The bigger questions, quite frankly, were just what an aberration of that size was doing way out in the desert and how on Sipenta the Warden planned to dispose of it. More likely that he was hoping some animals would take it in and their group would dispose of the animals. Let them suffer for human failures. She gritted her teeth and, it seemed, was gritting them forevermore after that. With each lie and dismissive remark from the Warden, her anger grew, tempered only by the fact that they genuinely did not seem to suspect that Gutierrez was dead, much less that she'd done it. She had only Yalen to worry about, potentially, and if he did know, the fact that he hadn't said anything yet meant that he likely wouldn't until confronting her. She would tell him the truth, then. She would see how righteous his religion truly was. If he accepted the necessity of what she'd done, then there would be no problem. If he didn't, then she might be able to live with herself should she have to do what she did not want to.

Jocasta did not enjoy breakfast. The very smell of the churros reminded her of her breakfasts with the previous Warden: that sugary sweetness to cover up the rot. On the wall, the stupid clock ticked away and she hated it. The others probed after useless things, but Jocasta was already on thin ice. She was six years older, there were few staff left from back then, and she had changed her hair colour and skin tone. One might mistake her now for for a fair Kerreman, Eskandish, or southern Perrenchwoman as opposed to the swarthy Dorvalish that she was. Still, she did not want to draw any more attention to herself than the great deal already drawn by the mere fact that she was Tethered.

Then, as matters were wrapping up, Ayla asked Marceline for a tour. The girl's eyes darted awkwardly in Jocasta's direction and the older Tethered gave a tiny nod. They'd been planning to meet. If Father truly had an ally here, then perhaps they could move forward. Alas, it was not to be... for now. A tour...chatting and smiling with the others. That was something that Jocasta did not want and could not do, but to be on her own in this place...

Pushing off smoothly, she rolled down the colonnade, a gentle breeze whistling past her ears. It was muscle memory: she could navigate this place blindly if she needed to. All of those blissful childhood games of tag amid the plants and pillars, until running became harder, and then even walking and she had to become an observer. Those nights spent wandering the grounds, having slipped out after curfew. The secret training sessions in the outer compound and the way she'd linger before and after.
She was decaying, but this place was unchanging.

Jocasta had just made it down the short ramp into the courtyard, when she spotted one of the magpies who laundered the bed sheets. Avoiding a small barrier and some bushes, she made haste across the packed dirt. "Hola. ¿Hay alguien llamado Amanda aquí?"*1 she asked in her best Torragonese. The caretaker looked at her uncertainly for a moment. "Amanda," the Tethered clarified. "Ella sería un cero si todavía estuviera aquí."*2

The woman's eyes narrowed. "¿Tú... no eres un residente aquí?"*3

Jocasta's heart skipped a beat. "No. Sólo estoy de visita"*4

"Ah, sí, sí. Amanda..." There was an extended pause as the caretaker considered. "Ella es un poco mayor", she replied. "No sé si está viva con certeza, pero estaba en... la habitación 304 en el área de Zeroes la última vez que la vi".*5

Room 304. That was one of the ones with a courtyard view. She started to back away. "Muchas gracias!" she replied, turning and wheeling off. Why was Jocasta doing this, again? Why was she so bent on ruining everything just for some emotional satisfaction. Yet... it was hardly something she could pass up. Amanda was eleven years her senior. When she'd first arrived, it had been into the older girl's strong, comforting arms. When she'd left, it had been sudden, just as the first serious numbness had started to spread through her mentor's hands and she'd been struggling with the impending end of her active role.

Jocasta hurried up the ramp and from one covered colonnade to the next, grabbing corner pillars and swinging herself around them to keep up her speed as she turned. A part of her dreaded what she would see. If Amanda still lived, she would be near the end, and the end was not pretty. Still, it had lingered with her how she had just left without saying goodbye. It hadn't been intentional. It hadn't been planned, but the feeling of having betrayed an elder sister was not something that she felt good about. Plus, she needed some wisdom. Amanda had always been wise, or perhaps Jocasta had just been a child. She did not know but chose to believe the former.

Arriving at the Torre de la Soledad, hairs began to prickle down the back or her neck and arms. A tall, squarish citadel made of reddish-yellow sandstone, it seemed more fortress than residence, here in its own corner of the refuge. Meekly, Jocasta rolled up to the gate. It was unlocked during the day, though none but caretakers ever really went in or out. After the first year or so, where people came to visit and talk with them, keeping them apprised of the refuge's daily happenings, the Zeros were inevitably forgotten.

Then, the door was closed and Jocasta sat in the middle of a hallway. She estimated she had been about an hour in all and had perhaps half that left: just enough time to rush to her room and grab a few things, relieve herself, and take an orange from Pulpo Viejo before meeting with the others. She found her direction and rolled briskly down the hallway. The desert beckoned and, with it, the hope that they could set things right.

<Snipped quote by Dao Ma>

Past the deadline...hrrrg! I can do it!

Deadline's next Saturday, homey. You're good.
@Pirouette I can do two hours! Cya then!
@Pirouette Tell me when we're good to go tomorrow. I'll make a thread for it. Already got some ideas brewing!
@Pirouette Sounds like we need a character resue brainstorm session. Let's build off of the foundation that you have and reimagine her! If you're down for a character brainstorm session tomorrow, I am SO down.
@Pirouette So, I won't lie: I noticed that you've been struggling a bit with finding your muse and I'd wondered if this was coming. I wonder if it's a case of not just jumping in with both feet. I feel like we're often so afraid of "getting it wrong" with our characters that we don't just write from the heart, we don't just have those characters seize the day in whatever fashion they might do it.

I'd encourage you to think back to when you were making Ysilla. What was it that drew you to her? What moment did you have where you were like, "Ooooh! that'd be cool / fun", what made you make her the character that she is? I feel like Ysilla has come off as quiet not so much because she's actually quiet as because she just hasn't been as involved.

As far as this collab went, that was kind of on us as a group, actually. It came together very suddenly and haphazardly, but we should've pinged you. You'd have gotten it at some point, even if late. That's our - and essentially my bad as GM. I just think I might've made a subconscious assumption that Ysilla would... be quiet or that you wouldn't be able to write for the collab on short notice. I can't speak to others' thought processes, but it shouldn't have happened like that: just passing you by like a train in the night.

I want to help you find your character's identity, plotline, and place in this story, but I need your help to do it. What's something fun, quirky, daring, dumb, or at least different that she'd do? The others have run up against a brick wall. Maybe her puppets can spy somehow? A bird is pretty innocuous. Maybe she can learn something from the way that the older Tethered essentially use the Gift to make puppets of their own bodies. I really liked the concept of Ysilla and her binary with Zarina, but yeah. She hasn't been what I think she could be or has the potential to be. I wanna see her personality in action. Just because she's not as in your face as her sister doesn't mean she can't be impactful and dynamic!

Let her have fun! Let her mess up. Let her make a friend or an enemy. Zarina just fell flat on her face. What does that do for Ysilla? Maybe the sisters should have some interaction during the search for the aberration: possibly a collab. For my part, I'm going to be better with pinging you about anything noteworthy that happens on discord related to your character and possible things you could become involved in. I had kind of just been assuming that @YummyYummy was always doing it, though I hadn't asked and it's not really his job, haha. I used to only have discord on my laptop as well for the sake of work-life balance and not becoming a phone zombie. I can appreciate that and I wanna try to make this RPG work for you. For your part, I'd exhort you to ask questions, look for leads, and drop me or the others messages both on here and on discord when you're online. Be active in seeking opportunities for Ysilla and they will be there. I'll make sure of it.

And hey, if it doesn't work out and we can't turn this around, then at least we gave it our honest best effort and that's all I ever ask. No hard feelings. At least you didn't ghost.
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