Avatar of ForeverBWFC
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    1. ForeverBWFC 10 yrs ago


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WIP - I'll try to flesh it out more later.

Name: John Levi
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Position: Naval Crew
Personality: Quiet, but fiercely loyal to his shipmates, and intensely focussed on his job. Could be seen as a kinda geeky, shy type, but once you get to know him he opens up and actually becomes pretty chatty. Very enthusiastic about describing electronics and science.
Notable Skills, Combat or otherwise: Holds a degree in electronics, and qualified as an e-war and communications specialist. Passed basic marksmanship, but with an average score. A very strong swimmer.
History: Age 21: Joined the Navy out of university, enrolling as an officer candidate and e-war specialist ((if he doesn't end up and officer I'll edit this))
Age 24: Graduated from the Navy's Electronic Warfare College. Posted to a ground-based position as an intelligence operative
Age 26: Requested transfer to a ship-borne role, approved to serve on the scout corvette Alice Springs monitoring inter-system rebel communication traffic
Age 28: Alice Springs is decommissioned and mothballed - Levi is transferred to a new post.
Do you want CSs in here or wait for the OOC?
This sounds interesting!
I'm interested!
That sounds pretty good BWFC! In any case, I hope Capra's on, since I basically spoke to him first. feel free to make The Resources' captain rebuke Reggie really quick though.

No rebuke, just cold, hard professionalism !
HSV Resource
Lieutenant Kelvin, the watch officer, relayed the message to her captain - her words echoing across the compact AIC buried in the depths of the command tower at the rear of the huge ship. Several of the watch crew sniggered, though whether it was at or with the captain's unprofessional attitude and word choice was unclear. Rolling his eyes, Captain Lee took a second to wander his gaze over the offenders, who buried themselves quickly into their consoles and suddenly looked very busy.

"Officer of the Watch, transmit our ID codes to the flag and report our status and disposition. Inform them Resource Actual is available if they wish to speak to me directly. XO, I want a secure channel to The Vulture's Claw. Request from them any and all data they feel may be relevant to conducting swift and effective repairs. If they refuse to provide, then back down, but Ancestors know why they wouldn't want fixing if there's a fight." Picking up the comm phone, he switched to a secure, direct channel with the Trapper. "Trapper Bridge, this is Resource Actual. I acknowledge Trapper Actual's last, tell him his apology is accepted, as long as he keeps his rust-bucket in one piece when we're out of combat then the Resource will be happy to put it together in combat. Resource Actual out."


On the Engineering Bridge, located near the top of the command tower with an overview over the repair dock was Commander Hutchinson, the Chief Engineer aboard the Resource. His prematurely grey hair was testament to the rigours of his job, and the data streaming to the command table in front of him wasn't likely to put any colour back into it. The display cycled up with active scan details, updating in real-time as the gravity waves pulsed back into the sensor receptors. Luckily, the distances involved were negligible, so scanning and communication were near-instantaneous. Cross-checking the results with the files they received, "Harry" the AI highlighted any discrepancies that may indicate any damage or maintenance work required. As expected, there were very few flags raised at this stage of the mission, and the few discrepancies found were well within tolerances for void-worthy craft of their class. There were, however, strange readings coming from The Vulture's Claw, as the AI struggled to identify and catalogue components for future reference. Idly, Hutchinson dismissed the task queue, the skipper had been clear that any information they got on the prototype ship had to be given voluntarily. Something about grave consequences or whatever, above the Commander's pay grade anyway.

Well, he thought, lighting up a smoke, the band's all together. Let's see how well they play.
Yeah, for fun :p ! I was angling for Lee to come from an old colony, one that pre-dates the Hegemony. For the sake of argument, "New Britannia". They have always been loyal to "Earth", though obviously no one from there has ever seen humanity's fabled birthplace. The long service of the world means they are regarded as loyalists by the Hegemony leadership, so they get certain breaks and favours, maybe pissing off colonies who are less compliant? However, after centuries of ship-building and void fighting, the Britannians have a reputation within the fleet as highly competent voidsmen, with a proud tradition and highly effective officer training regime that has lead to them earning a (somewhat grudging) respect amongst their comrades.
GM, are you still accepting applications? Only just seen this and it looks awesome!
Maybe the Hegemony put out a call to all worlds to supply more ships and crews, to explore the frontier, so Reggie's planet just gave them the old ships and crew clogging up their System Defence Fleet? That begs the question, what are they doing with their best ships/crews and why do they need to keep them at home?
I like to think Reggie comes from some heavily industrialized, 'what-the-fuck-is-a-rat'-even fucked up biosphere due to how goddamn urban it was. So people from there, they're all probably stereotypically either members of secret gangs or something, or really fucking stuck up if they're upper-class.

So would he be upper class, being an officer, or maybe he's a rare member of the middle or lower classes who made officer (and that's why he's stuck with the ancient relic)?
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