Victoria van DyneLocation: Spaceship
Skills: None used
You're not telling me anything mom and James didn't already, Vis. All of you adults are rather sparse with information on how exactly am I supposed to do that, though. Last I tried a short while ago, I told her my primary reason for existing and how it affects what I do, and she ended up taking it as an insult. Somehow I don't think that's a good friendship prospect...
Vicky replied to Vision, keeping to herself the And I couldn't care less about my social standing with these guys, they are all just potential work if they ever lose their shit. part. Sometimes she felt like she would get better answers from r/AskReddit than from her elders.
Alas, one way to improve her number of friends, which right now included the sum of Tom and Mai, was presenting itself. After all, where should an introverted engineering nerd start looking for friends if not among extroverted engineering nerds? That's right, Tori. Baby steps! She smiled at the Starfleet Leia: "Oh, for sure! I actually sent you guys an application yesterday, although if you were organizing all this-" she pointed to the space hunk, "-It's no wonder I didn't get a reply. I'd be happy to show up, and I got my own place in the basement if you ever need more workspace! Oh, I'm Victoria." she briefly wondered if she should salute, make a V hand or something, before settling on offering a handshake.
Leah then walked by and asked to join herself, which Victoria loathed to admit surprised her a little - She had Leah pegged as a Jock type that spent all her time in the gym. She would have to update her notes in the evening, today was eye opening on many levels. "Oh, hi there. How'd whatever you went to do with Andy after the sword fight go?" she inquired off-hand to get more information.