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    1. forums 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Well actually they liked it.Crazy...
7 yrs ago
No one likes my newest Idea? Sad. Ill make more then!
7 yrs ago
I had an account long ago but the name besets my memory.


Level headed mischief maker. Not a fan of happy stories, happy endings are different, but who needs an ending if the adventure may go on. I am a male, 18 years old, and have not to much to do right this moment and am looking for long time writing/drawing buds.

-Interested in drawn fantasy. Art skills not needed if you want to do something like that, message me.
-Dark fantasy is my jam killing orc families or deciding to kill a group member for wounds that are severe are situations I enjoy.
-Complexity and mystery are fun elements that solder my mind together, dealing with human emotions and creating a vibrant scenario is key for me.

Most Recent Posts

@Lemonssorry no just use the pink. Thank you, sorry.
@MasterI don't care if you really adhere to the spear, I didn't think it was magical I am saying that it won't be and you'll be given something at my discretion. As for your characters father, Elder Guard fits nicely, there are magical beast in the land so he may have fought to protect them from one.
@BoyMom035Was there a reason for telling me that? Did you mean to tell him?
@ELGainsboroughYou are not you may wake up at anytime I am specifically interacting with their character. Maybe my "HELLO" could wake you?
@Tybalt CapuletIm sorry it has filled. Thank you very much though.
@MasterOh also I dunno about the spear, I can't just give people what they want Suzie was OK cause it was one person, to many Heirloom is a bad thing for me.
@MasterLooks great, Although I'd like the part about "They were known for their prowess in horsemanship and spear-fighting, their army being unsurpassed in mobility on the battlefield. " and related parts to be taken out as it conflicts with the whole harmony before the dragons theme. There was no army, just a guard.
Keep these first wake up scenes short please.

I move my hand toward my head, an aching pain surges straight through my head. Every second I gain more and more awareness to the situation. "The bus... it's flipped? What Happened?" "HELLO?" I grab my seat and lift myself up. "Thank god there was no on on the other side of the bus in my row, I would have been crushed. Broken glass beneath my feet crumbles. My boots take the brunt of there stabs. I look around some people on the floor."Are they dead?"I move over to the first person I see. Some guy is sprawled out on the ground, "I think he's dead?". I can't help my wonder so I stagger over. The pain in my head hasn't gone away yet. "It hurts so bad." I kneel agonizingly "HELLO?" I shake his body. @Undying CuriosityYou take the wheel.
@Master@BoyMom035Suzie may go there. I haven't checked yours yet Master(kinky name) so not yet.
@BoyMom035I like it! I don't know about you but I feel we can get that sword her dad made to be enchanted? I get thinking on your MAGICAL items right away.
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