Belle Reve

Metahuman correctional facility and home to those deemed sane enough to face a jury. Ran by the Immovable Amanda Waller, it's inhabitants face never-ending sentences and no chance of Parole.
The only way out is to join the undercover Death Squad known by only by inmates as the Suicide Squad. In return for a meagre reward, particularly skilled prisoners will be drafted into the team. Members are disposable, and the second they disobey orders, their life-sentence catches up to them very quickly.
Upon admittance to this sacred ground, criminals are stripped of their possessions. Laser cannons and power armour are replaced in favour of Orange Jumpsuits and Power Dampening neck braces.
Below the inmates is the Evidence Lockup. A sprawling warehouse of weaponry beyond a villain's wildest dreams. Each piece is carefully categorised by Code Name and only authorised personnel can get access.
Nothing happens within these walls without Waller having a say in it. She knows this institution like the back of her hand. Having designed the security systems responsible for stopping onslaughts from outside and within, the Wall knows there is no escape.