I might make a second Monty Python and the Holy Grail themed character. XD
World's your oyster, my friend. Go nuts!
I might make a second Monty Python and the Holy Grail themed character. XD
Huh... I'm kinda sad with the turnout. :( I was hoping this would get more attention than free pudding and fellatio.
Imma post tonight, when I have time to write a starting post.
I'll start working on Zaqir's sheet of information starting Thursday. For now, I've got to prepare for class tomorrow.
Does anyone have any contentions with me claiming that Zaqir might very well be the wealthiest city in the world right now? Given its history.
Woo! So it looks we're gonna be starting the RP proper now; I can't wait. I do still have to get my updated NS up, but that presumably shouldn't take too long. But knowing my luck I just shoved my foot in my mouth and it'll take much longer than I anticipate. XD
Oh, and @Frengo, my nation's Yossod now. Qa-Avnel's just the capital.
EDIT: And sorry to be a bother, but there's a tiny chunk of land that was put as Elamia that should be Yossod. It's just area around the little 'hill' image farthest east. I'd upload an image, but imgur won't load it for some reason.
I added mine to my character sheet. Would you like it posted in the IC section instead?