Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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@Ithradine I like him. I've got a CS and a set of rules to follow that will dictate what TSF characters will be able to use that is based around their experience level but I'll save that for an OOC if we get more interest as it adds a lot more to the check to add it in and there's already a kind of intimidating amount of words up there for a Casual Interest Check.

For anyone else that may be looking and scared away by the small wall of text we've got, try not to worry too much about it. The hardest part of this is going to be making a character and that will be solely because of the TSF choices you'll have to make! Any other questions you've got you're more than welcome to ask myself or @Poi for help.
Glad to have you with us @Ithradine!

Parliament today has passed a Bill that they assure the people will help to stem the flow of the unstoppable German war machine! Proposed by Winston Churchill himself and backed by the King Himself, the newest Bill will allow for lending, selling, and sharing of any and all pieces deemed "Defense Articles" by His Majesties highest Generals and Admiralty.

The Bill, now being called the "Contribution to Liberty" Act was passed with no votes against it, and, as I write this some thirty odd ships that had been laden with cargo days prior are leaving ports across England for a threatened Yugoslavia across the Mediterranean as their pleas for assistance and dire need of supplies has not fallen upon deaf ears! Rejoice People of Britain! Today we take a step toward the protection of Freedom and Democracy the World over!

Further to promote the defense of the United Kingdom, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the House of Lords and the House of Commons and Lower House of the United Kingdom, That this Act may be cited as "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United Kingdom and her Protectorates".

SEC. 2. As used in this Act -

(a) The term "defense article" means -

(1) Any weapon, munition. aircraft, vessel, or boat;

(2) Any machinery, facility, tool, material, or supply necessary for the manufacture, production, processing, repair, servicing, or operation of any article described in this subsection;

(3) Any component material or part of or equipment for any article described in this subsection;

(4) Any agricultural, industrial or other commodity or article for defense.

Such term "defense article" includes any article described in this subsection: Manufactured or procured pursuant to section 3, or to which the United Kingdom or any foreign government has or hereafter acquires title, possession, or control.

(b) The term "defense information" means any plan, specification, design, prototype, or information pertaining to any defense article.

SEC. 3. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the Prime Minister may, from time to time. when he deems it in the interest of national defense, authorize the Military Secretary, the Naval Secretary, or the head of any other department or agency of the Government -

(1) To manufacture in arsenals, factories, and shipyards under their jurisdiction, or otherwise procure, to the extent to which funds are made available therefor, or contracts are authorized from time to time by Parliament, or both, any defense article for the government of any country whose defense the Prime Minister deems vital to the defense of the United Kingdom.

(2) To sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to any such government any defense article, but no defense article not manufactured or procured under paragraph (1) shall in any way be disposed of under this paragraph, except after consultation with the Chief of General Staff or the Admiralty of the Navy, or both. The value of defense articles disposed of in any way under authority of this paragraph, and procured from funds heretofore appropriated, shall not exceed £1,000,000,000. The value of such defense articles shall be determined by the head of the department or agency concerned or such other department, agency or officer as shall be designated in the manner provided in the rules and regulations issued hereunder. Defense articles procured from funds hereafter appropriated to any department or agency of the Government, other than from funds authorized to he appropriated under this Act. shall not be disposed of in any way under authority of this paragraph except to the extent hereafter authorized by Parliament in the Acts appropriating such funds or otherwise.

(3) To test, inspect, prove, repair, outfit, recondition, or otherwise to place in good working order, to the extent to which funds are made available therefor, or contracts are authorized from time to time by Parliament, or both, any defense article for any such government, or to procure any or all such services by private contract.

(4) To communicate to any such government any defense information pertaining to any defense article furnished to such government under paragraph (2) of this subsection.

(5) To release for export any defense article disposed of in any way under this subsection to any such government.

A man dressed in a long dark coat and with a cigarette in his mouth stood next to a telephone booth in Dover Harbor. He stood casually, staring off at something on the water line as he slowly dragged on his cigarette. It had been a long day, although a surprisingly easy one given how much time he had spent at his craft. He took the cigarette between two fingers and lowered it from his mouth, the small smoke of the burning tobacco rising up past his face from below and being taken by the cold Autumn breeze as it passed his head. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled a small envelope from it. He fingered the edge for a moment, ensure that it was still tightly sealed before he slipped it back into its place.

"Great day for a swim ain't it?" came a voice from his side. He didn't turn to look at the person talking, merely replied.

"Straight across the Channel, aye." he spoke softly. There was a slight pause before the man stepped forward from behind him and stared off across the Channel with him. "Surprisingly easy task I'd say." he said as he pulled the envelope from his pocket once more, this time bringing his hand down to his side with it in his grasp.

"How so?" the other man asked as he discreetly took the envelope from him.

He sniffed in the cold, "The Dock Foreman, he didn't even ask for any identification or paperwork, simply gave me the manifest a little bit after I asked." he stated as he placed his hands back in his pocket.

"Ho ho? That easy huh." the other man replied, "Seems we'll need to tell the Admiralty they need better checks in place."

"Seems so." the man replied before stepping down off the curb and walking across the street, not bothering to look back and see where the man he had given the envelope to had gone off to.

Dry Freighter Columbia Shipping Manifest
Meats - 2,000 tonnes
Clothing - 900 tonnes
QF 3.7-inch Mountain Howitzer - 110 Guns
Pattern 1913 Enfield - 1200 Rifles
Other Assorted Defense Articles - 5000 tonnes

Kobayashi Taiki

Taiki listened against the wall to the brief, fighting the urge to walk out the moment that he was told that Sora and his mission was to do exactly what they always do. Exactly what all Investigators do when not tied up in an actual case. Taiki made a mental note to always question the Lead Investigators decisions, if not out loud, at least quietly to himself. Or only to Sora. 'Do what we always do, this meeting was a waste of my time when I could have been doing what I always do.' he mused in his head before an Investigator he didn't know handed him a card.

Although he was hesitant to at first, Taiki took the business card and forced a smile to the younger Investigator before shoving it in his pocket and turning to Sora at his comments, "Yeah yeah, don't have to tell me not to waste time," he said as he waved a hand in the air as if swatting away the accusations, "Number One Ghoul Investigator right here. By the books. Always working hard. You know how I am." he said mockingly as he turned to the door. "Now lets go and uh... do what we always do yeah Sora?" he said as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and placed one between his fingers so he'd be ready once they got outside.

Name: The British Empire

Primary Color/Flag:

Core Population:
United Kingdom: 47,500,000
British Raj: 377,800,000
British Africa: 63,743,225
Other Constituents: 39,205,000

Total: 528,248,225

Military (Troops and vehicles):
Army: 892,697 Total
224,000 Regular Army with 173,300 Regular Army Reserve
438,100 Territorial Army with a Reserve of ~20,750
Royal Navy 9,762 officers and 109,170 ratings.
Royal Air Force consisted of ~118,000

Ideology: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Technology: Lacking compared to Germany, otherwise mostly modern.
Name: The British Empire

Primary Color/Flag:

Core Population:
United Kingdom: 47,500,000
British Raj: 377,800,000
British Africa: 63,743,225
Other Constituents: 39,205,000

Total: 528,248,225

Military (Troops and vehicles):
Army: 892,697 Total
224,000 Regular Army with 173,300 Regular Army Reserve
438,100 Territorial Army with a Reserve of ~20,750
Royal Navy 9,762 officers and 109,170 ratings.
Royal Air Force consisted of ~118,000

Ideology: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Technology: Lacking compared to Germany, otherwise mostly modern.
I'd be interested in playing the UK.
I'd be interested in Progress if it's still open.
@The1Rolling1Boy there's no requirement to interact with others, you could always post your character just doing something normal for them.

Kobayashi Taiki

Taiki sat on a retaining wall of a small garden in the square directly across from the CCG Field Headquarters of the 8th Ward. He had been there for awhile, the growing pile of cigarette butts at his feet a testament to that. He took a long drag from what remained of the cigarette in his mouth before dropping it to the ground and snuffing it out with the toe of his shoe. He checked his watch, 'Less than three minutes. Fucking meetings...' he thought as he stood from the wall and began to walk toward the road. He stepped out without paying much attention to the traffic, earning himself a car horns blast and a rather angry looking driver to which he waved and slightly smiled in their direction as he crossed in front of them.

Across the road he made his way up the steps of the 8th Ward Office in twos before he pulled the door open at the top. He moved to the security check at the entrance, flashing his ID and stepping through the RC Gates with a bored look on his face and then made his way to the stairwell.

A little over a minute later Taiki would burst from the stairwell entrance on the floor of the meeting, breathing a little bit heavier than normal but otherwise looking normal. He turned around in the hallway, gaining his bearings quickly before making his way down the hall toward where he was pretty sure was the conference room. Turning a corner his guess was confirmed as correct when he found himself staring at Sora as he waited outside the room. Taiki moved along side the younger Investigator, standing before the doorway of the briefing room he shrugged at Sora and pulled an earbud from his left ear, "Figured you'd be inside already, I had to finish a cigarette, it," he raised up his hands showing six fingers to Sora as he did, "Took a little longer than I had anticipated." he said with a grin before he tapped on Sora's shoulder and pulled him into the briefing room.

Once inside he fell in against the wall, bringing his arms up against his chest and looking past the other present Investigators, his mood quickly souring at the fact he was simply in a briefing room at all.

@Sketcher@BCTheEntity@SilverDawn@Old Amsterdam
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