Avatar of FrostedCaramel
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    1. FrostedCaramel 8 yrs ago
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Thought about it, and to me, Gene-locking sounds pretty neat! Of course final say goes to the GM, but this could be a fine addition to the setting.

I don't really get it, can you explain?
@GreivousKhan so what exactly is Gene-lock technology? Is it like a password system that only works with certain genes or... what?
@Polybius Since I haven't posted my NS yet, should I put it here to get looked over or just into the CS section?
@GreivousKhan my faction will be in need of a raw materials importer, if you'd like to have them be long standing trading partners :P
I'll be watching as well. Would be interested in a Loyalist faction attempting to maintain order if this ever kicks off.
Interested, but if you've already got your full cast don't worry about me!
@ClocktowerEchos have to drop my interest in this, not enough time on my end as well it has taken a bit of a dive away from what I was interested in as far as setting/aesthetic. Good luck, I'll keep an eye on this and read the posts once they start up!
@Genni I mean I'd probably just drive armor in, heavy lift operations are a great way to lose both a helicopter and an armor piece at the same time.

As well I'm also partial to an Air Division but they don't seem as versatile as a Mechanized Division does.
Looks like we're going to be in need of an Infantry Division, so I'll probably go with a Combined Arms Mechanized Infantry layout for my group, probably reminiscent of something like a Stryker Brigade Combat Team.

My question is whether or not a Mechanized Infantry Squad would be a separate "purchase" from the IFV that makes them Mechanizex in the first place.
Definitely interested, big fan of Steel Division. Will watch where this leads and decide then if I'm down for this completely.
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