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Yikes I know that feeling, that always takes a lot out of you. Hope you get a good rest man.
---Meeting Room---

Eyes narrowed as they surveyed the room, watching as some personel left though not many. They paused for a moment on the outsider, the bounty hunter Enishi, before refocusing on the court mage and fellow teacher, Athos.

Athos was a mentor of sorts to Tibrus when he was younger, helping the now Head Architect find his place in the academy while juggling his responcibilities to his family and kingdom. As a teacher himself he would at times share tea with the older man when time permitted, disscusing magical theories, new testing formats and small talk of their daily lives outside the halls of the Academy. He held a great respect for the elder teacher and knew that he would help in any way he could.

"To what or who are these allegations directed towards Professor Athos? Is there any form of time frame from when the Arcknights first voice their suspicions to now?"

---Practice Halls---

"Hm. General Tozen. I have heard of your exploits-" Kazudain offered a quick bow. "-Fight well my adversary." Without warning Maldur's eyes glowed before the cat-beast released a terrifying roar, one that bombarded both the walls and the audience as it blew away the last of the smoke. It would be heard by the fighters in the other halls, sending chills down their spines. As one, Kazudain and Maldur charged forward, the man drawing his sword as he ran.

Suddenly there was a loud crack of thunder, and Kazudain stood behind the left Tozen, sword outstretched. He swiftly turned then lept back, sword at the ready. Maldur ran around the edge, coming to meet with his master with great swiftness.

"My, for a young beauty such as yourself to deal in such things is quite rare indeed. Perhaps I'll get to see how far your skills can take you in this tournament." Hearing a faint snort from his cat-beast companion, Kazudain could tell Maldur was not amused. He shook his head.

"As for my companion here, I call him by the name Maldur. Journey with him long enough and you'll get used to his presence." Maldur merely gave a louder snort and a shake of his head; a small smirk grew on the mans face before he turned to glance at Hisana.

"To myself you may call me Dain, the Blue Pilgrim."

"Oh, you'll learn of me soon enough my dear. And the same goes to you as well when it comes to a lack of introductions." If she could see it, Hisana would find a smile almost coy under the man's hood. The cat-beast had calmed for now, ears a-twitch and tail swishing about slowly. Still, it kept the woman in its peripheral.

Kazudain made his way out of the tent, holding the tent flap open after he and Maldur had stepped through. He looked to Hisana, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, shall we? I caught sight of a tavern that looked quite inviting on my way here. It's close to the City Square."

You still can. From how I understand it, direct and indirect magic in this RP refer to whether a school of magic actively uses mana to perform the action/spell. Most are direct like blessings and curses and illusions, while those that don't require mana for techniques like potion making would be an indirect magic.

Let's initiate him now. I'll add that he's a master potion maker and Alchemist but beyond that has no ability.
I'm thinking about it though I feel that it would be more interesting for him not to have powers. It's why it makes his knowledge and analytical ability so significant. Maybe leans towards alchemy or potion making, which may not require any mana use.
Kazudain turned to the Elf and spoke with a nod. "Of course, my apologies." Approaching the desk the warrior quickly signed both his name along with Maldur's in the same space. If there was an issue with having Maldur participate with him then he would deal with it then.

"To your question about the arena, I expect it to be able to change to keep the competitors guessing as to what kind of conditions they will be fighting in. Battles could happen anywhere indoors and out, in any terrain at any time. An open roof in a field of sparse trees to provide a glade terrain, a home under disrepair to act as a thief's hideout or cave tunnels home to a group of bandits-" He gave an idle shrug. "-no two environments are the same, each will need a different strategy on how to best use it alongside how to face a given opponent." By now he stood beside Maldur, petting his head to quite his growls. The cat-beast got to its feet and moved behind the man, still keeping its gaze on Hisana.

"The arena I believe will be somewhat large in order to incorporate the ability to change the terrain, allowing use of obstacles to control the spacing for the competitors."
Before Kazudain could answer, Maldur revealed his fangs growled. One would think the cat-beast would roar but the growl was enough, Hisana,the elf manning the tent and those outside would feel in their bones. She would see his now tense posture, hackles raised, daring the woman to come further. A soft sigh came from behind.

"I'm afraid not at this time. Maldur can be very picky on who he allows to pet him." He stood behind the woman now. "You'll have to work hard at getting him to trust you first before even considering petting him." As much as Kazudain liked seeing a persons reaction to Maldur's threat displays, it always grabbed more attention then he liked at times. The cat-beasts growls could heard for quite a distance, not even speaking of his roars.
Kazudain looked to the red haired beauty with a tilt of his head.

"To say yes would be too much a stretch of the truth." His voice was carefree and his posture relaxed but his eyes narrowed, unseen under the cover of his hood. Maldur for his part continued to clean his paw, but now held his gaze firmly on the woman who now spoke with his master.

"I assume you are here to take part in the tournament as an outside competitor. Come to see what the newest generation has to offer young lady?"
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