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---Practice Halls---

Kazudain made his way over to the General, giving the man a firm handshake. "I'm in the same position as you, friend. All I've heard was that there is a student with great skill amongst his peers, allegedly in the same league as the Princess herself who is said to be one of the best in the school. Apparently this has made many a student self-conscious and not wish to participate."

Maldur simply dismissed the leftover ice with a huff, giving his body a shake and stretch behind sitting on his haunches, waiting for his master. His began licking his paw.

"It seems too easy a reason used, however, and I find it most curious. Perhaps we can talk further at a tavern close by and share a drink, if you're willing?"

---Meeting Room---

"I only have my reservations Professor, but there is nothing else pressing that comes to mind. All I can do is trust your decision and work from there." He turned to Faye and Enishi. "Get me the list of items you need and I can procure them within the hour. Where do you want to meet after this?"
Once more Maldur struck first, slamming a paw to the ground forcing a thick wall of ice to surround the pair. At the same time Kazudain channeled his magic to the blade, runes glowing brightly. At the apex of the walls growth Kazudain swung all around, forming a beam ring that blasted right through the wall, taking many shards of ice with it.

The wave would take away the smoke in the room and reveal where Tozen was hiding. If the general wasn't hit by the beam he would still be out in the open. Kazudain held a small smirk as he watched the wave expand, he liked what the General brought to the match. Maybe the two of them could share a drink after the match was over?
Nice post man. I'll be a little busy the next few days so my next post likely won't be till the weekend.
--- Practice Halls ---

The pair moved just as the Tozen pair did. Without a word Kazudain burst forth, reappearing with a horizontal slash at the Tozen attacking Maldur. The cat-beast roared and with a slam of its paw sent a flurry of icicles at the air-born Tozen. With a flash in its eyes Maldur formed a set of ice armor over itself while swiping its other paw across the floor. A sweep of flat ice covered the ground where the air-born Tozen would land, making any landing precarious. Icicles still flew at the man.

Kazudain meanwhile was constantly moving, making feints and attacking from odd angles. If blades were about to clash Kazudain would disappear, only to instantly reappear at the side or behind. His blade glowed a constant shade of blue, arcs of static jumping from the edge. It was only a matter of time before Tozen made a mistake and revealed whether this was the real one or whether the one facing Maldur was the real one.

--- Meeting Room ---

"You shouldn't have to make such a move yourself Professor, as you mentioned Mister Juan will be suspicious of a gift from out of the void so to speak. That isn't to say the idea of a gift doesn't have merit, rather it needs the right context." He turned to the parchment on the table and wrote down a few notes.

"Wasn't it recent that Mister Juan legally brokered a trade deal which would do a great deal of good for the kingdom?"
Made a quick reply to you Azure, lets see where this all goes, savvy?
--- Meeting Room ---

Tibrus hummed in thought after the illusionary bird disappeared. He looked to Enishi.

"It could work as long as they can carry the talismans or rune engraved items and possibly not be detected by what wards they have. Are you able to see what the illusion sees and direct where it travels?"
They could be part of the other seeds that already finished their bouts and are waiting for their next opponents. Depends on if anyone wants to add a new OC and when they do.
---Meeting Room---

Fingers drummed on the table. "Good, if you require a number of items or materials to graft your runes to, create for me a list and I shall see to it. About catching on it is possible. The man would undoubtedly have guards and other servants of which we don't know at this time." His eyes darted about the table, gears turning within his mind.

"We need to be inconspicuous but also unexpected. We nee-" He paused, a sudden idea striking him. "-a way to hide in plain sight." His voice was quiet before reaching into as pouch beside his chair, taking out a roll of parchment and a quill.

He immediately began writing small shapes, glyphs and runes on the paper, muttering to himself. After a moment he took a deep breath before putting the quill down. He looked to Faye.

"Is it at all possible to place the runes on living animals? Such as a small cat or mouse? If not-" He looked about the room. "Would anyone have a means or know of one who can control such animals?"

---Practice Halls---

As soon as Maldur saw Tozen strike the ice pillar it leapt back, eyes aglow. It couldn't dodge the blow that came through but Maldur mitigated the damage. Pieces of hastily made ice armor fell to the ground as Maldur was thrown back. Landing it slammed another paw to the ground, summoning another ice pillar directly under the Tozen that struck it.

Seeing as the Tozen he struck turned to smoke Kazudain instantly looked to Maldur's fight. Seeing one Tozen still chipping away at his icy shackles Kazudain charged forth, reappearing only to slam his shoulder hard into the stuck Tozen. It would break him out of his binds, so as an added measure Kazudain launched another arc of lightning before flashing to Maldur's side.
---Meeting Room---

The Caldeyrons. Why was it always the Caldeyrons? Tibrus pinched the bridge of his nose to starve off an oncoming headache. That family had been a thorn on more than one occasion thanks to their desire for higher standing and the various powers in the kingdom. Even he wasn't exempt from their stubborn drive. Tibrus had vied for his current position on the Citadel's Judgement Council against one Kalmor of the Caldeyrons House years ago. That was an ordeal Tibrus wouldn't wish on his worst enemy, Kalmor still sends his heated glares whenever they cross paths. He shook his head to come pack to the fore.

"Since we're only in the investigating stages now, smaller numbers work to our advantage. Splitting up we can cover both leads. However, if we try speaking with Sir Juan de la Cruz out of nowhere then he may tip off those he is in connection with. Rather-" His face scrunched as if he had tasted something foul. "-we need to have him followed, see if we can learn just who exactly these funds are going towards first." He looked to Faye.

"Your runes would be most apt in this case, Miss Nisval. By chance, how small can you make your runes without putting a negative impact on their function? Also, is it possible to place your runes on small, moveable pieces of material?"

---Practice Halls---

Maldur quickly leapt back with a growl, eyes aglow as it landed. The Tozen it faced would find his feet frozen solid to the floor in large blocks of ice. Before the man could act Maldur slammed a paw on the ground, causing a pillar of ice to shoot forward into the stuck Tozen's gut. At the same time Maldur released the frozen hold on the man's feet which would cause this Tozen to be launched through the air into the wall on the other side of the room.

Meanwhile Kazudain parried a few strikes from the left Tozen, noting that the General still had some power despite his age. Before the third Tozen could intercept Kazudain flashed away again with a crack of thunder, appearing a few meters away from the pair. Sword aloft , various runes began to light up along the core of the blade, sparks of static jumping across the blade. When the blade began to hum Kazudain swung the blade down, sending an arc of light towards the Tozen pair.

Should either one not halt it, the pair would be flung from the floor to the same wall as the middle Tozen.
Don't know who I'd like for the second round but if talking about the third round I'd like to face either Lisanthius or Vuldur haha.
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