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Welp, time to get things rolling.
Maldur lazily cleaned its face while Kazudain sat, pensively. A target falling in the midst of conflict isn't anything new to the man, but knowing that Juan had fallen so quickly still left a bad taste in his mouth. At the time he had given a brief introduction to the other swordsman, Enishi, his mind being elsewhere he couldn't help but be a little curt. He would apologize later when given the opportunity.

Now, he sat with the other investigators before Athos, speaking of both the new character that was unceremoniously dragged in, and of Keith's capture. Letting out a deep breath, Kazudain let go of the rising tension within while giving Maldur a scratch behind the ear. He perked up at the mention of going after Lisia; later he would approach Enishi but wanted to see what the man would say.

Tibrus was going over a copy of Keith's testimony and Intel, but his mind was elsewhere. The mans desire to leave this country was strong, not so much that he would fight his way out, but the words spoken under breath...

Alone such would be simply categorized as lunacy, but it seemed too coincidental with both the current situation and Lumina's reason for coming to the kingdom. The threads of time were weaving something the could prove most troublesome, yet the evidence was lacking. Until more appeared, Tibrus could only dwell on the feelings within, and hope that when the truth appeared his feelings were for naught.
Hey guys! My grandpa died (actually people close to the family have been dying left and right) so I'm busy as heck.

Still, I needed to put out an update since it's already delayed.

You've got my shoulder and condolences bro. My grandfather on my mom's side passed away around a year ago due to multiple strokes he endured over the years, still stings when I think about him.
I'd say you can post but I'm about to post myself so I'd say just wait a little longer.

Sure, that'll work better. I can wait.
@PaulHaynek For my next post do I have to wait for your update or can I make my post now?
The pair were quick to reach the carriage and grab the target, but Kazudain's partner was just as quick to drop the target by outside interference.

"Maldur!" The cards had flown past him without nary a nick, but had injured his partner. Reaching into his cloak he grabbed a vile of blue liquid, a rapid heal potion he always carried. While a master of Lightning magics he was, an adept magical healer he was not. He always made sure to keep something on hand in most cases.

Maldur meanwhile heard the call and slammed his paw to the ground again. This time making a thick wall appear between Maldur and the carriage. Soon after Maldur summoned his ice armor in-case of further attacks.

Kazudain grabbed the target and placed it on his own shoulder, using his free hand to pluck out the cards stuck in Ecthel's shoulder before offering the potion.

"Drink it all, it'll stop the bleeding in seconds and close the wound soon after. You'll need rest but you'll be fine in a day. Now where to?"
The explanations were quite informative from the young boy, Ecthel. He had been quick and to the point, which the man appreciated. Once concluded man and cat-beast had quickly made their way to the southern portion of the kingdom.

They were soon joined once more by Ecthel as they came upon the scene. Altercations had already begun with the other investigators fighting not only Hisana but also the odd man Keith. Kazudain could only suppress a sigh, he had a feeling about the two, the woman more that Keith. He was quick to lay out a plan when the boy asked what they should do.

"Though our opponents are here now, we can always fight them another day under better circumstances. Our target is here now, the longer this goes on the lower our chances are of getting him away." He gave Maldur a look with a light petting before turning to Ecthel. The boy would see the cat-beast bound off.

"Maldur will create a distraction that'll create an opening, we use that to get Juan now without further delay. Come." Without further words Kazudain soon sprinted towards the carriage.

At the same time Maldur, his form wreathed in blue sparks, channeled its power before letting out a near ear-splitting roar and slammed his paw to the ground. The road soon shook before great spears of ice burst from the ground. Some would shoot straight into the air while the rest tried to stab Hisana and Keith. The spears formed a wall of ice, blocking them from the investigators and more importantly, the carriage housing Juan de la Cruz.

Tibrus all the while had noticed the drain on his mana reserves had lessened quite a bit, almost as if the keystone on the other side had stopped. He wondered if there was a malfunction before he saw a hooded man, along with a boy and a large blue tiger enter the scene. He didn't hear the words spoken but he saw the tiger split off as the man and boy sprinted to the carriage.

His brows jumped in surprise as the tiger summoned large spears of ice to create a wall between his group of investigators and the man and woman fighting them. He didn't know how long the wall would last but this was an opening they couldn't let slip by.

"THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! GET TO HIM NOW!" His throat might be a bit sore after this but Tibrus felt it would be worth it in the end.

Forgive my late post, job's been taking most of my time. Is my spot still good or have I been dropped?
--- Southern Gate Town ---

Sweat began to perspire on the architect's forehead as he fed mana into the keystone. It may not guzzle down mana from his end like that in the castle, but already he was feeling the effects. Thankfully a guardsman was already on the scene with more soon to arrive. Tibrus hoped the situation finished quickly so they could move forward with the investigation.

--- Meeting Room ---

"Despite your stature, I hope you don't mind helping out in a... drug-busting operation." Athos said.

At the words of investigation, both man and beast shared a glance before turning back to the Court Mage.

"You see, Mister Kazudain, we have recently discovered a criminal ring here in Zauberheim that deals in illegal drugs and substances." He explained. "We have also discovered that they have several or more talented and skilled individuals within their operation, making apprehending them... difficult."

"And while it behooves us to ask for external help, much of the Crown's efforts right now are focused on the current festivities." Athos continued. "And so, we come to this. May I request your aid in bringing this drug ring to justice?"

Now this was interesting. The man knew things would be interesting from what his contacts spoke to him of, but this was a little different. He lowered one hand to the table while stroking his chin with the other.

"While we haven't dealt with drug rings specifically, we have encountered and helped with underground elements before. As I'm now out of the tournament I have much more time to spare, I don't see why I couldn't help with this. But we need to know as much of the situation as possible before we fully commit. We be transparent with each other and I don't see any troubles on our part of the investigation. So-" Hands were folded as Maldur looked directly at the elderly mage.

"-what is the situation thus far? Who shall I be working with?"
We understand man, don't force yourself and focus on getting better.
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