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    1. FyreFenix 10 yrs ago


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I open my eyes and begin to get up. "how long was I sleeping." I ask myself and I look up into the sky. I widen my eyes in disbelief and begin to dash into the guild. 'I've been asleep all day' I think to myself while looking at the ground. I look up, only to find a wall directly in front of me. "What!?" I yell as I collide with the wall. "That hurt" I say to myself rubbing my head as I get up and look around. Multiple Pokemon are looking at me and snickering. "Sorry" I say as I dip my head and run off to find the guild master. 'I have no idea what I am looking for.' I tell myself as I dash around the guild. I soon get called over by a small bird-like Pokemon. "What are you doing causing a ruckus in here!" the small bird questions me. "I am looking for the guild master so I can join the guild." I tell the small pokemon. The small bird sighs and leads me into a large room with a Audino sitting in the middle, looking at me. "Uh I am looking for the guild master?" I question only to be hit in the side by the small bird. "Why did you do that?" I ask him. "This is the guild master you fool!" he yells at me, looking surprisingly angry. "Oh, sorry!" I dip my head in apologies and look up again. I look at the guild master and begin to speak "Mr. Arnold I would like to join your guild." I say as I continue to look at him. The guild master crooks his head and speaks "Do you have a team?" he asks me. "No?" I tell him looking confused. "Well you will need to find one!" he tells me looking very happy. "Go wait around the guild until you find someone you want to be on a team with!" he tells me and he walks over and pushes me out the door and shuts it. I sit there dumbfounded and soon regain my senses. I look around the guild. "This might take me awhile" I tell myself and I begin to explore the guild to find someone to join.
So is it possible for Ven to join "The Odd One's Out"? Its fine if he can not, I will just have him join the guild anyways without a team.
Ermm... What is the max amount members allowed in a team? if it is higher then four I would like to join one of the current teams.
Ven is king of the unaffiliated.

I look ahead to find that I am reaching the end of the forest. The darkness of the forest suddenly cuts off into a large plaza. I move slowly into the plaza to see pokemon of all types there. Different shops lay around the plaza and different pokemon are purchasing items and services from them. I wander over to two pokemon, they appear to be a Bellsprout and a Bedew chatting. "Umm... excuse me." I ask politely "Would you happen to know where the guild in this town is?". Both pokemon roll their eyes and walk off leaving me there. "How nice of them.." I say to my self when I hear someone calling to me. "You there! You looking for the guild?" one of the heads of a shopkeeper says to me. I walk over to the stall and reply "Why yes I am." Both of the heads then look at me. One of the head's begins to speak "Arnold's" "or Wally's" the other head finishes. "I think the guild masters name was Arnold." One of the heads sighs and looks the other way. The first head looks at me and says "Just head down that path and it will lead you there." "Thank you" I reply and run down the path.

Eventually I reach the guild building. I look around to see if any pokemon are close by. I start to pace back and forward wondering what to say to the guild master. I finally decide to stay put for now and rest for awhile after my long journey. I move to the side of the path lower my head and begin to rest...
Hmmm.. thinking about the type of magic my character can use and have come up with 3.

Geass as seen in Code Geass. This could be a little godmodey though seeing as you can use mind control.

Shadow Magic of some sort. Covers the users is a fire like shadow similar to a OP logia type.

Demon Summoning. Similar to that of the games Devil Survivor. Using a similar display to the "information magic" used by the lad in blue pegasus.

Hmm... thinking of making an app. I do have a question though. How many types of magic can one person have when starting out?
"I'm almost there!" I tell my self as I walk towards a dense forest. On the other side of it lies my goal, Allure Town. I wander in to the thick forest only to find the sun almost blocked out completely. I had remembered the locals telling me that the name of this place was Birchwood Forest and that I should be careful of the feral pokemon living here. I walked deeper into the forest when I noticed some movement on my left. A small Patrat was eyeing me from within a bush. When it had realized that I had seen it, the small pokemon pounced towards me. Dodging the attack I looked up at my enemy, I prepared a Shadow Ball and the pokemon froze in place. It began to turn around and run when I noticed a large shadow behind me. I looked around to find a large Beedrill glaring down at me. I rotated my body as fast as I could and launched the Shadow Ball. It hit the Beedril and made it even more angry and it flew towards me with a Horn Drill. It almost hit me as I dodged to the right. "I didn't want to have to do this." I say to the Beedril. I prepared a Void Claw on my right paw and pounced forward hitting the Beedril and knocking it out. I looked around for the Patrat but it was long gone. I continued on my way leaving the fainted Beedril behind me.
That is kinda funny Lugia.
KaBling said
What's that you say?Eh, accepted. Just tone that Void Claw down, by not making it the move used to defeat everything you know and love.

Aye sir. Will make an ic post tomorrow.
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