Avatar of GalaxiesWaiting


Recent Statuses

29 days ago
Current Desperately needing someone to talk to..
1 mo ago
1 mo ago
1 mo ago
Replies still slow, will be slow for a while.
1 mo ago
Replies will be slow for the next few days :) Had a very bad night/day ish? Today/Yesterday. Gonna be trying to rest as much as I can.


Hello! You might've seen me around, maybe not but that's ok! Welcome here!
I will not specify what my exact age is but I am 18+
I do all types of rps but specifically do Fantasy, Slice of Life, Romance, and Fandoms.
Fandoms I do include(There are more but I cannot remember them at the moment):
Harry potter
The Owl House
Demon Slayer

I have ADHD, Autism (although I'm lower on the spectrum), and I suffer panics and depression. Because of this, and other personal reasons. Sometimes I can become unavailable for multiple days on end. So please be patient with me.

I absolutely love to write and read, it makes me rather happy.

I usually write up to 1-3 paragraphs, it is depending on how I'm feeling that day or how long I have that day. I am usually on at least once a day or more depending on if it is a weekend or weekday.

I don't have many requirements, although I ask that you be patient and understanding with me! :)
Some triggers that I have, are in this hider.
Excessive meaning I can handle it just not a lot of it.

I thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a nice day!

Most Recent Posts

New ideas, craving the newest twentys
Oops sorry!
She was put to sleep by the doctors, the nurses finally able to put the IVs into her, they didn't give her a oxygen mask, claiming that she 'needed to let it out' by herself, the nurses left the room after checking on James.
"Nothing, I'm fine." She said, but she was getting dizzy and her head was pounding hard, she tried to compose herself with no anvil.
I added a bit to my response.
Beep boop, making sure u still wanna do this rp, if not I understand.
They where all checked into the hospital, and taken care of, Lily being put into a room with whoever.
She looked a bit worried, the ambulances finally coming to a stop as they entered the hospital grounds, many people entered and took the stretchers and them away immediately, she was kind of scared of being alone, her ears down and tail curled, she coughed hard.
Eep sorry.
Her ears go down a bit and she coughed, the paramedic glaring at the two before leaving, she turned to Twisted. "Thank you." She said, her personality was the same as always, kind and gently but if provoked she could be snappy, she coughs into her hand and her tail flicked, her tail, ears, and hair had turned a little ashey because of all the smoke and ashes, it honestly fit her lavender eyes better.
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