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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Forcing Me to make the first move? I think not. I was a soldier long before the amaranthine, I'll have you know.

I'm an efficient fighter. I would make the first move if it would matter, but like I said, I know how you function. Done my homework.
*Cracks my neck*
I wouldn't bother with this pointless monologue toward you if I could have struck a blow first.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

you know that isn't possible. On with the violence, then. I suppose it can't be avoided.

*Raises my hands*
I know how you function. Make the move.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

that does depend. Do you wish combat with me?

My preference is for you to take me to King and then keel over, but I know you won't do that.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

You do understand the threat of death means nothing to those of Amaranthine, correct? Conventional weapons, like you laser above, are functionally useless in combat against us. A minor distraction, if anything.

Yes, I am just wasting resources by keeping a weapon focused on you when it's clearly doing nothing. I take it this means that you're done with the phase where you attempt to justify things?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*you can hear a dissappointed sigh from under my armor*

You still have a choice. You can still choose right from wrong. I'll afford you one last chance. Save you and your daughter. Alethia, your daughter's counterpart, holds the same memories. She wishes to see you. Join us, and we can be family instead of being enemies.

*Walks slow laps around the laser occupying your position*
That poor soul feels lost, I imagine. Ripped from an identity that should be hers.
*Leans down and picks up a small piece of rubble*
I’m an agent of creation. I want no part of any family that does this.
*Drops it*
The only way you leave in one piece is by taking me to King so I can deal with him personally.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*it rips through me as if I weren't actually there*

Sven... I'd advise against combat. I wish not to leave your daughter without her father.

*They stay fixated upon your position continuously*
Don’t pretend coming for me wasn’t an inevitability. I know your collective and your intentions, if you had your way I’d be doomed at your whim regardless.
*Drops down from the pile of rubble I rest on*
I’m dealing with you on my terms. Not yours.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

your daughter sided with the enemy of progress. Whilst she may not be of any harm, she still stands in the way of evolution for all. I am sorry for the pain that caused you.

No, you’re not really. Not yet… But you will be.
*Without warning, lasers erupt from the sky with such intensity that they cleave through the entirety of the planet cleanly, as if it weren’t even there, directly where each of you are*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

you and I both know that the sentient disease wont allow for the forfeiting of killing. They use it as a tool.. as motivation. Its horrifyign what they'd kill for. At least our pourpose for this barbaric way elminates those that would threaten paradise.

You can’t pander to me. That logic doesn’t work when you attacked my daughter, who wouldn’t hurt a fly.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

So, an execution for the executioner? Death to solve death? When does it stop, Sven?

When people stop yearning for it. Believe me, were it not for things like this.
*Holds my arms out and spins around, taking in the sight of the desecrated world*
But to kill killing, you have to kill killers. And I don't think it can be coaxed out of either of you with a little therapy.
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