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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain: you fail to realize just what the amaranthine means. It truly is a shame you'll never experience its wonders.

*my armor starts to show small cracks, as if something inside is trying to get out*

I was happy before it, I assure you I’ll be happy after its gone.
*The ground upon which I stand begins to melt into lava*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain:your words cut deep, sven.

*blocks the kick with the cross of my spear*

going for the low blow? How villainous of you.

*Grabs you by your throat and tosses you to the ground*

I grow tired of your slander.

*Smacks the ground and flips to my feet*
Slander? That implies a mistruth. Aeron pumped you full of Amaranthine and dreams, and then what has he given you?
*Stomps on the ground, resulting in no immediately visible effect*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain:....you filth.

*my armor, blackened by your attack, begins to glow purple underneath*

I would be happy to help you meet your end.

*Flits towards you again, unleashing a tightly knit flurry of stabs with explosions of energy upon impact, aimed at vital points and joints*

*Matches each jab with a well positioned block with my blade, parrying at one final point to open you up, at which point I slam my fist into your face with an uppercut, then spinning around and crashing my foot into your throat in the same motion*
And you’re as good for the second bit as his is. Must be why he liked you enough to brainwash.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the blasts either absorb or reflect off me, but my armor does start to show a few, tiny scratches*

How dare you sully my father's name, after what he's done for us all, what he plans to do for existence.

*flits across the battlefields in a second, stabbing you fast enough to break the sound barrier and ejection you into space with a blast equal in strength to a nuclear payload detonating*

*The stab pierces the metal of the armor, but grinds with black sparks against something much more solid beneath, and though the blast does move me initially, I control my momentum nearly instantly, forcing myself to a stop and quickly returning the favor, unleashing a projected explosion toward you that absolutely annihilates everything in the solar system that isn’t behind me*
That man hasn’t done anything for anyone except make promises to the delusional and send people to whatever afterlife they believe in earlier than they deserve.
*the bolt is absorbed into my armor*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*extends my hand, catching the bolt, turning it purple in my grasp*

I too fight for peopl that I love. I fight for my brothers and sisters to have a better future, a beautiful, endless existence.

*embeds it into my weapon, which sparks violently with the addition*

I will not have that ruined by you.

*Shakes my head*
If only it were so simple. You could live in a utopia of your own creation on a scale smaller than the entirety of Existence, and no one would need fight each other. But I wouldn‘t even call this your fault. It’s Aeron’s.
*Points at you, and a sudden volley of explosive energy blasts erupt from beyond sight at unnaturally enhanced speeds, detonating all around you from all directions*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the cut flashes across my armor, as if going around me but clashing against the armor doing so*

You think me a monster. You protect those who wish to doom Existence.

*Punches you in the gut launching you further into the atomsphere,, and I point my spear in your direction*

Amoranth Strike.

*a purple bolt of lightning rips through you with a million volts of electricity*

*The electricity stores itself across the metallic surface of my armor and causes it to resonate with its power*
I defend people like my son, who just worked so hard to defend Existence in a role he never wanted.
*Points the sword in your direction and unleashes a small compound bolt with the energy stored, amplified by more power to increase it exponentially*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*It stops on a thin coat of amaranthine around my armor*

As am I.

*Kicks you squarely in the chest with incredible strength, flinging you into a nearby rock. I launch towards you with flickering speed, and attempt to spearhead you through the sternum with an amaranthine coated blade tip*

You all are a vicious lot, that is certain. Always to battle. I only fight when It's necessary.

*Digs my feet into the ground and stops my momentum just before hitting the rock, sidestepping the spear then leaping into the air*
This is necessary. I'm just choosing to defend myself now as opposed to when you come for me, and maybe spare the souls you'd have cleaved through along the way.
*Slashes through the air from above, not seeming to do any extravagant motion or giving off any sort of blast, but the slash very precisely cuts through your position and though the entire world as well, cleaving it in half perfectly cleanly*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the force reverberates through my armor, and my arm instinctively raises up, and I direct it toward you, firing the kinetic energy from your attack back at you in the form of an energy blast*

*It reverberates along a very clear shape around me and I grin*
Sorry, I'm armed.
*A camouflage field drops and reveals the armor I am wearing, and I materialize blade in my hand, slashing it through you diagonally as it forms*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Follows the momentum of the rock with the tip of my spear, using the momentum to sling it back at you whilst coating it in amaranthine to harden it beyond the strength of vibranium*

*The moment the tip of your spear contacts the pebble, I disappear from where I stand, reappearing in that very instant in motion to planting a kick directly into the underside of your chin with force enough to turn the air to plasma and eject it from the atmosphere into the stars*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

by all means, then. Strike me down where I stand. You insult me and the amaranthine mission. You say I fought your daughter without proper reason. I have tried to reason with you, you foreited that notion.

*Points up the the lasers' source in the sky*
Like I said, I know your functionality.
*Picks up a pebble and flicks it into you at a speed that would hurl the planet into the sun if it struck the earth*
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