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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

So you find yourself caught in the crossfire of a war between the Amaranthine and Tier Five, for what reason?

Because it’s more than just that. The mission your brothers just completed are proof enough, it’s not just Tier Five you war against. You war against all of Existence that doesn’t agree with you.
*Clenches my fist*
My son just worked very hard in a role he didn’t want, but was the only one who could, to defend Existence from someone very similar to Aeron. I intend to make his contributions last. That means, no room left for vultures like you in the world.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

You seek revenge, do you?

Revenge is a byproduct of what I want. Not what I’m seeking.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

- You have been from the start. Ive been waiting to challenge you.

*both Cain and Abel appear behind me*

That so? I’d be flattered if you were the man in charge.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*both of us appear to drop dead, but there still remains amaranthine in the air*

*Out of seemingly nothing, another figure appears*

Requiring an audience with my father? Bullying my brothers? You're quite the enemy.

*Grinds to a halt, then stands straight*
Seems as though I’m on the radar now. Very good.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*grins under the veil that covers my face*

You think he'll present you an audience without us adressing you first... how naive.

*Holds you as Abel's hammer comes crashing into your chest with world crushing strength*

*The metal of the armor shatters entirely, revealing the still fully intact black, solid energy underlayer beneath it, and I grunt at the landing of the blow*
There’s a reason I’m here, you know. Other than the apparent other assault on him as we speak.
*Forcibly flips upward over you, not forcing your grip off necessarily, and grabs you by the head, simultaneously locking my legs around Abel’s head as well, then spins rapidly countless thousands of times in a single moment with your heads each gripped tightly before dropping down and rocketing to the side a short distance*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*my entire being goes static for the duration of the blast, and I reform behind you, slamming a dagger into your juggular*

You will not stop me.

*The dagger grinds with black sparks against the stereoholographic undershielding*
You are small time.
*Flips the blade around in my hand and stabs backwards, impaling you in the torso, and I twist*
Aeron is the concern. You lot will crumble on your own afterward.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*you find your grip loosen as my form becomes like black smoke wisp, creeping into your armor through the cracks*

You have fought many a foe, Sven. But not I.

*your life force drains by the second with continued contact with my wispy presence, as parts of me solidify and grate against your armor, grinding it down at high speeds*

*You find the armor to be airtight, no cracks to underneath to be found below the black hardlight layer*
*Straightens my fingers, letting go entirely of whatever was left of you and unleashing a simple, yet wide and intensely powerful, energy blast that envelops your entire presence*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*another me appears above you, flicking another knife through you from above, but this one not only phases through you, but explodes upon reaching your mid-section*

*The knife detonates in a more controlled manner than might be expected, blowing the torso out of the armor but revealing a still intact layer of armor beneath in the form of solid black energy.*
Helps that one of my long time foes utilizes one of your biggest gimmicks.
*Disappears, reappearing in front of you about to go for a punch, before suddenly disappearing again, as you feel a crushing force grip the back of your head, holding your face towards a focused geyser of plasma that erupts from the planet’s surface*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*out of the whirlwind you see my new visage*

I gave you ample warning, sven. What happens now is on your head.

*I flick a dagger in your direction, but instead of colliding with you, it phases through your armor, resolidifing once inside your midsection. Your physical body and life energy would feel as if they had been torn into*

*Rockets into the sky with a boom as you do, not letting it hit me to begin with*
Good, blame me. Maybe I’ll be a hero or something.
*The surface of the planet itself becomes plasmafied, as the lasers initially trained on your position earlier were actually inducing a strong reaction in the core*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*my armor cracks and busts open with explosive force, sending violent whirlwind across your armor*

*Stands fast in my position, watching you as the temperature of the planet begins to rise even further at a rapid pace*
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