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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
My allegiance lies with my brothers and sisters. Kill my body as you wish, I will always come back. The amaranthine never truly die. That is the beauty of our people.

A simple “no” works just as well.
*Casts the hammer into the cosmos and thrusts my palms toward you, hitting you with an impact from afar that also causes the plasma on the ground to splash up in a huge splash around all of you*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*a large crack forms in my armor*

what a brute. I like you.

*tosses my still fully charged hammer in your direction, and kicks it into your sternum*

*Takes the blow, softening it by catching it in my hands and grunting*
Not enough to change your mind on where you stand, I wouldn’t guess?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain: *swings my hammer in your general direction*

*The moment your hammer passes through the swirling mass of plasma I disturbed, you feel a foot planted into the back of your neck with such force that it resonates throughout the entirety of the galaxy in the space-time fabric*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain: *dissipates into black mist*

Abel: *absorbs as much of the blast as I can into my armor, feeding it into my hammer*

Perhaps I’ll need to shed the armor entirely, if I’m lucky.
*Kicks up a whole slew of plasma, obscuring my person from view*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the force of the lightning pushes me back, but my sword positioned in a defensive stance absorbs most of the blow, the rest of the energy scatters across my armor, a few leaving deep burns*

Laughing in battle? You must have lost your mind. Poor fellow.. I will end this, quickly.

*flits toward you with incredible speed, letting a flurry of slashes meet you, with them being doubled in quantity from an unseen force*

Madness? Been there, done that. I just know I’m gonna miss these when I retire.
*Disappears from that spot the moment your attacks are launched, reappearing between Cain and Abel with my arms crossed and two fingers in each hand pointed at them*
The fights where I need to lift a muscle over my tech.
*From each pair of fingers, a black bolt of energy fires off at their eyes and detonates on impact*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*it hits something and you see a slightly purple flash, but I remain unaffected*


*Flips over top of you, slicing your neck, arm and back before I land, but three other strikes hit you in the face, other arm and chest from seemingly thin air*

perhaps I overestimated you*

*Black lightning strikes out as a response to the strikes as I quickly regain my balance, then I chuckle, and the chuckle grows into a hearty laugh*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the slash clings across my armor, and the magma drips off it, still sizzling hot, as I take my stance*

...and dance we shall, warrior.

*dashes toward you striking the ground in front of you, but the strike feels like it came from above you, crushing into your helmet*

*My head whips back from the blow, and I stomp backwards, planting my back foot firmly on the surface of the superheated world, then I hook my fist through the ground, coating it in plasma as I plant it directly into your sternum with enough force to cause the surface of the ground to ripple across the whole world*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I assume it was my fallacy to assume you not to stoop to such a level. But alas, that is why we exist. To burn the imurities fro m the metal we strike to mold.
*flashes toward you, but my stance is unorthodox, making it harder to read. My sword Slashes in your direction, but only a moment later you feel as if a large piece of metal clings against your armor*

*Black lightning bursts out from the location where the slash strikes. I grip my own blade with renewed vigor and slash it up vertically through you, not only slashing you but bringing a slew of plasma from the planet through you from the sheer force*
Shouldn’t be a surprise. I’m known for killing killers.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

are all christians bad just because a few of them chose to crusade?

Invalid metaphor. I’m looking at at least two crusaders right now.
*Tilts my head back*
Do I see a third?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

And in doing so, will be committing atrocities agianst people with a different ideology than yourself. It seems we aren't so different, after all.

There are many more valid approaches you could take. The high road approach is not one of them. “Committing atrocities” against committers of atrocities is no atrocity at all.
*Raises my hands and shakes my head, confidently and disapprovingly*
No one attacked the Amaranthine. It was you who decided you couldn’t coexist with the rest of the world.
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