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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*reaches out my hand, blocking the blast with an amaranthine shield, but taking multiple lasserations across my face and arms from the remnants that lash out from around the shield*

... cumbersome, aren't you?

*darts toward you, grabbing your face and attempts to make it decay*

*Your hands press around a hard, invisible surface mere millimeters away from my face*
What can I say? I count four of you now. Being on the radar’s got me a little excited.
*Puts my hand in your face, releasing the rest of the energized planet point-blank at you, this time in the form of a focused blast this time instead of an explosion*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Adrian: *looks at you with cold, dead eyes*

My brothers... are innocent. Fighting a war... they don't understand. Told to lead. I joined them... so that I may...Kill without remorse. I can feed until... I am full.

*turns to face you*

You... are my next.. meal.

*dissapears like ash, the reappears next to you, touching your back, causing you to begin to decay and crumble like ash*

*My vest does decay at first, but regenerates at a nearly matching speed. The entire planet is quickly sucked away and disappears into my grasp, as I whip around to face you*
*Releases my grip, dropping a sparkling speck of dust slowly from my hand, which detonates and envelops the solar system in a blinding and destructive light*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Adrian: *stares into you with soulless eyes*

You call it high-roading... yet you too.
Have murdered. Ironic.

*attempts into your throat with my bare hands, your skin around the wound starting to decay *

someone else... could use this better.

*My visage fades as an afterimage, and I speak from several yards to the left*
Murder is when you rob those who harmed no one of the right to life.
*Clenches my fist together as an immense pressure becomes exerted in the air that can be felt by all*
What I do to the likes of you is called justice.
*The plasmafied planet we stand in suddenly loses its tangibility, becoming a swirling mass of yellow light which flows into my hand between the cracks of my fingers*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
Artorias: of course, choosing the path of violence. Always the same with you people. You're no better than a rabbid animal.

*another person appears behind you, breathing down your neck. My respirator echoes into your ear*

???: .... you threaten... our kind...?

I’m sick of hearing the high roading attempts after the things you’ve done. Look at yourselves with the same disgust you pretend to feel and maybe then you’ll see why there’s a problem.
*Turns my head, but not all the way*
And yes.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Artorias: Our allegiance is with our Father. He gave us the means to achieve our dreams, and so we shall. You too could achieve greatness and evolve above those that came before you.

Your dreams had better shift fast. Starting with a short term goal. Your options are as follows. You give up entirely, you take me to King so I can deal with the real problem, or you volunteer to die first. That way, you don’t have to deal with the pain of being alive to see your brothers fall.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the three brothers shield themselves with amaranthine bubbles, watching the carnage unfold*

*When the dust settles, the stereoholographic armor I was wearing is now gone*
It’s never too late to change your mind. I would love to be the first person to have the opportunity to study how to de-amaranthize someone.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Cain: *slowly floats up to where my brothers are*


*from the other end, the entire planet is consumed in light as a beam of energy much larger than its circumference and radiating with intensity consumes the entire world and each of you*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*Stands on the molten surface of the planet, waiting*

*A bright light shines along the planet’s horizon, in all directions*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*as you do this, it knocks the two of them away*

Abel: *darts toward you, grabbing you by the face*

what a warrior you are. Fine skills.

*throws you toward the molten ground, and launches toward you from my point in the sky*

Hammer of Dusk.
*on impact, it levels everything on the planet that isn't already dust, and reheats the plasma on the ground by you*

*Is sent deep into the planet from the impact*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the thrust reverberates along my armor, and the plasma licks against it as well, and singer my armor. The bits that get into the cracks cool almost instantly, as if Ice resided under my armor*

*Artorias strikes you, knocking you toward a reformed, base form Cain, who, thrusts his spear into your chest, and flings you toward Abel, who summons his hammer, blasting you back into the sky, where Artorias stabs through your right shoulder from behind, and Cain stabs you through your left shoulder from the front*

Artorias: This fight may prove too much for you to handle.

*Takes every attack, up through the final stabs, where I twist my body such that the blades pass me on either side*
Try to reserve judgement until you see me trying.
*Zips downward, grabbing Artorias by the ankle and whipping him around, slamming him into Cain and letting go, hurling them both a great distance*
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