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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

All that uncessary death and yet.. you remain unmoved. Perhaps you are more like me than you'd admit.

*reveals a toothy grin*

I have experiences in just about every scale of conflict possible. You won’t baffle me with something of this scale.

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*The maelstrom of spacetime floods your respective universes and cataclysmically combines the boundaries of the two dimensions together*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*grins, chuckling darkly, while rasing my hand in a snapping position*

3. Point. 5. Trillion.

*snaps, and the entire universe is enveloped in an inferno that resonates from my core, melting down every planet within it, single handedly wiping out all life other than us two in a swift, deadly move*

Now... all that remain are us.

Proud of yourself?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I apologize, I like my food well done.

*the entire area heats up around you to 400 degrees ferenheit steadily*

Just so you know...you wont be my only meal tonight.

*the barrier visually appears to dissapear, revealing that we are in a universe unlike the one we were just in, and I grin maliciously*

Tell me, Sven. How many lives do you believe are in this universe?

*Stands within it without issue, and I narrow my eyes*
*Along with the blue, technologically advanced sword I was wielding before, I summon to my other hand a much more rustic looking orange one, and black fire quickly erupts from the hilt and coats the blade from the bottom up with a soft roar*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the hits connect, but I grit through the pain, grinning*
*throws you into a nearby planet, and thrusts towards your cracking it in the process*

I'm not one to play with my food...but lets have some FUN!

*snaps and your body is engulfed in a blaze hotter than a thousand suns*


*The flames coalesce to a point in my palm and turn to light, the more flames that burn, the more that gets caught in the swirl*
If you plan to eat me, I appreciate that you want me cooked thoroughly, but try not to burn your food? It’s disrespectful.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the fire seemingly has little to no effect on me*

You can burn all you like, I will not falter.

*grabs your wrist, and attempts to break it with the force equal to a planet cracking*

Until you realize what it’s really done to you. You’re on a clock now, and the only way you stop it is to keep your word and take me down.
*That level of force just doesn’t seem to be enough to even budge me, and my other hand becomes enveloped in blazing black energy as I wail on your torso repeatedly in rapid succession, not even breaking your grip with the other hand*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*the flames burn a dark black with an purplish overtone*

King provides the tools... Life provides the means to evolve. You were my catalyst. Now... I can't wait to devour you.

*rips towards you at the speed of light, hitting you with a fire blast over 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit in the face*

*My hand emerges from the fire blast, grabbing you by the collar, yanking you toward me and meeting a palm full of black fire from my other hand to the face*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
*my body is riddled with each hit*
.... heheheh.... Finally... real power.

*my brothers dissapear, and my aura shifts as well, turning a blackened, malevolent fire*

I am thankful for you. Without you... this wouldn't have been possible.

*Parts of my skin burn away, revealing a scorched layer of skin*

I can finally FEEL!!!

Seems as though you have me to thank for something not even Aeron could do, then, huh?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
My jets in my back realign myself before I collide with my brothers*

... Time to eat.

*rockets toward you, punching you with the force equivalent to a sun collapsing*

*My appearance shifts slightly, as though a shadow were cast over me, and my very person seems to emit a very subtle dark aura. Your fist presses against my cheek and my head turns with the impact, sending the shockwaves ripping through the cosmos*
I've got a new technique designed for the truly reprehensible. Untested, but...
*Turns my head back toward you*
Congratulations, Lab Rats. You've been given real purpose.
*Seems to do nothing more than glare at you, and suddenly you feel bombarded by hundreds upon hundreds of blows equal to the force you just put out, each one seeming to cause a deep, indescribable burning feeling directly within your being as well as physical damage*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*It rips half my face off, revealing a metallic skeleton interior. My eyes glow faintly, an animalistic quality to them*

You.. are but food. Meat.
*walks through the blast, grabbing your shoulders, my stare reading malevolent*

I will grind you... between my teeth... tear you.. asunder.

*with immense strength, I grab the other shoulder, and attempt to rip you violently in half from the top down*

*Grips each of your arms and opposes the force with my own strength*
Gross. Twofold. But now I know you’re far less redeemable than the other three.
*Slams a foot into your knee, then tears your grip from me and throws you violently onto the collective others*
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