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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*With renewed speed, runs to a position directly below you and releases the sword, which instantly accelerates to such speed and force that it tugs the surrounding dimensional space with it, creating a projectile much larger than it appears that unloads its entirety of available force on contact*

*Shifts my palms that are already out in front of me just enough to put them in the way of the sword, resulting in a loud clang as any penetration is nullified, but the blade spins rapidly as it bounces away and also knocks me back with slight instability for a moment*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*The fire finds my soul encased inside of another’s, which gradually begins to scorch on a metaphysical level*
There’s more to unpack in that question than you know.
*Slashes diagonally in your direction, resulting in propagating ripples in spacetime caused by the instability of the blade—I follow up the attack by drawing my sword like a bowstring and applying my other two weapons’ abilities with Fourth’s, causing it to skyrocket in potential energy*

I believe I have a pretty good idea.
*The flames on my wounds flicker out, showing them to be fully healed. I leave your soul encasing lit as I rocket above you, thrusting both hands downward at you and unleash kinetic pulses that render the earth on impact to rocks, then pebble, then fine grain*
<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

Consider this a call on your bluff.
*Drops of water fall from another claymore that rushes to my hand*
I didn't recruit a brute who fails to see past the force of his next hit. You recognize that victory is the only meaningful factor.

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Burst of light shine from each impact, the resulting energy matching the signature of many of the Servants that left the previous spheres—in response, I summon one of the claymores to me from a spacetime river, coated in the unstable liquid*

Of all the times you’ve claimed to face me, how many of those times could you stop me?
*After repeated contact with my aura, the flame ignites your own soul and becomes an aura for you as well, slowly burning away at your spirit*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*After the last drop of water falls from my claymore, I activate its effects and slash cleanly through your body a dozen times before ending the attack behind you*

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

Am I?
*A hidden knife stabs through your neck when you shove me, unloading the stored kinetic energy from our brawl*

*Instead of recoiling at the end of the assault, the moment the effect ends, my aura flares and grows deeper, and I’m right in your face, this time pummeling you with countless punches in a mere instant, all of which send kinetic and spiritual energy through your body as my wounds themselves become lit with a calmer, tamer flame*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*A spiritual force that isn't my own projects from my body in the midst from the flames*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*The blood runs down the length of my blade, slowly purifying into water as my own wound is filled by the buzz of colorful sparks*

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

*It blows my arm off while I use the other to claw into your neck*

*With something to burn, the flames grow higher and wilder on their own, as well as more intense by the second*
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*Glances at the blood on my sword*
A worthy trade.

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

*As if teleporting, appears above you and impales you with the claymore, rocketing us both into the ground and splitting the surface of the planet to the horizon*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*A metaphysical chainlike structure abruptly yanks me to the side*

In fighting a thousand Svens, it really seems like you’ve learned little.
*The aura projection twists around, then jumps several feet in the air before splashing into the ground, spreading at first like a liquid but quickly igniting*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*A metallic object flashes from beneath the dissipating aura*

*Proceeds barreling toward you without slowing down, but just before impact I come to a very sudden and un-telegraphed halt, throwing my arms to my side and projecting my own aura forward to envelope you*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*The two halves melt into a goop that runs together and coagulates into a shorter version of myself to accommodate for the missing material, and I induce a sharp force into your side*

Good effort. But enough.
*Rockets through you as if you are not even there at blinding speeds, demolishing your form again and headed straight for The Legend*
*Shockwaves and tremors from the battle cause my balance to falter, fury flashing in my eyes. And a low snarl echos beneath my mask, I right myself my weapon flashing as I stand upright then-*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*The clang of my blade, now jet black sword echos as I slam the flat of square at your jaw.*
*I slam the backswing into your chest by the hilt of the sword, fury and rage forcing my full strength to manifest. Each blow cracking the planets surface.*
*My last blow sends breaks the earth beneath us*

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*It blows a hole through my stomach, revealing a gray, clay-like substance beneath my skin, and I thrust my palm into your heart with a pressure wave of force that extends inward and rockets between your extremities*

*Catches your wrist, not stopping the blow entirely but softening it, and yanking it to the side as I put my other arm through the hole in your torso and swing upwards, splitting you further in two*
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