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Nothing fancy here. All ya need to know is that I'm here to play my game and have a good time. 8)

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<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I’d imagine very few.

You're a fighting addict, huh? I should add you to my list of sparring partners so I can stay in shape when I retire.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I am glad your daughter is back, you seem to be in much light spirits than before.

It's pretty phenomenal what not being in a state of grief while in a conflict for the sake of reality can do to your mood.
Now how many people can say that and mean it?
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I'd offer the same, but it would likely ring hollow.

I don't agree with some of your methods, or some of your intentions, but I do know those intentions are far from malicious. So, less hollow than you might think.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Oh that? Pssh, don't worry about that. It takes a lot more to rattle me.

Regardless. I wouldn't be to pleased in the reverse situation.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Anything to end that dreaded System.

As someone with no stake in that mess, I'm with you. Enough war.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

What's up? I win a lot of things~

No, nothing to do with the winning thing. I'm just not too big of a man to apologize. I want to say I'm sorry for the threats to your sons. It was... Emotionally charged.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

The most recent invasion.

Ah. I wouldn't be shocked either way.
*Pats you on the shoulder*
Well, stand tall, big guy. You called this our victory, but you're still really the big winner here.
*Looks to Chance*
And you.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

If I recall, I sent aid on that mission as well.

Which? There were a couple. Anarchy, Nobility, Balkan...
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

I'm done. I don't anticipate more ops on that scale.

Certain other parties had interests that caused the past few, I know. I just want to be done too.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Pushes myself up, and grabs Rica's arm with my left hand*
Well played. Congratulations on your victory.
*Shakes your hand with my right*

*Nods, and speaks with a tired yet humorous tone*
Do try to give today some worth, though, yeah? The System's been changing so frequently in recent years, I'm sick of the drama that it comes with. Let's go with the Tier System for at least a few decades? Centuries?
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