Avatar of GambolMuse


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1 mo ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
7 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
7 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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7 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

Most Recent Posts

Sasha was... Confident? Viral had asked for something different, something that the rebels didn't normally show in combat. So she'd thought to indulge him and use her ability: magic. In her limited experience her people - Ricken included - were only a handful of hundreds of races capable of such a feat. And unlike races which all seemed to share a similar magic, her people's tended to reflect some aspect of themselves. She gathered material and lit it aflame, using it as miniature projectiles and striking at Viral with them. It worked, perhaps too well, as Viral grew furious with her. She tried to defend herself - it wasn't Ki she was using, but he was too enraged to listen. She lifted her arms and threw up a block, absorbing the hit but topping over backwards from the sheer force. Catching herself on a hand she lifted and spun at the same time, narrowly avoiding being crushed into the ground. Why was he so angry?

"It's not Ki!" she finally managed to get out, having to duck to avoid another bone-shattering punch, "It's not! It's magic!" Hard to say if that did anything to assuage his anger, he seemed no less furious than a moment before. So she'd cut back on its use, clearly going all out with magic was only going to make things worse. She side-stepped another punch and pushed the arm, stepping in and trying to drive an elbow into Viral's chest. If it hit, she'd lift her fist and strike him in the jaw with the back of her hand: if not, she'd try to get distance between them and throw a burst of projectiles at him. She couldn't keep too close to him now, not with how powerful each individual attack was. She'd be beaten in the blink of an eye if she took a punch in the wrong place.
To be fair he had been warned about potential seasickness before boarding. But he'd brushed it off - it was his first time on a boat, how was he supposed to know he'd become seasick? He was fine in carts, but boats seemed to be his downfall. Staring down at the putrid bile floating on the sea's surface he nearly retched again, pulling himself away from the railing and laying out, sprawl on the ship's deck. Ethan just wanted land again. Something solid to stand on. With a groan he laid his head back, staring up at the clear sky above, trying perhaps to find something to fix his gaze on. The Ydra woman had said something but he'd missed it, and asking her to repeat didn't seem like a good idea - she'd sounded rather angry she'd even been addressed. Why were people so anti-social on this ship? You couldn't avoid interacting on something so small, so you might as well make the best of it.

"H-Hey... That pet of yours... It's really cool!" Since he'd be laying here for the foreseeable future, and with no one else around, he went against his better judgement and started to speak again. At worst the woman would speak to him and he'd be able to have a somewhat pleasant conversation. Or perhaps he'd make a friend on this final leg of their journey - he'd not hold his breath for that one. Ethan craned his neck to look at the woman, flashing her an uneasy smile and giving another small wave. "Ethan, by the way. Sorry you had to see that, but uh... Better out than in, my mother always used to say! Though at this rate there won't be much left to come out..."

Was that too much information? It felt like too much information. Smiling sheepishly, Ethan raised an arm and laid it over his eyes, his other hand resting on his stomach as he belched. "If you don't mind my asking... What are you on the ship for...? It's just you seem kind of, well... Not like the sort of person who usually does this." He let out a laugh when realizing the irony of his own words: he was just as new to this experience as the woman, if not more so. Next time he was definitely taking a horse, he didn't care if it took him an extra day or two. "Heading to Galloway for work, kind of excited. Never been there, heck Orosi was the biggest city I've ever seen. Well... Second. Probably." For someone he was positive had no desire to speak to him, Ethan sure was pressing his luck. But what was there to do besides chat?

That they should have to work with someone as useless as Ethan. Kent couldn't decide if the kid's heart wasn't in it or if he was really just that hopeless as a Hunter. He'd drawn the short straw and the argument made was asinine: Ethan needed experience. It was their handler's fault for never allowing the kid on any real missions. Once they arrived in Galloway he'd come up with some excuse to send the novice off - probably some list of errands, anything to get him out of the way while work was done. Their mark wasn't going to be an easy one to bring in and they needed combat ready Magi, and people who were used to containing fights, not letting them spill into the streets. Ethan couldn't contain his damned lunch, much less a magic duel.

Kent had been his way below deck when he caught wind of something peculiar. On his way by the kitchens he overheard a conversation that piqued his interest, and without a word he leaned against the wall, standing just outside the doors. The smell he recognized immediately - not the stew, but what was inside the stew. His face contorted into a scowl and he folded his arms across his chest tightly. Simple-minded people, taking part in drugs aboard a ship. And leave it to a Naga to be the perpetrator, he'd been right to refuse the bastard's food earlier. Kent listened to the conversation further, seeing if he could glean anything of importance from it. Nothing but idle chatter and pleasantries, though he was further annoyed by how idiotic the Naga sounded. He was right, no one was going to hire a man like him. Certainly not after people found out how he prepared his food. The Hunter was no fool - he knew plenty of influential people used drugs like these, and worse still, but he had no use for them. They were the weak's way of getting a hold of the strong, a way for those too craven or without skill to turn a profit.

"I would temper your expectations, Naga. Don't delude yourself with dreams of grandeur." Entering the kitchen, hand on the hilt of the sword at his hip, Kent narrowed his eyes. The boy he didn't recognize at all, probably having spent the entirety of this voyage below deck. He seemed young, arguably far too young to be taking anything of the sorts. Glancing at Gideard disdainfully he extended a hand out, nodding towards the pot of stew - the smaller of the two, where the stench was coming from. It took one whiff to confirm what he'd suspected and he dumped it out on the floor, throwing the bowl into the wall and shattering it. "Dump out the entirety of that stew, now. And turn over the coin you've gained from selling it. Unless you'd prefer to speak with the guard when we arrive in Galloway...?"
Let's see here:

1) Approximately? Hunters have been around a touch under 10 years. The transition has been going on longer, but Hunters really have only been needed as of recent as protests have become violent.
2) Both! That said it's not really faded to the point where Magi can't use magic, but certain regions have a notable decline in energy.
3) Nah, play whatever you want! All guys, all girls, whatever happens, happens!
4) Roughly speaking, yes. But that changes based on lifestyle - Dimurans die in combat constantly so that tanks theirs. Divine excel at magic and can prolong their lives, Murad technology and Ydra medicines grant them both longer lives. The Varuna are probably the closest to the "average".
5) Gold! Well, and silver and bronze. Coins really, kept it simple!
-10 points from Gryffindor for that one! Also...

"Cecil 1.0 has become a reef, it is the hopes of the company that Cecil 2.0 has learned from his predecessors mistakes."
The peppermint was doing absolutely nothing. 15 minutes had passed and Ethan felt no discernible difference in his queasiness, in fact he was certain it had gotten worse. A few hours left? He would be fortunate to make it a few minutes! Finding himself back at the railing he groaned and hung over it, arms dangling and his eyes squeezed tightly. Next time he'd take a carriage. He didn't care if whoever he was working with wanted a boat, he'd go by land and meet them a week later if he had to. Not like they typically had him do much anyways.

"Oh man... Just kill me now..." Ethan whined, lifting his hands and rubbing at his face as he stood upright, turning only to sink down against the railing and lay his head back against it. At least the cool metal felt nice on his neck. The scraping of claws on the deck made him open his eyes just as a large feline darted past him, raising an eyebrow and seeing two children running after the animal. How was that thing on deck? And why were kids chasing it? He was no animal expert but didn't animals usually chase people, not the other way around? Ugh, thinking made his head ache even more. Maybe he'd be better off below deck again? He crewhands had said fresh air would do him good but he found little difference.

Ethan reached behind himself, inside of his cloak, and scratched at his back. Not only was he terribly seasick, but he was also dead bored! The nausea hindered most of what he'd like to do for fun, but even then without his options were limited. Glancing around the ship he was happy to find that two other people were against the railings, presumably just as sick as him. Maybe not the nicest thing to take solace in, but it was warming to know someone else might be sharing his misery. That didn't really make it sound any better, did it? Chuckling to himself he ruffled his own hair, belching loudly. "Hey miss!" he shouted, referring to the lone Ydran woman at the railings, looking much different compared to the other passengers. "They might have some ginger in the kitchen, if you need it!" Ethan smiled before quickly covering his mouth, turning on his knees and poking himself through the rails. And there went his breakfast...

The captain traced their route on his map, forgoing the display the ship had been outfitted. These new inventions were hopeless, if a sailor knew how to use a map, a compass and a sextant you could easily find your location. And he had, they were right on course. Having detoured from their original route - a large thunderstorm was brewing off of Galloway's southern edge - they elected to circle a bit further to the west, let the storm pass and arrive a bit later in the evening. It would extend the trip but spare the passengers a miserable entry into the city.

"The skies look clear as far as the eye can see, sir! No signs of any rogue waves either, looks like we've avoided the storm entirely!"

"Excellent! Then maintain this course, the few extra hours won't hurt anyone. Shipmaster, I want you to plan a course back to Orosi once we arrive, we have cargo to deliver there next. Which means we'll be needing to be rid of some of our load in Galloway too." Some leftover parcels, spare containers of goods, things they'd picked up in other ports for remarkably low price in hopes of turning over a profit. It would be a large haul and, with luck, a worthwhile one. The ship was in need of some new parts and this job should more than cover it.

Using the intercom system built into the ship, the captain relayed a message to the crew members down below deck. "Attention all hands, we'll be arriving in roughly 3 hours. Estimated distance is 130 nautical miles, so try not using more fuel than we need. Anything not necessary can be taken down and maintenance can begin, it should be smooth sailing from here lads. Settle in, we'll be in port soon."
Get to it when you can guys, goodness knows its a busy time of year, other business aside!
Well there's the first IC post, figured didn't have to be anything massive. Let 'er rip, guys!

On board the Marigold, in the Thalassa Sea

Under the heat of the summer sun the Marigold, clad in its golden paint which gave its namesake, swayed upon the open water. White surf lapped against her reinforced hulls and the occasional spray surged over the edges, delighting the passengers on the decks above. She was fashioned to take storms and surfs higher than her cabins, a casual trip like this barely registered for her or her crew. The captain took a stroll around the deck, greeting crew and patrons alike. A man of many seasons and even more voyages his tanned, wrinkled skin clashed with the stark-white attire he wore. And beneath the brim of his cap were his eyes shone with an exuberance befitting someone of many years younger than himself. All his life he'd been on the ocean in some capacity, and not once had he lost his love of it. Though gone were his days of leading vessels into battle he still found delight in being upon the water, even if to only ferry people to and fro.

"Cap'n, we should reach port in a few hours, sir!"

"Excellent, let the crew know we'll be making landfall soon," replied the captain, a toothy grin on his face as he looked out to sea, "Galloway's a-waiting, and we're ahead of schedule. Let the boys know once we reach port we'll be heading to the taverns, I think you've all earned a bit of fun."

Excited, the deckhand saluted before hurrying inside to spread the good news. These kids worked hard so it was only right to let them enjoy themselves. They would be in Galloway a few days anyway, being restocked and awaiting the next load of passengers. Adjusting the brim of his hat, the captain smiles, watching a pair of children run by him, chasing one another. An adult, presumably their father, chases after them while shouting about minding the edges.

"The rails are there for a reason, sir!" he calls with a laugh, though he's certain the man doesn't hear him. Folding his hands behind his back the captain resumed his tour, greeting the occasional passenger and exchanging pleasantries. It certainly was a stark contrast from his old life, but it was a contrast he liked. He loved people - the good kind of people, he knew well enough not everyone was agreeable - and a chance to meet new faces was one of the many perks of his station. They took all kinds of folks aboard, each with their own stories, their own adventures, and often times he got to hear those. Few jobs enriched your world quite like his own.

Spotting a lone passenger near the bow of the boat he approached the young man, noting how he was leaned over the rails. Standing at the boy's back he leaned over and confirmed what he'd expected: seasickness. Smiling sympathetically he reached out and pat the boy on the shoulder, a hearty laugh bellowing from his stomach. "Not everyone can find their sea legs I suppose! You'll be glad to hear we're nearly at shore, just bear with it a little longer."

Ethan didn't so much as lift his head from its position, merely raising a hand and giving a thumbs up for confirmation. That was a godsend, though it would be even better had it come several hours earlier. For a luxury ship this journey had been anything but luxurious. The captain gave him another word of encouragement that went unheard as the splashing of water drowned it out. Left alone again Ethan let out a groan, picking himself up and steadying himself with the railing. He couldn't wait until they got back to land and he could actually stand without feeling ill. He swore he was going to kiss the ground as soon as the ship made it to port.

"Still losing your lunch, eh?" a man called, and Ethan turned to see one of his companions. Kent, if he remembered right. He'd only met the man before they set sail and, having spent most of his time along the ships rails, hadn't much socialized.

"If I even had anything to eat," Ethan replied somberly, groaning as he returned to his post, covering his hand with his mouth and letting out a belch. "I just want to be in Galloway already, this boat is killing me."

Kent rolled his eyes, reaching out and grabbing Ethan's shirt. The boy protested and tried to hold his grip on the railing but was overpowered, whining as he was stood up straight. "Don't forget why we're on this ship, kid. You can't do your job if you're busy staring at the water." Reaching into his pocket he pulled a small vial out, shoving it into Ethan's hands. "Peppermint, drink it. At the very least you'll be able to walk without looking like you'll pass out."

"Yeah, th-thanks!" Uncorking the bottle and swallowing the contents in one go Ethan shuddered, his face contorting at the overwhelming taste. Kent was already on his way back underside, leaving him be once again. Smacking his lips and resisting the strong urge to spit up what he'd drank he pocketed the bottle, taking small steps as he willed himself away from the edge. Just a few more hours, he could bear it.
Looks a-ok to me! :D
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