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    1. gamer5910 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current Finally have a chance to be active again!


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I'm still here, we're just waiting on Gamer I think.

I'll get a post up later today currently at school, and I hate typing long posts on my phone.
Flippy noticed how his new friend has taken interest in his puppet made of blood. He kept walking till he came to a split. "Left or right" he thought to himself lifting the puppet in the air. To the left he could smell something maybe food. Flippy stomach started to give a low growl "That sells it." he said putting the puppet back on the ground and began taking the left path.
@Scarifar It was the precents throwing me off because he goes super huge at 75% then goes back to normal 100% but gets the perks of being super big. Anyway it makes sense now and with that note... @Thanatos your character has been accepted you can move him to the character tab and join in on the IC when you feel like it.
@Thanatos Could you elaborate on his powers.

Superboy was glad to hear some people were eager to train, but he didn't want to throw off the schedule. "Okay, if you want to train line up in front of me anyone else can stand to the side with Miss Martian and Kid Flash." he said while slightly stretching/ getting ready to see what this new team has to offer.

Miss Martian and Kid Flash

Miss Martian and Kid Flash wasn't expecting some being eager to train. After Superboy said he would handle the training they stepped out of way seeing who would join them. Miss Martian remembered something "Oh, and if you are not training and eighteen or under please come me or Kid Flash." she said with a smile.

Chris and Charlie

Chris walked over to Miss Martian and Kid Flash not saying much once there. They too also watched to see who was gonna come over. Chris didn't want to train against Superboy more see how his teammates do. And Charlie had a plan which was to wait for everyone else to go and then he would be the last one and he would have a better chance when Superboy was tired.


At an abandon apartment complex a huge group of masked/hooded figures gathered. They were in one of the biggest rooms at the complex surrounded by boxes full of weapons, and they were huddled around a big table with papers scattered about. One of the men spoke up and said "Okay here's the plan. Team A you go to the back and get ready to breach the walls, Team B you will be stationed across the street, Team C you are the extraction team. Team B once Team A blows the walls all eyes are on them you will move in from the front and start bagging the loot. Finally Team C you will be extracting Team B, and Team A when the attention turns to Team B and C you will make your escape through the underground tunnel we dug last week." He explained and took a short pause before picking back up where he left off. "You all understand what your doing?"

"Sir yes sir!" everyone said.

"Good then prepare, we move in an hour." said the man who grinned knowing this plan would never fail.

Chris helped up the new arrival who was on the ground in front of him all the while looking at the boy who was covered with blood. "I see we have two last minute arrivals." he said to himself. Chris now had to enter these to into the HQ's database which was gonna be "fun" seeing how long it took him with everyone else. His attention was turned to Lex Jr. who asked if they had a mission already. "We have nothing as far as I know


Three new people came from the back of the room walking towards the group of new young Justice members. One was wearing a black shirt with a Superman symbol on it, and another looked like Martian Man Hunter but as a girl. The last one was wearing a yellow suit with some red here and there along with some goggles that had red lenses. They were all walking until one of them took off at high speeds and ran around the group stopping by Chris. The other two kept walking till the were on the other side of Chris. The one with the Superman shirt began to speak.

"Hello everyone I am Superboy and this is Miss Martian and Kid Flash. We will be the ones who will look after while your at Mount Justice, and you will mostly see me and Miss Martian here. Kid Flash will only be here as a substitute for when one of us is called for a mission." Superboy explained. Only then Miss Martian finally spoke up.

"Me and Superboy were chosen to watch you because we had spent more time here then most others." she said. "We will also be the ones who will train most of you." she added on.


In parts unknown a man sat in a chair by a table with an opened laptop on it. He was in a room filled with shipping crates and one door and lights, but the lights were off so it was dark. That all changed though when the laptop screen quickly lit up with a anonymous figure surrounded by light appeared on the screen. "Is everything ready?" a mysterious voice asked.

"Yes sir everything is ready both teams are ready to move on your command." the man quickly responded he was very nervous you could tell be his voice.

"Good I want them to move in one hour. If all goes right my next call will be exactly in three hours from now, and if I don't get an answer from you then I will know you've failed. And if you have failed I will have to switch to plan B..." the voice trailed off for a bit and then spoke back up. "But remember no one ever likes plan B." The call immediately ended.
Soo what's up guys?

Just working on my next post which will be up now.
Is there room for more?

There's room.

Chris knew someone was missing and with his mind at ease Chris no longer felt so stressed. He was mostly surprised at the fact he didn't notice her, but maybe she walked in while he was looking at the guy up on the ceiling. "Nice to meet you Peggy I'm assuming you already heard who I am. I am also assuming you can't wait to look around at HQ but once formalities are done we will begin the tour I assure you." Chris said with a friendly tone.

Charlie had finally slowed down and was running back to the train station while constantly checking the time on his phone. It had taken him five minutes of continuous running to get back to the station. Charlie knew he couldn't run the rest of the way to Mt. Justice, so he threw down his skateboard and jumped on taking to the streets. He couldn't use his power for a boost at least not in the open, but what if he took to the alleys then he could use them for short burst of speed. Charlie did just that and after gaining enough speed to keep going on his own he went back to the streets.

"Take your next right go for two blocks and then left. It will get you there faster." said a mysterious voice in Charlie's head which he never heard before. All he knew about this voice is that it definitely was a female's voice. He did as instructed and arrived at forest of Mt. Justice which was located near the front entrance.

"Time take this puppy to the air!" Charlie said to himself as he released just enough fire below him just to get off the ground. He then used some to keep him and his board going threw the forest and into Mt. Justice. Charlie was just arriving to the room where everyone was gathered when he tried to lower himself back on the ground. When he tried to ease up on the fire he had put out a lot more and then it had completely stopped and he fell to the ground and tumbled over to the crowed of people. When Charlie came to a stop finally he was on his back right in front of Chris who was now looking down at him "Sorry I had over slept." he said.
@gamer5910 I meant to ask and totally forgot about that, should I reduce my characters age? I totally space the whole young part of this Young Justice rp.

You can go right ahead and do that if you want to, but it was more my fault for not giving a limit on how old characters should be.
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