~Rikuto Date, the Expanse~

Squad: Grass Leader
Personality: -
History: -
~General Fighting Style~
Ambush from every Angle
Rikuto likes to setup so attack constantly launch from weird angles, slowly cutting off an opponents space until they cant dodge.
Special Traits
*Large chakra reserves
* Highly intelligent
Basic Tools:
*A pouch of seeds
~Canon Jutsu~
~Custom Jutsu~
- Name: (Whats its name?)
- Rank: (How strong is it. One jutsu has one rank)
- Nature: (Fire, Earth, etc)
- Description: (What does it do? Try to include a weakness)
Name: Noushin Style: Dandelion
Rank: D
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto spreads a collection of dandelion seeds into the air, which will float across the area, which cling to any surface they touch, sprouting and spreading more seeds. While the jutsu is mostly harmless, it is a useful sensory technique.
Rank: D
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto spreads a collection of dandelion seeds into the air, which will float across the area, which cling to any surface they touch, sprouting and spreading more seeds. While the jutsu is mostly harmless, it is a useful sensory technique.
Name: Noushin Style: Grass Blade
Rank: C
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto causes a blade of grass to grow to as long as he is, and reinforces it with chakra, making it as sharp and durable as a blade.
Name: Summoning: Carnivorous Plants
Rank: C
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto has a contract with carnivorous plants, and is able to summon them to mammoth proportions. His two favorite are his Venus Fly trap, and his a massive sundew.
Rank: C
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto causes a blade of grass to grow to as long as he is, and reinforces it with chakra, making it as sharp and durable as a blade.
Name: Summoning: Carnivorous Plants
Rank: C
Nature: -
Description: Rikuto has a contract with carnivorous plants, and is able to summon them to mammoth proportions. His two favorite are his Venus Fly trap, and his a massive sundew.
Name: Noushin Style: Spear Grass
Rank: B
Nature: -
Description: Planting seeds in the ground, the seeds sprout with great force into a grass as strong as steel, and with enough speed to impale an opponent like a spike trap.
Name: Noushin Style: Strangleroot
Rank: B
Nature: -
Description: Enhancing vines with chakra, they quickly pursue an opponent, entangling them, strangling them until they are unable to move.
Rank: B
Nature: -
Description: Planting seeds in the ground, the seeds sprout with great force into a grass as strong as steel, and with enough speed to impale an opponent like a spike trap.
Name: Noushin Style: Strangleroot
Rank: B
Nature: -
Description: Enhancing vines with chakra, they quickly pursue an opponent, entangling them, strangling them until they are unable to move.
Name: Noushin Style: Fern Gulley
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: Growing a fern tree from his seeds, the plant quickly spreads spores across the area, which causes a genjutsu of sleep. This genjutsu is tricky as one must rid the area of spores to be truly free.
Name: Noushin Style: Bloodroot
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: Touching seeds against an opponents skin, this ivylike plant takes root inside their skin, and grows along their nerve endings causing extreme pain.
Name: Noushin Style: Aloe Guardian
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: The user grows a large hardy Aloe Vera plant infront of them. This plant is extremely tough, able to take many blows, and it regenerates. When cut, it produces a gel that has a minor healing effecr.
Name: Noushin Style: Seed Clone
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description:A clone made completely of seeds, they germinate as soon as the clone is dispersed, their effect immedately activating.
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: Growing a fern tree from his seeds, the plant quickly spreads spores across the area, which causes a genjutsu of sleep. This genjutsu is tricky as one must rid the area of spores to be truly free.
Name: Noushin Style: Bloodroot
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: Touching seeds against an opponents skin, this ivylike plant takes root inside their skin, and grows along their nerve endings causing extreme pain.
Name: Noushin Style: Aloe Guardian
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description: The user grows a large hardy Aloe Vera plant infront of them. This plant is extremely tough, able to take many blows, and it regenerates. When cut, it produces a gel that has a minor healing effecr.
Name: Noushin Style: Seed Clone
Rank: A
Nature: -
Description:A clone made completely of seeds, they germinate as soon as the clone is dispersed, their effect immedately activating.
Name: Noushin Style: Garden of the World
Rank: S
Nature: -
Description: A dangerous yang time/space release jutsu, it requires 20 handsigns. When dealt, a sphere of chakra is shot out from the user, imbuing all living objects within the area with Rikutos chakra, causing them to quickly grow and mature. They then age a week throughout whatever effects they are under. This explodes the area in vegetation threatening to strangle out life. In addition, it ages open wounds a week without any treatment, almost guarenteeing infections. The yang chakra only increases growth, it doesnt increase any actual healing, so it does little for humans other than give them noticeable haircuts.
Rank: S
Nature: -
Description: A dangerous yang time/space release jutsu, it requires 20 handsigns. When dealt, a sphere of chakra is shot out from the user, imbuing all living objects within the area with Rikutos chakra, causing them to quickly grow and mature. They then age a week throughout whatever effects they are under. This explodes the area in vegetation threatening to strangle out life. In addition, it ages open wounds a week without any treatment, almost guarenteeing infections. The yang chakra only increases growth, it doesnt increase any actual healing, so it does little for humans other than give them noticeable haircuts.