Ray did not need to be told twice. He was up and out like a bolt of lightning.
Though, the sage had definitely had an effect. He was pretty sure whatever was left after he'd spat that lure back out was not going to stick around with that stuff in the air.
If nothing else, this whole experience had just hammered home how fucking dangerous this really was, as if they didn't already know, but now they at least knew how close they were.
Not to mention how close Mathias could get without them even knowing it.
Ray wanted to cry with fear, but he was too angry. He wanted to scream and yell and burn this house to the ground, but...the horrible taste in his mouth was all he could really think of.
He needed a burger, pronto. He was starving, which even he would have to admit was pretty morbid after what he'd been through.
Whatever it was, it had better not have any goddamn mustard.
"Hey, how about we take a little break from this, huh? I'm running on fumes here. Let's grab some lunch."
It almost made him feel like a coward, to procrastinate on something so important, but that encounter had hurt, and not just on the inside. His wounds and bruises were giving him grief again.
"Somewhere open...well lit," he managed a small laugh that made him feel just a little bit better.