Avatar of Twystyd88


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Truly us one thing after another l it feels like. This year has been awful for my family and myself. Whatever you do, hug your loved ones tight, give your pets and extra boop and kiss from me.
10 mos ago
Finally made some progress on a story I've been tossing about in my head for awhile. It may never get done, but who knows. I haven't deleted it yet, so that's a good start! Lol.
12 mos ago
Hard to want to keep doing what I love when I'm taken advantage of for being too nice... Sigh.
1 like
1 yr ago
Apologies to my writing partners. I've had a mental breakdown and still on the mend. I'll reply to everyone asap!
1 yr ago
For those who have messaged me to try and get an RP going. I'm so dang sorry but my phone hasn't sent me notifications and to top it off I've been sickly due to stress. :(


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Hello there!

And welcome to my search thread. It has been awhile since I've actively sought out more writing partners, but alas, here I am. I will try to keep this as simple as possible, no promises!

I would like to preface this all with a few facts. I am married and a mother, so my real life priorities will come first. During the weekdays, I am more active and can usually push out a post daily/every other day. Weekends I take to focus my time with the family while we are all together, so I typically do not respond during these days. So, keep these in mind if interested in writing with me. Now, I know life can get crazy, and things happen. I also know one can lose interest or motivation, I get it. I've had a rough several months personally, and just now trying to dig myself out of the hole of depression. But, I do try to keep my partners in the loop if I can't post for an extended period of time, and would like the same courtesy, if at all possible. Or, if you happen to lose interest in what we are doing, let me know. I won't get offended, promise. Or, if we just need to do something entirely different, let me know. I am pretty understanding and forgiving (maybe a bit too much at times, lol)

All of that aside, shall we set down some rules/expectations?

1. I write romantic paired couples as male/female, with me preferably being the female main character (just easier for me to get into that headspace, ya know?) Also, to add on to this, I DO NOT write smut. I'm sorry if you came here looking for that, but I will not do it. I am all for the fade-to-black option.
2. With romance being a possibility, please be over the age of 18. I would much prefer someone over the age of 25, but at the very least please, for all legal purposes, be over 18. And not just for romance purposes, but for possible 'mature' language and themes that might take place.
3. Be literate. I am not asking for perfection, simply because I am far from it myself. But, double check spelling, grammar, punctuation. I want to understand what your reply is, not spend hours deciphering it due to errors. Minor things I can overlook as long as they do not happen often, but just put some effort into your writing. I will do the same.
4. Able to write at minimum 3 paragraphs per post. Two can be acceptable if there is something to go off of, and especially if not much is going on except dialogue, but at least be able to give 3 or more paragraphs. I need story, I need detail, something to chew on and work with, yeah? Again, I don't except a wall of text, but I do wish for more than a few lines of words.
5. I will only write my RPs in PMs. It is just easier for me to do so, to keep track of and whatnot. Also, I am content with ooc chat, too. So, if you need to just chat or bullshit with someone while we write, I'm cool with that! So, don't be afraid to ask me how the weather is, or whatever people chat about these days :p

I think this should cover the bare minimum of things for me. If you have questions or need clarity, feel free to PM me. Now, I do not have a set idea in mind. Again, I've been on the sidelines for months now and am just now getting back into writing and being creative again, but I am always craving for something along the lines listed below-

-Single mother (this can be a simple slice of life sort of idea, or perhaps she strikes a deal with someone?)
-Arranged marriage scenarios (can be modern-ish or more fantasy/medieval)
-Vampires (I'm a real sucker for these.... Get it, haha?)

Also, anything along the lines of fantasy (think lord of the rings/eragon type of world, but with our own twists)
I'm even up for combining time periods/genres if we can think of something suitable together.

If you might at all be interested in brainstorming some ideas, again PM me (I don't always get notifications for replies to my threads)
Wanted to update with an idea!

So, sort of time travely, melding of different times/worlds.
Character A lives in modern day times, has a normal everyday life. Character B could be from more medival/fantasy times, probably a traveler or local villager of sorts.

B stumbles A on a day out, finding A to be pretty banged up and not looking so great. So B brings them back their home against all warnings to try and bring them back to health again.

How this time shunt happened we can discuss, and where we might want things to go. Some romantic feelings I could guess are a possibility as B tries to help A adjust to this weird life they got thrown into.

Let me know if this might be an interest and we can talk it over further!
Insert terrible improv of Kelly Clarkson here, something about writing and what not...

Anyway. I had to take some time away from writing, get myself right again. Lost some partners along the way from lack of interest or being ghosted entirely. But, not going to let it stop me, hence this wonderful search thread!

I am going to keep this as short and simple as possible

1. I understand life gets busy and chaotic, especially this time of year with approaching holidays. I do not expect a reply every single day, because I myself can't keep with such a schedule. But twice a week at least would be fine. IF you will be taking a leave and be gone for an extended time, just let me know. I will extend the same courtesy, of course, and keep you aware if I might be absent for a time and can't reply.
2. Posting length- This can vary, but I will most certainly not tolerate one-liners. Minimum, I would think 2-3 decent paragraphs is attainable per post. I might type out more for introductory posts, or those of importance. All in all I do ask for some effort. I do not want to put in the time to write up a good post, only to have maybe one paragraph in return for it.
3. Limits- Honestly, I tend to stay away from the smut writing. I am not confident enough in that area of writing to want to include it in my roleplays, so the fade to black method would much more preferable. Aside from that, I do not mind if a character might have a past that involves dark or taboo things, and the mentioning of them is okay IF it helps build story. But constantly bringing it up can be annoying, redundant and will make me lose interest. If clarification is needed for other limits, we can discuss them surely.
4. Pairings, etc- As a female myself, I would rather write the female main character. I am poorly at writing in a male perspective, at least for a main character. But I am capable of writing additional characters if they add to our story or help push it along, or as needed for background support. Also, since I am a sucker for romance and usually like it to happen at some point, I only do so as FxM characters. Other characters can be whatever, but main two I would like to keep as female/male pairing.
5. Setting/genre- Now this is... as basic as can be. I don't really write much outside of modern or fantasy/medieval settings. I also enjoy supernatural like elements- vampires, werewolves, witches, warlocks sort of stuff. We can always add other elements if we stick to something modern, or can keep it sort of slice-of-life. Adventure and romance, again I adore writing as long as it is done correctly. Some silly cliches like the enemy to lovers, arranged marriages, etc. They can all be fun to write if done correctly.

And last thing, because I do aim my stuff with some mature themes, romance and what not. PLEASE, be over the age of 18 to participate. I would much prefer 25 and older really, but to avoid that legal stuff and my sanity/morals, be of age to write with me.

Anyway, I know some of this went longer than intended, but hopefully it gets the point across. Feel free to DM me if you wish to discuss ideas further, or comment here and I will get to you as soon as I can. Thank you for reading this through <3
Okay okay okay.... In my ramblings of writing my RPs and my own personal story. An idea hit me to revamp an older RP that, sadly, never got very far. So, I was hoping I could find someone who might want to help me?

We're going on fantasy terms here, so there will be elves, humans, half-breeds, dragonborn types, kitsunes and other animal like beings as well. Just, a wide variety of races mixed in. Think something along the lines of DND with most races, there may be a few exceptions though. We can discuss that later if you wish.

Now, MC is a half-elf, who upped and left her home to make a mark on the world. She's druidic in nature, and has spent a fair deal of her time writing in journals of flora and fauna and other plant species, and what their properties are. Whether they can heal, poison, what combinations can be made and do what for illnesses. She heard of a city where her knowledge could be beneficial, and where an apprenticeship had just recently opened up for an apothecary. Problem is, half-blooded races like herself aren't nearly as welcomed here.

YC, however you see fit, could be a regular visitor to this apothecary, and eventually befriend MC. Now, I am a sucker for romance, and would hope it can take place between our characters, if it seems suitable of course and depending how things go.

There are a lot of ideas we can throw into this story, and I am happy to discuss the generalized idea of how the old story was to happen if you want. But, I thought it could be something interesting to try to bring to life again with some new twists.

I only ask that if you are interested, you be 18 or older due to possible mature/adult themes. Preferably male, or someone who is comfortable playing a main male character (other side characters of any gender I am happy to play as well and hope you are, too). I do ask that you can write well enough to provide 2-3 paragraphs, more or less depending is fine, but give me something to work with and I will return the favor. Mistakes happen, I'm not immune, but do your best to proofread before sending replies.

I do have some other stipulations and boundaries, but those can be discussed further if needed in a PM. But, please, let me know if this can be something we can brainstorm together on. Thank you!
On the hunt for afew more partners!

Please don't let the ideas above sway you, I'm open to some new ideas, so feel free to PM me!
Updated #3!
I've been beyond busy, I won't lie. But I am itching to start up at least one more story for now until things settle again. This does mean I may only get a few replies in a week, and weekends are off as that is my family time. But I do promise to keep in touch with OOC chat as I am always open for that! And will try to tell you if my leave may be extended and replies slower than usual. If this hasn't put you off yet, then hopefully we can make something work! I've got a few ideas, but please, do not be afraid to reach out if you have something else in mind!

1. Best friends. Inseparable. That's how it had always been since childhood. She grew up to be the popular girl; pretty, kind, great grades, with all the guys wanting her. He had grown to be quite opposite; troublemaker, barely passing grades, rough around the edges (except towards her), but still handsome with plenty of girls wanting him. Trouble was, they both harbored feelings for one another, but too scared to change their friendship to say anything. And with the threat of her going off to college far from home, and him left behind, will their last summer together change things?

2. Vampires, hunters, werewolves, warlock and witches. All sorts of supernaturals that live in society, mostly hidden and living in plain sight with us. Some, that cause trouble and keep the horrid stories of the monsters they can be alive. Rosalie is one that chose to blend in, but rumors have spread, making her little night club quite the topic amongst hunters and the like.
3. Collision. It's a rare event, so much so, not many people have any knowledge of how or why it happens. But now and then, a ripple between time happens, causing a collision of different worlds. In this case, I was thinking either character would get pulled out of their world/timeline, and thrust into the complete opposite. Example, YC would be pulled from the modern day age now, and thrown into something more medieval times. Or, on the flip side, medieval to modern. Either way, it can be discussed further if this idea is of any interest.

Again, these are just brief ideas (though I am craving something with vampires!) and I am open to new ideas, or changing things to be more suited for us both to write. I would be playing the female lead character (I am happy to write as other characters for npcs, background characters etc to help move the story along, of course) and would much prefer my writing partner to play the male counterpart of these stories. And, with these being mature and involving possible romance, I ask you be 18+ (closer to mid 20s/early 30s would be more preferred). I don't necessarily write smut, nor am I looking for it in our story to be the main theme, but if the possibility does come up, than I need my partner to be of legal age for such things.

I will make this short as I can. I need someone to write with quality, and at least meet the minimum 2 paragraphs per reply, more if able as I am capable of such if a mood hits just right. I don't expect perfection as I am not immune to making mistakes, either, but will also try my best to fix them if they come along.

Anyways, if you made it here to the end, then maybe there is hope! If you have questions, feel free to PM me and we can chat more about it. Happy writing!

Still looking about. Would love to brainstorm some ideas!
Still on the hunt for partners to write with!
@Khryptid I'll send ya a PM!!
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