Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


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12 mos ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
4 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
1 like
5 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
5 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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+1 to FMA: Brotherhood. It is one of my absolute favourite animes of all time.
Also +1 to Cowboy Bebop. If you liked Samurai Champloo, you'll more than likely enjoy Bebop. They were made by the same guy.

I also really enjoyed Knights of Sidonia. There are two seasons out currently, both complete. It kept me gripped for both series and I just loved every second. Netflix is the best legit way to watch it, but I'm sure it'd be on either of the sites you mentioned.

Psycho Pass is another really good one. It's got a very compelling setting and storyline and is nice and dark.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is another favourite of mine, but I'll admit that it gets pretty difficult to follow. But as far as it's visual appeal and it's soundtrack, it's legendary.

The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch.
I am in complete adoration of this series right now. Each sequence is as memorable and gripping as the last, and it's so beautifully written. They dialogue is impeccable and the plot...don't even try to guess where it's heading because it has about a thousand carpets to pull out from under your feet. Just go along for the ride, because you won't regret it.
I'm interested.
I am interested.
To say he was feeling personal discomfort was something of an understatement.
He had grown up so used to feeling like an outcast or a freak or a monster, with the exception of the times he'd been in those bad parts of town. Funny how the worst people had treated him fairer than anyone else he had ever known. Hard to not be a little jaded by something as ridiculously stupid as that.
As each person came up to introduce themselves it was all Cliff could do to concentrate, his thoughts were like debris being swept up by a cyclone, a chaotic heap of mental detritus that made him dizzy at the best of times and hopelessly unsteady at the worst.

Each of the Meta humans assembled in the briefing room seemed so vastly and fundamentally different in both powers and personalities and Cliff was no different, he supposed.
Shit, I finally found more like me and I don't relate to a single one of them.
A begrudging sense of surface level pride forbade him from admitting how scared he was now (and, well, all the time) but the soul inside which was still very much that of an abandoned child was screaming silently and causing him to reflexively clench and unclench his hands into fists.

Suddenly it was time for him to get up, at least he supposed when the floor went quiet and a gap appeared.
He took a discreet breath to steady himself and stood up. He attempted taking a step to the front of the room, but found his legs wouldn't allow such a thing.
He cleared his throat, and placed a hand over the inside of his elbow reflexively. The place where so many needles had gone and so much junk entered his body. Infections from misuse had left scars there permanently and rather than serving as painful reminders they were just dead giveaways. Like hell anyone would even care about this junkie anyway, but he was here and stubborn enough to refuse not to be acknowledged.
"I'm Cliff...uh, codename Evil Eyes," he said as though each word were chosen very carefully, "I don't really know how to explain myself...but I guess I can...um, control kinetic energy, I think. At least that's what my file...what my dossier says. I..." he suddenly went blank, like he had reached his limit of what to say in one sentence so he concluded with a pathetic and timid, "thank you," and sat back down.

There, see? Not unlike pulling teeth sure, but you did it.
Paradise Lost - No Hope In Sight

This is definitely one of my most anticipated albums of this year. The return of Nick's growls overlaid with their recent crushingly heavy and melancholic direction that's manifested over the past four albums is making this one a real winner for me.
Code Name: Evil Eyes

Real Name: Cliff Page

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: Swiss-American

Powers: Manipulation of Kinetic energy. Cliff is able to manipulate any object that moves, be it himself, a thrown object such a ball or even (with enough intense concentration) a bullet. The smaller and faster the object, the greater the concentration and chance of failure, a slower larger object can be manipulated quite easily. However, something like a thundering freight train may as well just keep on going.
The power requires intense levels of concentration and only works on something already moving, or imbued with Kinetic energy. Cliff cannot turn potential energy into kinetic energy without regular human means.
He can speed or slow his own body to varying extents, though this is most often employed as a fighting technique, where he can increase the speed and power of his strikes dramatically at a higher rate of fatigue. In desperate enough times he can speed his whole body to make a quick escape, but only over short distances.
Mental fatigue is a constant issue, and violent mood swings can occur as a result.

Origins/History: Ever since Cliff was born, he had always been...something else. He was different in ways he couldn't even fully comprehend. He showed alarming talent for physical activity and sports, but his academia suffered due to a lack of concentration and problems controlling his temper.
He frightened the other kids and grew up mostly friendless. Repeated attempts at psychiatry left his parents emotionally and financially drained, leading them to turn him loose as soon as they felt he was grown up enough to take care of himself. Cliff was intensely bitter about what he considered to be abandonment by the two people he had always felt he could turn to. Truth be told he was as scared of the world around him as it was of him.

In those turbulent years he tried to find out more about himself, paying for blood tests and volunteering for medical testing, but his results were always confidential and he was always turned away from being a test subject. Vague excuses being administered by nervous doctors just pushed him further to uncover the truth.
In his searching he found bits and pieces of information on an experiment being run through the years around his conception and birth of pregnant women given in vitro injections under the guise of "tests" or "supplements" to make sure their baby was as robustly healthy as possible. The vast majority of the subjects reported stillbirths, and the percentage of children who survived were kept under constant yet covert observation until the program was deemed a failure and shut down for good. Very little information was made available, and Cliff's only source of information was one out of work reporter who stank of rum constantly.
Guess he must have dug too deep, because Cliff found him in his home with his throat slashed. Despondent, he gave up and sank into a depression

He did okay for himself for a while, working menial construction jobs to little avail. He soon found drugs and suddenly a whole new type of people who weren't frightened of him, but instead would keep him off his head and encourage his violence rather than scold him for it.
As anyone could guess adding hardcore drugs (meth, heroine, pcp, you name it) to an already unstable, violent man was just a recipe for a total disaster.

He was arrested during a raid on a known drug den, covered in blood and catatonic. He was clearly coming down from the cocktail of narcotics leaving his system.
Among his victims were two powerful, slippery drug lords who had evaded arrest for a decade. Cliff was arrested, but never went to trial. Instead he was identified as one of the children from the testing, and given the fact that he had made the streets significantly safer, he was given special consideration and after a rigorous rehabilition accepted into the Meta Operations. He figured he could use this to find out more about how he became the way he was.

Personality: Cliff doesn't warm up to people, and finds them difficult to communicate with. His powers often cause him mental drain, leading to him saying little and appearing very distracted, and his violent mood swings cause contention with most people he meets. However, underneath all of that is a man who has been to his lowest point and risen back up slowly but surely, someone who is less inclined to words and more driven to action and someone who certainly knows his rights from his wrongs. He has no beef with any of the MetaOps personnel despite rubbing most of them the wrong way. If it came down to it, he would stand in front of a bullet for any of them.

Okay, my profile has been amended, I hope it's satisfactory.
Code Name: Evil Eyes

Real Name: Cliff Page

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: Swiss-American

Powers: Manipulation of Kinetic energy. Cliff is able to manipulate any object that moves, be it himself, a thrown object such a ball or even (with enough intense concentration) a bullet. The smaller and faster the object, the greater the concentration and chance of failure, a slower larger object can be manipulated quite easily. However, something like a thundering freight train may as well just keep on going.
The power requires intense levels of concentration and only works on something already moving, or imbued with Kinetic energy. Cliff cannot turn potential energy into kinetic energy without regular human means.
He can speed or slow his own body to varying extents, though this is most often employed as a fighting technique, where he can increase the speed and power of his strikes dramatically at a higher rate of fatigue. In desperate enough times he can speed his whole body to make a quick escape, but only over short distances.
Mental fatigue is a constant issue, and violent mood swings can occur as a result.

Origins/History: Ever since Cliff was born, he had always been...something else. He was different in ways he couldn't even fully comprehend. He showed alarming talent for physical activity and sports, but his academia suffered due to a lack of concentration and problems controlling his temper.
He frightened the other kids and grew up mostly friendless. Repeated attempts at psychiatry left his parents emotionally and financially drained, leading them to turn him loose as soon as they felt he was grown up enough to take care of himself. Cliff was intensely bitter about what he considered to be abandonment by the two people he had always felt he could turn to. Truth be told he was as scared of the world around him as it was of him.

In those turbulent years he tried to find out more about himself, paying for blood tests and volunteering for medical testing, but his results were always confidential and he was always turned away from being a test subject. Vague excuses being administered by nervous doctors just pushed him further to uncover the truth.
In his searching he found bits and pieces of information on an experiment being run through the years around his conception and birth of pregnant women given in vitro injections under the guise of "tests" or "supplements" to make sure their baby was as robustly healthy as possible. The vast majority of the subjects reported stillbirths, and the percentage of children who survived were kept under constant yet covert observation until the program was deemed a failure and shut down for good. Very little information was made available, and Cliff's only source of information was one out of work reporter who stank of rum constantly.
Guess he must have dug too deep, because Cliff found him in his home with his throat slashed. Despondent, he gave up and sank into a depression

He did okay for himself for a while, working menial construction jobs to little avail. He soon found drugs and suddenly a whole new type of people who weren't frightened of him, but instead would keep him off his head and encourage his violence rather than scold him for it.
As anyone could guess adding hardcore drugs (meth, heroine, pcp, you name it) to an already unstable, violent man was just a recipe for a total disaster.

He was arrested during a raid on a known drug den, covered in blood and catatonic. He was clearly coming down from the cocktail of narcotics leaving his system.
Among his victims were two powerful, slippery drug lords who had evaded arrest for a decade. Cliff was arrested, but never went to trial. Instead he was identified as one of the children from the testing, and given the fact that he had made the streets significantly safer, he was given special consideration and after a rigorous rehabilition accepted into the Meta Operations. He figured he could use this to find out more about how he became the way he was.

Personality: Cliff doesn't warm up to people, and finds them difficult to communicate with. His powers often cause him mental drain, leading to him saying little and appearing very distracted, and his violent mood swings cause contention with most people he meets. However, underneath all of that is a man who has been to his lowest point and risen back up slowly but surely, someone who is less inclined to words and more driven to action and someone who certainly knows his rights from his wrongs. He has no beef with any of the MetaOps personnel despite rubbing most of them the wrong way. If it came down to it, he would stand in front of a bullet for any of them.


I promise I'll fill in the appearance and code name soon. When I think up a good one and when it's not time for bed.

Sorry if this sucks, I've just hammered it out at the very end of the day. If anything needs fixing or clarifying or if it just needs to be better, please let me know :)
I think that's what the Origins section is
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