Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


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1 yr ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
4 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
1 like
5 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
5 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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Cool beans
I'm giving this another day, and if there's no IC movement, then I'll withdraw.

Just letting you know that my interest in this has disappeared, so I won't be participating.
I appreciate your position on this, but don't tell me what I can and can't do, please. I'm using the thread as it was intended, and I am fully aware that what I posted will ruffle some feathers.
I acknowledged that people have legitimate reasons for being away for a long time, and obviously what I wrote wasn't targeted at them. However, I've seen way too many people who I have been in active roleplays with post up brand new interest checks looking for new games while it's been a week with nothing from them. I'm not calling anyone lazy, I'm calling them flaky and unreliable.

Also, I'd like to point out I'm sticking up for other people's roleplays. I haven't posted one of my own in a long time, so this is absolutely not an issue of me getting upset that nobody is posting in "my roleplays XD".

I don't know what happened around here, but I remember a time where things actually happened. Nowadays even if I can find an interesting game to join, I don't because I know it will take at least two months for the GM to finish faffing around and start the damn thing, only for all those people who were sooooooo keeeeeeeeen to just "mysteriously" disappear.

Now, to a small group of people who I am involved in RP's with (this doesn't apply to anybody still involved in 'War Never Changes', you guys are dedicated as fuck), this may seem like a real dig at you. If you feel that way...then, shit, I don't know, maybe it is.

I've just had it with GM's that give excuse after excuse about why their IC isn't up, GM's that say "alright, IC will be up tomorrow!" and then disappear for days on end and players who act really excited and make great characters and then just plain don't post.
I get that things happen in people's lives that cut them off from the site, but we all know that isn't the case 100% of the time and that the vast majority of you flakes have no excuse.

This must seem rather hostile, but I've been sitting on this issue for days now and I'm really over it. I've been a member of this site going back to one of it's earlier iterations dating back to around 2005 or 2006. I think the layout of the current site is great, and it's really well figured out and it's intuitive for new people to find their ways around and above all it's just plain tidy. But the people just used to be so much better, and way more reliable.

This album took me ages to get into. At first I found it way too cheesy and commercial sounding. Now it's grown on me for those exact reasons. It's got a lot of great melodic hooks, and overall it comes off as an inspired, tight effort from a really fantastic group of musicians. It's easy to chuck on and listen to in one go, or you can pick out your favourite songs.
Maybe there was some confusion...we're all allowed to post now.

Beautiful reinterpretation of a classic Prog Rock epic.
Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm getting a little less keen for this...what's the hold up?
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