He felt agonizingly naked without a weapon. It was the way it had to be after his revelation, but at this point it was no more than a giant inconvenience.
If nothing else, he still had Blood Army training, and years of construction work had left him with a reasonable physique. If he got a hold of one, he could always just beat him to death. Or improvise a weapon from any of the detritus laying around.
"If we disperse through the houses it should break their line of sight. It won't get us as far away as a straight line, but we're no good in the open."
It was a strange sensation to be stepping up to the plate like this, it gave him an uncomfortable knot in his stomach. No time to dwell on it now.
"Celty, try and take out the engines if you can, failing that the drivers but don't stick around too long. Nobody needs to be a hero today."
The sound of an explosion reached off into the distance and registered only vaguely on Elias Vex's ears. Vaguely was enough for his keen senses.
He called out to his men, in a mighty booming voice that was like a hundred swinging sledgehammers striking down all at once.
"Move out, assholes! We got a traitor to catch!"
Vex reached into a pocket on his tactical vest and withdrew a slender syringe. He jabbed it into his neck without even a flinch and plunged the blue liquid inside into his bloodstream.
It only took a moment for his pupils to dilate.
The soldiers behind him all did the same, and they rapidly grew more feral. They howled, beat their chests and pounded on whatever their fists met.
Vex and his demons were on their way.