
Name: Quint Casey
Nicknames/Alias: Most people call me Casey, or Case, or sometimes "Quinsey."
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Ethnicity: Caucasian
State: He has lived his whole life in Morvai, he has no idea where his parents came from.
Appearance Details: Quint dresses the way his job best requires. Plain, unassuming, unremarkable. Jeans, boots, t-shirts and a casual jacket are his usual attire, though he is known to dress to the occasion as his job demands.
Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Other: An eyebrow ring on the right side of his face and a nose ring on the left nostril.
Brand Tattoo Placement: Left inside wrist
Assets and Bank Account: Now that's private...but let's just say he gets paid very well for his work.
Armory: Simple and reliable
Beretta 92FS and an even simpler and just as reliable
telescopic batonBeing that Quint avoids any kind of conflict and combat, he is often only lightly armed, opting to talk his way out of a tight spot or just run and hide. Nothing wrong with the better part of valor now, is there?
Gang Affiliation: Unseen, though not a member per se, he is one of the go to guys for his particular brand of delivery.
Occupation: Quint is a "mover". Somebody who knows how to get sensitive goods from point A to point B very quietly.
Sanction: Korven
Favorite Season: Autumn, the colours are pretty. Makes for good drawing.
Personality: Quint has the outward appearance of a laid back slacker. A guy who enjoys drinking, lounging and screwing. Underneath that layer though, you'll find a stand up guy who knows how to get the job done and is smart enough to not fuck with anyone. His first resort in a conflict is to find the peaceful resolution, but put his back against the wall and he might just wind up picking fragments of your teeth out of his elbow.
-Prone to excessLikes and Dislikes:
+Cold drinks
+Warm bodies
+A full bank account
+Good company
+Quiet, reflective times
+Drawing and sketching
+Straight talkers and shooters-The Kings
-Baby farms
-Cheapskate clients who try to underpay him AFTER the damn job is done!
-Abusive motherfuckers
-Stupid motherfuckers
-Abusive, stupid motherfuckersHobbies and Interests: Quint's job can be fairly high stress. It's true that a proper job is pulled off without any complications, but unfortunately those complications do happen and they create significant tension. Thus you can imagine a lot of Quint's downtime is spend relaxing either in his modest apartment suite or drinking down with the regulars at the Floating Lotus. Another big part of his job involves waiting. Either to get through Customs or waiting for a Client. It's easy to let the anxiety of a job get the better of you in these instances, so Quint has taken to sketching to keep his hands busy. Hardly the kind of things that would wind up in a gallery, but he likes them.
Small Biography: Quint does not know who his parents were. He assumes they were killed, as he knows he was one of several babies rescued from a baby farm and raised in an orphanage. It was at a young age he cultivated his particular talent for smuggling and stealing. He was the kid who snuck in candy bars to the other kids once lights were out. Life as an orphan was far from easy, and without the guidance of a parental unit he often found himself lashing out and learnt the basics of brawling on the streets. Overall that life taught him to be happy with what he had gained as an adult and never demand more than what he thought was his fair share. It's one of the aspects of his personality that made him such a sought after Mover.
Beneath his stoic professionalism is a deep loneliness that he doesn't really know how to fix, so he drowns it in the company of friends and drinks.
Family Members: Quint has no known family, nor any desire to seek one out.
Relationships: Nobody wants to outright kill him, so I guess you could say he gets along well enough with everyone. Otherwise, asides from being sweet on somebody, he has no significant other or particularly close relationships. He mostly maintains professional relationships with clients both verified and potential.