Avatar of Gelatinous Cube


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Rest In Peace Akira Toriyama. A huge part of so many childhoods. His legacy lives on stronger than ever.
4 yrs ago
Better yet, make a new game somehow bringing Halligan and Briggs from Limbo of the Lost together
4 yrs ago
Baldur's Gate is my absolute jam, but I'm having trouble getting on board with 3
1 like
5 yrs ago
"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."
5 yrs ago
Well, I'm off to pet one or both of my cats!


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Most Recent Posts

Fuck me, this band is good!
I would really like Beamdog to make an Infinity Engine game with Fifth Edition rules. I tried to play Sword Coast Legends but it was so loosely based on the ruleset I just couldn't get into it.
I've been playing Icewind Dale 2 a lot lately and if they can implement Third Edition rules so well then Fifth should be a snap.

That Tilian Pearson, such a world class vocalist. I preferred him in Tides of Man, but DGD are pretty awesome too.
You had me at MissCapnCrunch.

I'm in.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is exactly what I wanted it to be. Basically, it's the same as the last two games and I'm perfectly happy with that. It seems to be taking a couple of cues from Horizon Zero Dawn with it's outfit crafting and resource gathering, but no complaints from me there.

Hot damn, this is what Power Metal should sound like!
Today's Nintendo Direct was pretty good, I reckon. Not a whole lot of surprises, but there were a lot of announcements. I think there would have been something for everyone to enjoy in it.
Now if they could only bring out more info on Metroid Prime 4!
All the (rightful) hype for piderman, and I'm just sitting here waiting until I can cover myself in mud and raid some motherheckin' tombs.
I sent you a PM with an idea :)
I first played Baldur's Gate when I was nine. It wasn't until I was about fifteen that I actually saw the ending and was able to move on to Baldur's Gate 2. Now I'm twenty six and I still play the series religiously. I cannot pick a favourite out of the two because they're both so good. I consider 1, 2 and Throne of Bhaal to be one big, long saga...heck, even Siege of Dragonspear! It is impossible for me to play one without the others. No other game has had the same impact on me and no other RPG's have ever lived up to what Baldur's Gate provides. There's so much replayability and satisfaction to be found in these titles. No matter the fight, unless you truly are bad at the game, there is always a strategy to help you prevail. There are countless party combinations for you to try out and so many ways to get through the game.

Ocarina of Time is a game I also played when I was very young, and although it perplexed little me and I ended up playing through the Deku Tree on multiple different save files, it was one that stuck with me due to its colourful nature and wonderful soundtrack. The gameplay was engaging and the world was immersive. I did finally beat the game on the 3DS version and have since gone back to play it on the 64 (still have the same cartridge I first played!) and Gamecube and it does not get old to me. My first foray into The Legend of Zelda and still my favourite.

Half Life 2...hoo boy, this game blew my teenaged mind when it came out. Ragdoll physics! Realistic graphics! Satisfying, punchy gameplay! Atmosphere and immersion! It may look a little dated these days, but as far as I'm concerned, it holds up just damn fine. I still remember how creeped out I felt when I noticed G-Man following my progress. I had played it so many times before that and didn't notice him for ages. Then once I did, I couldn't stop seeing him!

Those are my big three anyway, the games that captured my attention and imagination as a wee lad and left the largest impression. I grew up largely on PC. We didn't get a console until early 2003 and it was a Nintendo 64 with only a limited range of games. My only other console experiences were playing Playstation and Xbox at friends houses and not being very good on a controller.
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